Anon experiences Joe Rogan
Anon experiences Joe Rogan
Anon experiences Joe Rogan
As a Stonemason, this shit always bothers me. Recent example was an article on stone henge. "Scientists still mystified as to how the stones were stood so that to caps were level!"
Mfr! Give me a straight piece of wood, a length of string and a rock, I will make you a basic level. Don't want to lift the stone in and out multiple times to adjust the level? Get logs and cut them to the same length as the upright stones. It's not fucking rocket surgery!
Trying to picture how you do this with those. Brain is stuck on hanging rock from wood with string which feels like I'm going the wrong way
Drafting* class taught me that you can build any structure with just a T-square, a compass, a pencil, and some basic math.
*As in the precursor to Computer-Aided Drafting. My school was cheap and didn't let us use AutoCAD till the 2nd semester.
But anyway, place the straight piece of wood across a gap. One end of the string goes around the middle of the wood, the other end hangs down where you tie the rock. You can visually tell with decent enough accuracy if the rock is hanging closer to one side (not level) or just straight down (level). If you can't tell, get a longer string.
That's actually all there is to it.
Out the stick where you want the thing to be level, and hang a rock off it with string.
The rock hangs straight down. Adjust what the stick is sitting on until the stick is perpendicular to the string.
It's not the most accurate or easiest to use tool we have available today, but they're still used for vertical alignment.
It's one of the oldest tools we have. Hasn't really changed since they were used during the building of the pyramids.
I'm just imagining rocket surgery. It's dope.
Yeah people simply can't fathom that people in the past were just as intelligent as people are now. They just didn't have quite as much technology as we do now. Also people tend to think of technology as being magic and don't actually understand the underlying science that makes that technology work was the same in the past.
This results in weird ideas about how something isn't possible without a laser level or whatever.
And people tend not to think about skill being a factor. Probably many of the skills you have as a stone mason aren't too different from the skills people had in the past. Sure there's some technology you have available to help you now, but a larger part of it is just skill gained from experience working with stone that's completely independent of technology.
For instance, yes I use grinders and saws to cut big pieces of stone into smaller pieces so they fit where I need them, but I was taught how to do all that by hand as well. Sometimes you don't have power or petrol, but the shit still needs to go up!
And the way we do things now is just a continuous evolution from how we did it then. I don't have to sharpen my chisels every 30mins because we have better materials. I don't have to break a giant billet of stone into manageable sizes(I can though) because a shop does it for me. And almost all of the old tech is still in use, albeit in a new form or in new materials.
Wire/string friction sawing has been around for's an example of a new bit of kit.
Give me a straight piece of wood, a length of string and a rock, I will make you a basic level.
Well axshually that's a plumb bob.
I'm not bob, guy.
One day we'll find a way to stop making rockets out of human organs.
One day, but not today!
I always took it to mean that organic rockets are harder than rocket science and brain surgery put together, which is why we don't have them yet.
The thing is, its not about a single rock being precise. Its a 2 million ton monument that we are told is a tomb that was built in like 20 years. Thats about 1.7 million pounds per day, every day. It would take our trucks a fucking insane amount of time just dragging it into position, how did they have the time to cut it as well? For a tomb??? Somehow I feel we are not being told the whole story here...
No, it's totally about a single rock being precise. That's the name of the game son. If you don't get the first stone precise, you can't get the second one in precise. And there's loads of different ways to move stone without trucks. I work in a conservation setting, and we use modern machinery as little as possible. If these scholars would bother asking anyone with actual experience in the field they'd get some answers to their questions.
Also what's with the Ancient Aliens bs at the end there?
Scientific dating techniques and painstaking archaeological research undertaken around the monument over the last few decades have brought the timeline of the site into focus. It is not possible to talk about 'one' Stonehenge – the monument was built, altered, and revered for over 1,500 years. That is equivalent to around 100 generations – it is worth pausing to let the sheer length of time sink in!
From Wikipedia:
There is little or no direct evidence revealing the construction techniques used by the Stonehenge builders. Over the years, various authors have suggested that supernatural or anachronistic methods were used, usually asserting that the stones were impossible to move otherwise due to their massive size. However, conventional techniques, using Neolithic technology as basic as shear legs, have been demonstrably effective at moving and placing stones of a similar size.[48] The most common theory of how prehistoric people moved megaliths has them creating a track of logs which the large stones were rolled along.[49] Another megalith transport theory involves the use of a type of sleigh running on a track greased with animal fat.[49] Such an experiment with a sleigh carrying a 40-ton slab of stone was successfully conducted near Stonehenge in 1995. A team of more than 100 workers managed to push and pull the slab along the 18-mile (29 km) journey from the Marlborough Downs.[49]
Each stone weights around 25 tons and I found this helicopter that can carry 33 tons: So we could easily build this today. Probably wouldn't take long at all.
