How do you handle "disable your adblock" type sites?
I know, I know, the wisest thing to do is to abandon them, but today I came across a site that I simply couldn't bypass because it always blocked me with an extremely stupid "disable your adblock" video, that infuriated me so much... I would 100% migrate to torrents if I didn't find such unique catalogs on these sites.
Unless you really trust that site, I wouldn't do it. Think "ppp" (prohibit porn- or piratesites), because those sites are the least trustworthy to load javascript.
Thanks, but what about when a website doesn't let you do this? More than once I've seen websites that literally disable the right mouse click, is there a shortcut for this?
Do not allow the website to replace the contextual menu, that is a browser setting (extensions can change/block it too). F12 is the shortcut to get to the page editor by the way.
In desktop Firefox, Ctrl+Shift+C lets you click on an element and inspect it. Then, just press the Delete key. Page scripts can't block this. On mobile, you have to rely on adding more filter lists.
Yeah I literally just close the tab. Same if anything comes up with a paywall or login or weird capcha thing. Just like "ah fuck this" and move on lol.
Most the sites that have that 'feature' usually have a link that says " Continue without disabling adblock" but if I can't find that I use the next site in my search.
If you’re using uBO, then you don’t need NoScript. uBO is a media blocker, not an ad blocker, so it is capable of blocking JavaScript per site or globally.
Me surprised too, just another boring comment section as if it were reddit. It should be enough when UO gets mentioned once and the other comments' threads specialize on alternatives e.g. AdGuard Desktop, user scripts, etc. Oh yeah jokes/memes are most important so that stuff gets the most upvotes, another reddit style classic.
If it's something I really want and using crypt(dot)cc or whatever it is with the captcha like puzzles with the alien like creatures, I disable and make sure to re-enable when done. Otherwise I go away.
For other sites, if I cannot element destroy it and see the content, I'm outta there as fast as a deadbeat who just found out his girlfriend is pregnant.
Search for the headline on a search engine and read the article elsewhere. Usually these news sites just copy and paste the article and slap a different website name on it.
Big sites have caught onto this unfortunately, but sometimes switching to reader mode is a quick bypass. Putting the link in usually works, that's what I do if it's urgent local news (eg when my state is flooded or frozen or perhaps on fire) is faster than and doesn't actually archive the page. In cases where you just want to read it and don't want to waste server space on it, it's maybe a better option.
The fire is quickly approaching your house. Your spouse is collecting the belongings/kids and asks you to check where is safe to go. You see an article published 1 minute ago from your local news with up to date information. You wouldn't disable your ad block in this situation, and instead would still use
Disable the ad block, wait for all of the ads to load so the text stops jumping around like a crack-addled wallaby, accept the cookie notice, try to hit the tiny X to close the inevitable video overlay with shaking fingers, try to hit the tiny X to close the ad overlay, too, decline signing up for email alerts, decide whether to accept notifications, and then read the article one sentence at a time while scrolling past ads.
Maybe your local news sites aren't as insane as mine?
OK lol maybe urgent is the wrong word. "Important" or "time-sensitive", ig. Not something I'm cool with just closing the window and forgetting about.
Also I forgot this isn't normal but I somehow fucked my phone up so bad when installing AdAway that I get an error when I try to disable it. That's probably important context.
Well, if it's not something I really want to see, I just close it. If I do want to see it, then:
if I'm on my laptop, I open dev tools and remove the element blocking other interaction
if I'm on my phone or the above doesn't work on laptop, I open an anonymous window, disable adblock, read/watch/whatever the content, enable adblock, close anonymous window
I do and same for other kinds of annoyances, like the recent trend of "pay us or give us consent to mine your data".
It's funny that without actually spotting the mistake I just read it as the op expecting multiple criticisms to and basically telling people bringing them to get in line.
I like to open them in either its own browser or a virtual machines browser. One that wipes it's cache/tracking/etc each time you exit.
Its not great but at least it sandboxes it a bit in an area not connected to any of my other data