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  • Old Graphics =/= Bad Graphics

    edit: furthermore old =/= bad. Old is a quantitative measure and bad is qualitative. Trying to use one measure as the litmus for the other is like saying "there are five apples on that tree, they must taste terrible."

    inb4: i dont care if it isnt a perfect analogy and there's actually some study somewhere that showed that apple trees that retain prime number multiples of fruit on their branches statistically taste worse when rated on a blind taste test.

  • There's a charm to early 3D. Late 2D is a timeless look, but early 3D is unmistakably mid 90s to early 2000s stuff.

    I've been running the original Resident Evil trilogy. The graphics age it, of course, but the games are just awesome. Resources are limited. You have to consider what's worth wasting ammo on. You have to consider if you've done enough to justify a save. The puzzles aren't terribly difficult, but they're satisfying. And I love a good old fashioned jump scare.

  • I bought Trackmania United Forever last weekend and it's kinda interesting because the stadium environment still looks great, most of the rest look ok and some others look pretty bad.


    Although, have to say its graphics are the way it is because it is a rogue like