Only idiots listen to Joe rogan
Before the move to Spoopify it was legitimately one of the best podcasts. Rogan has always been a moron and the juxtaposition of that against actual smart guests was so much fun. Then professionally offended fuckwits decided his opinion was worth ... anything ... and it all went downhill from there.
I never regarded him as very smart but he did have interesting guests and good banter, typically. A while before the Spotify buy I thought the quality worsened a lot and he would keep letting his politics shine through too much.
I liked when Bill Burr said he (Joe) couldn't rollerskate because his knuckles would drag on the ground in regards to Joe speculating on Covid without any real qualifications.
Joe Rogan should have stayed in Cali where there were more people to tell him "no."
Yeah. This is no more stupid and baseless than his other opinions.
An idiot I worked with was into Rogan and ended up in a sex cult. One Taste. The news a documentary.
Some episodes are good, the one with Dave Mustaine for example
There's even more than one in the US.
Ok he’s finally triggered me. As an engineer, no. We absolutely can build pyramids. At least technologically. Financing it isn’t happening. But we can build pyramids on the size of the great pyramid without modern technology even. It’s impressive sure, but it’s not like people of the past were idiots, they just had less tools at their disposal, and better tools are great for inventing even better tools.
Yeah I'm so tired of hearing that "We can't build the pyramids even with the technology of today" because that's just a bullshit statement with nothing supporting it. It is just to try to dismiss actual reality in order to prop up "It was aliens obviously" that has zero evidence.
I saw a documentary where they built a scaled down pyramid with a smaller workforce in a few months with ancient technology. The numbers scaled with the numbers that are the consensus of archaeologists for the size of the workforce and amount of time needed to built the Great Pyramid.
So not only could we do it with modern technology, we could do it with ancient technology. We just don't want to spend the money on that because it makes more sense to build other things.
Rogan and his cohort simply don't want to acknowledge that non-white people could do that.
Less tools and more slave labor.
There's actually a belief that the pyramids weren't built by slaves, but rather paid workers during the seasons when fields couldn't be worked.
In the modern era we'd call it a job program.
Government needs something done, unemployed workers need to be kept busy for social order, and fed so they're ready when the fields are workable again.
It was a combination of the two. Though last I heard archaeological evidence was showing it wasn’t slave labor, but often paid labor for times when farming wasn’t needed. And a lot of craftsmen labor was definitely paid. You can’t build something like this without stonemasons.
As you said financing it isn't happening, but it would be hilarious to quietly build a 1:1 replica on The Moon. Conspiracy Theorists would have aneurisms trying to sort everything out.
You'd need a huge tarp painted to look exactly like your building site, so that it just appears fully built one day.
Pyramids are the easiest structure to build. You stack rocks. Want them to look nice, cut the rocks into bricks.
And all you need is lots of money, lots of labor, and some clever engineers, which are all things the ancient Egyptians had in spades.
It's really not that hard.
You don't really even need clever engineers unless you want some kind of internal structure (which the Egyptians did). Otherwise it's just a stack of rocks.
fr where does he get the idea that a simple triangle can't be built with today's technology
Same place he gets his COVID takes.
It's like the guy hasn't learned about cranes and construction site elevators
Even isolated mountains have frequently that shape. It's not like some guy came up with this crazy idea and told their engineer-like peers "Hey, hear me out, I have this crazy idea, are you ready? It's this never seen before structure, I call it the pyramid!".
Take that can do attitude to the zoning board and see what happens.
And the thing is, it took them many tries to get the perfect 3 large pyramids. There are many smaller earlier imperfect ones scattered around Egypt.
Instruction unclear accidentally calculated the number phi and the diameter of the earth and moon in relation to Eachother.
Believe what you will, ancient ruines are impossible to measure accurately. Its an interesting rabbithole just how far the numbers stretch though.
impossible to measure accurately
By some idiot hosting a conspiracy theorist website.
Actual physicists find it quite easy.
Distance of the Earth to the Moon? Easy as
Until the late 1950s all measurements of lunar distance were based on optical angular measurements: the earliest accurate measurement was by Hipparchus in the 2nd century BC.
Done with nothing the Egyptians didn’t have.
Oh btw once you work out the distance you can easily calculate Earths diameter.
Since you believe websites that look like the early 90’s shat them out I have some crypto to sell you, it was invented by the Lizard people in a joint venture with the Grey aliens.
There was a documentary I saw once where they used the best estimates for how long it took the Great Pyramid and how large the work force was and then scaled it down. Like if it took a work force of X people Y number of years to build the Great Pyramid, then a few dozen guys would be able to build a two storey tall pyramid in two months with the same technology.
