Take a guess what "But her emails" 2.0 is.
Take a guess what "But her emails" 2.0 is.
Take a guess what "But her emails" 2.0 is.
Trump attempted a coup? Why didn't you shoot him the next day? They'll whine and whine about it but they did nothing. They arrested a bunch of silly idiots but afaik most or all of the republicans responsible are still free. They can't even ban trump from the ballot.
The dems have the same plan regardless of the problem.
"We're facing fascism if Trump wins!"
"What will you do to fight it and fight him?"
"Us? What you have to do is vote!"
If any actual coup attempt was mounted against the US, they would bring back public executions just for the plotters
They didn't even purge the police who let the chuds past and gave them participation trophies instead.
hey whoa whoa, it was a right wing coup attempt. you give them a few more chances in the hope that they'll succeed.
look how well that worked for germany with hitler.
After establishing her career by lying for Joe Biden, I now trust Jen Psaki to tell the truth while dressed like Dr. Evil on the corporate news network that thinks Russia is gangstalking them.
The pay, benes, etc is much better for the anchor gig but I like how being the White House spokesperson and being an MSNBC anchor is the same job.
I thought she looked familiar.
What an absolutely bizarre strategy of asking the base of a democracy to grant you the power to enact their desires by disagreeing with them about what they want. If we all agree that he's too old, he's too old. If we all want to change the name of Sunday to Moonday because Moonday and Monday would be cute together, either run a candidate who will do that or shut the fuck up and drop out.
Monday is already moonday so I can't endorse this change
Although I think it would be funny to officially refer to them all as what they actually mean. Sunday and Moonday, Tyr's day, Odin's day, Thor's day, Frigg's day (this one's my favorite because it sounds funniest), and Saturn's day which is also funny because it's the only one named after a Roman god
"Don't you see, the whole system is rotten through, that's why you have to vote for us!"
I kind of hope they continue go this way, because "how can you call this democratic at all then" falls really easily from it.
I think there's a potential to shake some people free from how they think about things.
A 'coup attempt' is, apparently, a bunch of people walking around a government building and doing nothing of note.
A poorly planned and executed coup attempt is still a coup attempt. They were trying to reject the result of an election.
Besides, why quibble with libs on the point? If they call it a coup attempt, and say Trump is some existential threat to democracy, what kind of limp dick response did Biden have? Why isn't Trump in a jail cell somewhere? Why are they letting him run for office? Why run a senile, unpopular Biden in a can't-lose election?
Make them own the whole situation (which they should, Biden's the goddamn president!).
Also true: Trump faces 91 counts and attempted a coup
Sounds like whataboutism to me.
Any historians on here know if the equivalent of MSNBC did the same thing for Jimmy Carter in 1980?
Most of the press scrutiny on Carter in 1980 was about the Iranian hostage crisis, but the press would also call him rude. He was never a great public speaker so compared to Reagan reading lines perfectly, he sounded like a goofy hick stumbling through his words. Also when I say rude, I mean Carter would sometimes say Reagan was racist or a warmonger. Carter was correct, but in 1980 that was considered beyond unacceptable to say about a political opponent.
Carter was unpopular among both libs and conservatives in 1980 though, which is how Ted Kennedy got so close to the nomination. Also the parties also weren't fully unified nor ideologically coherent in 1980 by the way, so they didn't have separate media spheres. That didn't start to happen until the 90s. The "red state blue state divide" didn't even happen until 2000
Tell me thats a photoshop and a supposedly professional news cast isn't using memes and internet speak.
My hunch is it's real to pique the interest of the average MSNBC viewer who is 68 years old so they don't know what is or is not a meme.
It's buttery males tyvm! It will never not be buttery males!