I've been wondering for some time
I've been wondering for some time
I've been wondering for some time
Because most of us dislike violence, even when it's necessary and justified.
Meanwhile, the rich have no problem using violence against us to protect their hoarded wealth or if they can profit from it in the slightest.
It sounds like we need to crowdfund the creation of a Private Military Company. We'll need a good name for it.
"Citizens United"
Why not crowd fund your own lobbyist and think tank. Do what the rich do.
Think tanks create a strategy. They suggest/create bills in your interest. They tell you what politicians to target. Think tanks are filled with statistician and lawyers who build portfolios for how to accomplish what you want. Its polls and research and statistics that show why your goal is good.
Hand the package to lobbyist who target those politician and start pushing change the way it is supposed to occur. Keep your issue in front of the politician. Show them through your research that if they pass and fight for (x) that they will stay in power or gain popularity and it will benefit the country.
Or call them Nazis and throw food at works of art. Not sure the best route.
Its crazy to me people think they can more easily convince people to burn their work days up protesting in streets than just donating $50 to the fight
That's how you actually get assassinated.
People need to remember that the Western culture rewards people with mental illness. Ultra wealthy are sociopaths to the core. This is why they can have no empathy for people. We all were scratching our heads how the Studio Heads in Hollywood couldn't wrap their heads around fair treatment of their worker's.
These people aren't evil, they are inherently broken. Normal people don't aspire to do whatever it takes to trampled over others for gains.
We need to stop rewarding the mentally ill with more money and instead put them in psychiatric wards.
They do as well, the difference being they have enough money too disassociate themselves from their own actions and have someone else deal with the mental, social and financial repercussions.
The whole "eat the rich" thing is pretty offensive to survivors of the Cultural Revolution, where there are several actual examples of political torture-cannibalism documented by the CCP. Though, in this case, the "rich" were just teachers and lawyers and other people deemed uppity.
Because the most well-armed portion of the populace has convinced themselves that the lifestyle of the rich is within their reach and identifies more with them than with their actual peers.
I know we're having a laugh, but the time when this sort of action is even plausible is quickly running out.
Well that, and the wealthy have seized control of the MSM to propagandize the working class into believing that the rich alone can save them. Since the money holder always, "need a little more", they gravitate to fascism which promises them "a little more".
By "the most well-armed portion of the populace" I assume you mean law enforcement? It's an odd way of putting it, but it's the only interpretation that makes sense because Bubba and his fellow militia members sure as fuck aren't coming to the defense of the one percent.
I mean Republicans.
because the rich have convinced one segment of the working class that the other segment of the working class sucks
Not just that they suck, that the other side are monsters wanting to corrupt them.
It’s actually fairly evident they’ve convinced both halves of the middle/working class that the other half has it out for them.
So true.
Gritty agrees.
Ranger fan, but I'd follow Gritty into the war against the rich.
Bruins fan, so would I. Hell I even own a Flyers jersey, there're just too cool, and I'll wear it into battle with him.
Not a hockey fan at all and so would I 🫡✊️
Because everyone is just hoping to someday becoming rich and joining the upper class.
What? No lol
There are entire societies and movements based on not letting this happen. Sounds like projection
They would taste horribly. Let's just decapitate them and use as compost. Then they would be of some actual use.
If there was hope, it must lie in the proles, because only there, in those swarming disregarded masses, eighty-five percent of the population of Oceania, could the force to destroy the Party ever be generated. The Party could not be overthrown from within. Its enemies, if it had any enemies, had no way of coming together or even of identifying one another. Even if the legendary Brotherhood existed, as just possibly it might, it was inconceivable that its members could ever assemble in larger numbers than twos and threes. Rebellion meant a look in the eyes, an inflection of the voice; at the most, an occasional whispered word. But the proles, if only they could somehow become conscious of their own strength, would have no need to conspire. They need only to rise up and shake themselves like a horse shaking off flies. If they chose they could blow the Party to pieces tomorrow morning. Surely sooner or later it must occur to them to do it
You go first, we'll follow yeah?
.. Surely, sooner or later, it will occur to me to do it?
Literally the point of the quote...
George Orwell: Hey Karl can I copy your homework?