So they did that. And despite being inexperienced with the ancient technology and having to figure out how to push these massive stone blocks on rollers and make the corners around a spiral ramp winding around the pyramid, they got their little pyramid done on time. The math all checks out on people being able to build the pyramids provided they had a large enough workforce and enough time to do it.
Yes the Pyramids are impressive but it's because it took a lot of work over a lot of time to build them. But it required no special technology. Just a lot of dudes pushing heavy blocks on rollers up a ramp over many years.
Yes the Pyramids are impressive but it’s because it took a lot of work over a lot of time to build them.
That's the impressive thing. Their society had enough spare food that they could "waste" trillions of calories this way. It's hundreds of thousands of people doing nothing productive (for the survival of themselves or for others) for years on end. And, it happened thousands of years BCE.
Until just a few hundred years ago, 90% of people worked in jobs related to farming. So, to support 100,000 people building pyramids, they would have needed something like 900k farmers. That's a million people dedicated to this project for a full generation.
all true but just wanted to point out that a lot of people will say something like they don't know exactly how they did it but they are not saying it's alien technology or something. just that they don't know.
Meanwhile on YouTube some dude in nowhere America has a set of videos showing how he can lift, rotate, leverage and pivot massive stone blocks and an entire house using stone-age technology... ropes and wooden levers... by himself!
Rogan appeals to people who want to hear that the world revolves around them. They believe and want to confirm that if they haven't figured it out no one else has. They are literal morons, but too stupid to know it. They are extremely satisfied when Rogan panders to their narcissism.
This is so accurate and it just never really occurred to me so succinctly.
Got a link? That sounds extremely interesting!
The hilarious thing is when they do actually throw some critical thinking together it doesn't matter anyway. Like the flat earthers who ran an experiment that proved the earth was round, and then immediately decided that they must have done something wrong and needed to come up with a new experiment.
Yeah, but have you done DMT and then think about the pyramids?
Didn't think so.
This is a prime example how mind altering substances are a bit double edged sword.
They will get results but towards the goal you've set. If you want to do some self exploration and learn about yourself, sure it will most often help in a way or another. If you on the otherhand want to brainwash yourself with dumb conspiracy theories then it will most likely help with that too, especially if you do them too often.
A friend of mine has absolutely fried his brains with ketamine and he believes to the weirdest shit and basically think that the universe has intended him to be untouchable and no bad can happen to him. I for the other hand just learned a lot about my behaviour patterns with ketamine and came out with clearer mind about my life and goals.
This honestly could explain why Tom Segura is going fucking brain dead by trying to kill his own career while screaming at old ladies in air ports and hating his fans that elevated him from upper middle class to a multimillionaire.
He's explained multiple times back before he lost weight and started hating that he's in a relationship and has kids with a woman he hates that he did so much ketamine that he had to be resuscitated.
"You need to float in my tank, bro. It's filled with gorilla jizz and tiger blood. It'll man you right up."
We don’t build pyramids anymore because we’ve figured there are better things to spend the money on.
We don’t build pyramids anymore because we got better at building shit. Ramses II was out there commissioning shit that the pyramid builders couldn’t imagine being able to have built. And he could never imagine buildings of steel and glass built anywhere we feel like. Just try explaining Mexico City to these people. When we want massive monuments to hubris a pyramid is too simple for it usually unless we go with a glass and steel one. Also because it’s an inefficient use of space
Also, most countries don't honor their politicians as god-kings. Maybe US hillbillies will (try to) build a pyramid when Trump finally dies.
A golden pyramid, made from his shoes and NFT's
Yeah, like cuboids which are mostly air inside for big box retailers.
My god you have to be especially thick if people on 4chan think you're an idiot.
Almost as if Rogan is a big, dumb, intensely stupid idiot.
He's like 5'7.... he's not really big, he's just done enough HGH to make his head thicker and weird looking.
He's not more stupid than the average person. He's just more willing to open his big, dumb mouth, and he has a platform where his big, dumb ideas are broadcast to the whole world.
I will give him credit though, because he isn't as closed-minded as most people. Too many people never challenge the things they were taught as kids, and get angry if they're given new information. Look how upset people got because astronomers decided that Pluto was a dwarf planet, rather than a regular full-fledged planet.
The dumbest thing about Rogan is that he doesn't seem to have a good filter for ideas he should be open-minded about vs. ideas that are not worth considering.
The pyramids are an impressive feat that should not be ignored, but let’s not pretend like the luxury of modern technology doesn’t give us an insurmountable advantage.
We’re comparing a large skillfully built pile of big rocks to modern buildings that are several times taller and thinner while also being hollowed out for everyday use and filled with utilities and other infrastructure.
