Sheriff calls for backup over wrong Burger King order
Sheriff calls for backup over wrong Burger King order

Body camera footage captured the moments deputies came to the sheriff's aid to deal with a incorrect Burger King order.

Sheriff calls for backup over wrong Burger King order
Body camera footage captured the moments deputies came to the sheriff's aid to deal with a incorrect Burger King order.
"At no point did I indicate my position, nor did I ask the responders to do anything that they would not, had not, or have not done for anyone else who makes a business dispute call."
What the fuck is even a "business dispute call"? The police are not supposed to be involved in "business disputes" at all. If he thinks his deputies are supposed to speed through city streets to placate some Karen at Burger King, then he's beyond educating and should just be removed from his position.
Also a big red flag that he wanted them to identify the owner or a manager, because that's not fucking ominous when a cop is abusing his power and no longer wants to settle for a refund.
Yeah, the store manager was right to keep their identity as hidden as possible. That dude's a textbook narcissist, and will absolutely abuse any information he gets.
Well he clearly must think the police are the Mafia, who would be called in to handle business disputes.
I mean.....the police ARE the mafia. The biggest, and legalized mafia in the country.
He was wearing camo and a tactical vest. So even if they didn't know he was a cop he looked like a guy ready for trouble.
He might as well tattoo "insecure coward" on his forehead.
The police aren't supposed to be involved in business disputes? Isn't shoplifting a business dispute? But if a company steals from a customer, then it is a civil dispute? Do you see how that works?
That's theft you're talking about. A criminal offense in most places.
Getting your order wrong, unintentionally, isn't.
I just, I don't know how to respond to shit like this. Your taxpayer dollars were spent on this. You as a taxpayer had to pay for this if you live in that county. I don't even know what words to put to that or even how to describe the feeling that gives me. I think it's the beginnings of an aneurysm is what I think it might be.
People actually voted for that guy
"I was not in my uniform, and at no point in my interaction with the staff did I identify myself as a member of the law enforcement community," Sheriff Owens said. "At no point did I indicate my position, nor did I ask the responders to do anything that they would not, had not, or have not done for anyone else who makes a business dispute call."
That's disingenuous. The 911 operator, who works for the police department, obviously knows the name of the sheriff. Any police department flags calls from police officers, including non-emergency calls. The sheriff should have known better than to waste public resources to strongarm a business when he could have simply emailed a complaint to corporate.
Everytime you are in a meeting that could have been an email, remember that there are police raids that could be solved by looking at Google maps for 30sec.
And pointedly, the police only respond for criminal issues. They are not going to assist you in a civil dispute like this. Unless you're the fucking sheriff. The best that could happen is the police come to trespass the caller.
If 3 patrol cars speed through town with lights flashing and sirens blaring anytime anyone needs a manager's phone number, that's even worse, sheriff.
Over a freaking whopper! This was totally an abuse of power. I'd love to see what happened to make the employees feel so unsafe that they'd lock the doors.
many upset customers would act out violently or even resort to talking
Oh shit, TALKING?! That's going too far!
Lol was looking for this comment. Pretty sure they meant stalking but that is a funny typo
It's 2024, the only acceptable way is TEXTING ANGRILY ON ALL CAPS AND IN BOLD
*"Chief Wiggum requesting backup. We have an attempted 10-52 here, I repeat 10-52. Attempted salad against a public safety officer. SEND EVERYONE!"*
Farva : Give me a double bacon cheeseburger.
Burger Guy : [into mic] Double baco cheeseburger. It's for a cop.
Farva : What the hell's that all about? You gonna spit in it now?
Burger Guy : No, I just told him that so he makes it good.
[into mic] Burger Guy : Don't spit in that cop's burger.
Farva : Yeah, thanks.
Second Burger Guy : Roger, hold the spit.
Farva : Gimme a pie... apple.
Burger Guy : Want me to hold the spit? Hah, just kidding officer Farva.
Burger Guy : Want me to dimpa-size your meal for 25 cents?
Farva : Want me to punch-a-size your face, for free?
Burger Guy : It's only 25 cents, and look how much more you get.
Thorny : Look, kid, he doesn't want it.
Farva : I can handle this, Thorn. I don't want it!
Burger Guy : Uhh, right. Beverage?
Farva : Gimme a litre o' cola.
Burger Guy : What?
Farva : A litre o' cola!
Burger Guy : [into mic] Litrecola? Do we sell litrecola?
Thorny : Will you just order a large, Farva?
Farva : I don't want a large farva. I want a goddamn litre o' cola!
Burger Guy : I don't know what that is!
Farva : Litre is French for... give me my fuckin' cola before I break VOUS FUCKIN' LIP!
See? This is why trump is so close.
A joke of a country. That’s what it is.
So... the sheriff's decided he didn't want to call burger King corporate to file a business complaint... but instead call for backup so that city employees could find the phone number for him? He should have to pay a fine for this.
I always imagined that Cartman was an elementary school kid, perhaps not
Someone didn't get his liter cola.
The employees unlocked the doors for the deputies, and explained that many upset customers would act out violently or even resort to talking, so they were just trying to be safe, according to the video.
Good lord... Talking. How could they?
Stalking. It was a typo.
Both are problematic
yeah, that has to be some kind of typo.
Ramirez! Secure the burger town!!!
Aye sir! [automatic weapons fire]
It time to commit puts on sunglasses burger regicide
God, if only American cops were cool enough to be regicidal.
[air support inbound, SWAT requested, DEFCON DONUT]
Is that from a certain video game?
From Call of Duty: Burger Town.
Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare
Team Fortress 3: Micro Transact
meanwhile criminals taking advantage of the fact that the police are distracted by stupid shit. nice job.
It's all in the game. Cops spend time doing stupid bullshit, criminals commit more crime, and the net result is a cop budget increase because we need to deal with our crime problem.
The one department you'll never hear anybody talk about auditing or cutting wasteful spending: the police department.
Lol the cop was the Karen calling the cops on bs fast food complaint. Except it was officer Karen so backup actually came and behaved like the attack dogs karens imagine.
What would happen if we called their office and ordered a burger? 😂😂
Well then they better make it right, or the police will show up....wait a second.
I'd like to point out that there is very clearly onion in the photo of the burger here
When deputies first arrived at the scene, they realized the restaurant's doors were locked, despite employees still being inside. The employees unlocked the doors for the deputies and explained that many upset customers would act out violently or even resort to talking, so they were just trying to be safe, according to the video.
Oh no, the customers might resort to talking! Quick! Lock the doors!
I don't understand why they refused to correct his order or refund him, but this was clearly an abuse of power.
You are assuming the Sheriff acted totally normal just before abusing their power.
Totally normal™ up to just after he checked his Karen hairdo in the pocket mirror, folded it away in his purse, put his hand on the gun and said "Ok, let's do this."?
I doubt their standard procedure is to give wrong food to customers and then lock the doors. Something else happened prior to what is told in the story.
next time a cop almost takes me out running a red light, I'm going to assume he's heading for a burger
Fuck! I think this was The Onion. This chocky bar is too much for me, I think.
Want me to punchisise your face? For free?!
what was the problem with the burger? did he get everything else on it but "not the onion"?
"But I ordered theonion rings! I need backup here!"
Tell the double whopper to stand down!!!
Another job well done by sheriff Karen
Local man proves he cannot be trusted with hammer.
In their defense, it really doesn't take that much brainpower to throw black people in jail.
Tbf they should have just replaced the guy's order
Welp, that's the first time I ever got a 500 error page.
Thats 96 more errors than a 404!
Must be a REALLY faulty page!