Karl Marx: Sure just change it enough so it doesn't look like you copied it.
George Orwell writing 1984:
We filled up on bread.
And circus!
And when that runs out, you will surely eat cake!
Because cannibalism is wrong
Best argument so far!
I think they left off the letter B at the beginning. It makes much more sense to me that way.
Because they're too busy hating each other over whose great grandparents oppressed who or who the other voted for.
So the other side votes for politicians who directly make the rich richer, and you think we should stop bickering so that they'll join us in eating the rich? Something tells me this plan might hit a snag.
Sorry, you think both sides don't make the rich richer?? Lol, at least one side is honest about it. Lots of conservatives are blue-collar workers. Youre basically saying you refuse to join up because they won't vote for making the rich richer they way you prefer.
Because they can't organize in the right way
Because the owning class works tirelessly to keep segments of the working class fighting against each other, in America our important arguments are over whether a green m&m is sexy or why does the potato head toy have to have a gender.
It's absolutely ridiculous...
Because the organizer most of the time will themselves be the elite class. And if not them, the next generation will
I remember in the 80s how often the FBI got in shit by sending in agents under cover to flirt and bang all the chicks. Many got pregnant. The goal was to get information at the start. But eventually turned into subterfuge of the groups to direct them to do such radical shit they couldn't grow and become actual threats. I can't imagine the shit they get up to now. I assume any group big enough to get attention isn't natural
Unironically, equating anything left wing with Marxist socialism even though there could be other forms.
left wing ideas tend to be heavily coupled with progressive social issues that most of the population only agrees with to an extent.
I think we're going to see a non socialist populist uprising though with multiple different groups. The elites will no doubt try to claim anyone remotely on the right of it is a raging white supremacist as they're already doing with populist uprisings.
Because you, dear reader, probably can't even pull together the motivation to make a sandwich most of the time, let alone take up arms and put yourself in harm's way.
Peasant uprisings are so much work though 😩
La Boetie wrote the "Discourse on Voluntary Servitude" in 1577. It's almost 500 years old now. There is no hope.
Maybe they're saving it for sweeps.
"You first. (then I'll see if it snowballs)."
We tried that, but money seems to prefer the company of other money, and is better at organizing than people.
Sounds like the money should be eaten
Alright look, I hate the 1% too but can we start using new terms besides "eat the rich" and "haha guillotine go BRRRRRR"?
It gets kinda old when everyone says it.
Sir, this is the shitposting community.
If this is a shitposting community then why are you circlejerking?
Are you sure? Aren't those supposed to be funny?
In this instance, this quote parody wouldn't make any sense if you didn't use "eat the rich."
"Why doesn't Ross, the largest friend, not simply eat the other five?"
Here is an alternative Piped link(s):
Why doesn't Ross, the largest friend, not simply eat the other five?
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I'm extremely well aware that it wouldn't work in this quote.
I once again ask why this specific "joke" has to be made?
eat this guy too
Hollup, let him cook
Mmmm rich people
Because few break the conditioning imposed upon them to act. Those that do rarely are able to unite others.
It always bothers me on labor day when I see stores open. I work at a desk 4 out of 5 days a week that is the extent of my "labor" and yet I get a day off.
Love a good shit post, lol. And it actually gets me thinking how something like 70% the world's wealth is held in the top 10% 🍽️ 🤤
Of course you need to make a monumental amount of money compared to the rest of the world, so we're willing to make that sacrifice! Just 10% of people in the world! 😂 I think it's $32k USD a year salary to be in the global top 10% of earners. And oh... $60k USD to be in the top 1%
So I'm kinda curious, OP, you on the menu?
Note this calculator is from 2019, so "deflate" accordingly
Ooh that’s cool.
I can save four lives per year for only 13k USD? Thats amazing. Thats actually slightly less than the cost of an average uncomplicated vaginal birth in the US.
Global wealth disparity will never be solved until we either achieve post-scarcity or a workable one-word government that’s not based on capitalism. There’s too much old word racism, colonialism, and natural resources aren’t equally divided. As a result there will always be global wealth inequality. We literally have to advance as a species.
