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Ohio Republicans Say It's Their 'God Given Right' to Restrict Abortion Access

Republicans in Ohio want to undermine the will of voters who approved a measure enshrining reproductive freedom into the state’s constitution

Benjamin, Get The Musket

Ohio Republicans Say It's Their 'God Given Right' to Restrict Abortion Access

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Ohio Republicans Say It's Their 'God Given Right' to Restrict Abortion Access

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Ohio Republicans Say It's Their 'God Given Right' to Restrict Abortion Access

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  • From the party that brought us great hits such as: Don’t Tread on Me, and Small Government! comes their new hit singles: Tread on You and Threateningly Massive Government!

  • It's my god given right to do whatever the fuck I want and force you to do the same!

    • It's my god given right to do whatever the fuck I want and force you to do the same what I say!

      Ftfy. They do not follow the same rules they try to impose.

  • “No amendment can overturn the God-given rights with which we were born,” state Rep. Beth Lear (R-Galena) added in the Republican’s statement.