Instead of subtly advocating for violence, maybe we should advocate for the election of persons who will make laws that will protect those who labor, as well as advocate for stronger unions.
I think the world has enough violence going on right now, that we don't need to advocate for more.
Edit: Just realized which community (ty 'no banana') I was posting my comment to.
So, never mind, I guess. /shrug
Community. Community is the word.
no long ago my country got into a plebiscite, the 1% richer only needed to introduce fear using lies and falacies to break it down (owners of the newspaper). They told people this: with the new text anyone could lost his houses, it will change the flag, the national anthem and a lot of nonsense that never was written on the new text. Now almost sure we're coming back to the old one. And yeah people tried to fight back the poison, but didn't work.
that's not working out. time for a new plan... i'm not saying it has to be violence. and i'll keep voting. But it's getting to the point where just voting isn't enough cause they keep changing the rules.... again, doesn't have to be violence. But i'm just saying, i don't know what other option there is. Fuck the rich. I'm not gonna eat em, but i'll be happy to watch others do it.
that’s not working out. time for a new plan… i’m not saying it has to be violence. and i’ll keep voting. But it’s getting to the point where just voting isn’t enough cause they keep changing the rules… again, doesn’t have to be violence.
All shitposting aside, honestly what's needed is for all of us 'peasants' to track the votes of each elected representative, via the Congress app or otherwise, and then network together via the Internet whenever any of them are running for office; to compare notes. Something like an NRA rating system for gun owners, etc.
Because when it comes down to it, a lot of time people are either lazy or don't have the time to properly investigate the people they're voting for, and end up voting on a whim or a feeling.
I swear these repots do better than anything I can come up with. Which I guess says more about my creative ability than anything.
They're the secret to activity in between the new stuff
Turns out that the secret to activity was activity all along!
For the same reason that some foreign workers are able to immigrate to a country and are so successful they end up in the 0.1%
Agenda posts in my shitposting community? Why didn't I think of that?!
The only agenda here is the shitposting one
It's a meme, bruv.
No no you see we need to constantly spam capitalism bad instead of doing anything else.
Because when that happens, we just find a new rich class, slightly below the ones we just ate. So they go too.. now there is a newest rich class, just below the previous.
And so on, until you're the new rich class.
In 2020, it took about 25 seconds for Bezos' net worth to increase by the national annual median income - whether he was working, sleeping, shitting, fucking, or butt-chugging the tears of the employees he's working to death.
He eared all that for what? Owning shit and stealing the value of peoples' work. That's not a job, that's not of value.
We're a looooooooooooong way from having to worry about eating regular people.
Meanwhile, the Department of Housing and Urban Development estimates the cost of ending homelessness in the US is $20bn/year. We place more value on Bezos alone having a Scrooge McDuckian money pit than we do on ending homelessness for almost a decade.
Fuck right off with your slippery slope bullshit.
Hmm, sounds like some sort of game theory puzzle now.
But isn't that the whole point. The working class becomes the new rich class. That sounds like equal distribution of wealth.
Because the people who want to eat the rich, usually are the same group that wants to disarm everyone but the gov and rich...
Who said they don't want to disarm the government and the rich?
Lol you've gotta be either dumb or naive as fuck to think that.
Why don't women stop buying clothes until they get decent fitting shit with pockets?
Why haven't women just.... gotten rid of men entirely? as they say, women need men like fish need a bicycle
Great idea, let's completely eradicate humanity in a single generation!
Women would be fine. You need to learn some science mate.... https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5652933/#:~:text=The%20use%20of%20somatic%20cells,fertilization%20has%20not%20been%20achieved.
Why don't you stop hating men for no reason whatsoever? Cut the dumb "let's get rid of men we don't need them" shit
What if I had tons of great reasons to hate men, then it'd be ok? Jesus sparky, think shit through.
Cut the dumb “let’s get rid of men we don’t need them” shit
So by your logic if I had intelligent “let’s get rid of men we don’t need them” shit that'd be ok in your book?
You seem awfully scared this one post on lemmy might wake up your woman, think she'd see the upsides? Goddamn son, you're dumber than a bag of hammers.
Because wimen can't drive, and you can't walk everywhere...