If the Steinway Tower or the Burj Khalifa were solid rock they would still be more impressive than the pyramids. But they have the equivalent of neighborhoods and towns inside them.
Also the bass pro shop pyramid and luxor pyramid exist, we are at the point where our direct equivelents to the ancient pyramids is a sporting goods place and a monument to mans decadence.
To be fair, those are only 2/3rds the height of the Great Pyramid Of Gizeh.
We also build stations in space and people live in them.
I find it funny that the people that think that the pyramids were built by aliens are the sort of people who get out of breath walking up a staircase. Yeah of course you find it inconceivable that people worked hard.
How Roegan is so fucking stupid it blows my mind that people listen to a word that comes out of his stupid fucking mouth
Want a simple explanation?
The ignorant BEG to be led. And because they’re not qualified at all to know if whoever ends up with the job is dumber than they are- they ultimately end up marching in lock-step behind them oblivious of the fact that they’re just marching in circles.
Led by someone who doesn't make them feel stupid. Because being stupid is bad and they aren't bad.
But they are stupid. And that isn't bad. I don't look down on stupid people for being stupid. I judge them because they do stupid shit, like following stupid people.
I've too well versed in history to ignore the threat of the stupid leading the stupid. Idiocracy is a utopian version of stupid people taking over. The reality is also bloody.
It's worse than that, he knows exactly what he's doing, he's taking advantage of rubes for profit. He has decided that making the world a worse place is worth it if he gets rich, he's just the latest in the Rush Limbaugh > Alex Jones cycle.
I wonder if this could be co-opted by other messaging, like could you start a podcast and end up with a fanatically devoted fanbase of pastry chefs? Or what about carpenters? With the right wardrobe, set design and rhetoric, could you build a fantical base of young men devoted to the concept that building a house is the ultimate expression of manliness?
I had a classmate that would tell me over and over how precisely the pyramids aligned with a set of stars at the time they were built, how we needed lasers to measure the imprecision, how we couldn't do the same thing today.
Eventually I found out that the imprecision was... a little over a foot, roughly 35 centimeters. That's the insane precision, the refined craftsmanship we can't produce today, getting the walls of a place within a foot of where we meant to put them.
Everyone that says this is either blindly repeating a thing they heard once, or has never seen a skyscraper, or a shopping mall, or the average parking lot outside a Walmart with that one area where all the rain water stays a few extra days, because it's 6 inches lower than the rest. THAT PARKING LOT IS STILL MORE PRECISE THAN THE PYRAMIDS, BRIAN.
You've forgotten that the sun rotates around the Milky Way the same way the Earth rotates around the sun. So the stars aren't in the same place as they were thousands of years ago. Was this 1 foot off the ancient discrepancy or is that today?
It was off by a foot at the time they were built. They're substantially more inconsistent with the stars now. I thought that was clear in my comment, sorry for the confusion.
He assumes everything is built only a foot high? I've built a few homes in my life and multiple barns and square the building to usually less than a 1/4"...not over a foot. Like the damn thing would fall down being that off.
I'm convinced the whole "they couldn't do this today" is subtle anti-modernity propaganda whether they are saying it about movies, or ancient megastructures. It's a fundamental misunderstanding of the nature of human progress, wrapped up in weird conservative anger about how it will never be 40(00) years ago again.
It's as stupid as holding up a floppy disk and saying "modern computers can't even read this data, they're all garbage".
What's worse is, not only can we do it, so could the Egyptians.
Concrete. We build skyscrapers out of it. We make it from sand and various other common minerals. If you make it from Cretian volcanic ash, like the Romans, you get concrete that is even more stable if you use it with seawater, and can be used to construct submerged concrete structures in shallow coastal water without draining away any of the liquid.
And if you grind up Egyptian sandstone and add freshwater like from the Nile? You can make huge blocks as smooth as polished marble that a razor blade can't fit between, transport it in more manable quantities and forms than giant stone blocks, and it will last tens of thousands of years (not including the ~5,000 it has already lasted) unless the humidity of the Sahara goes through the roof.
I'm not saying Egypt was or wasn't advanced, just that they were sufficiently advanced to convincingly look to a more advanced civilization like magic. Or in this case, "aliens" or "ancient astronauts".
The only reason I would not be surprised if hieroglyphs were found on the moon is because we did it before we could fake it. If faking the moon landing couldn't be done without modern computer software or LED lightbulbs yet actually doing it is trivial enough that it was done 55 years ago, why resort to aliens to describe how that's possible? For all we know you could get to the moon with a railgun built from hand-smithed iron and the lumber of California Redwoods, doesn't mean its superhuman if you figure out how to actually do so.
Their advanced technology: slaves
From what archaeologists have discovered, the builders were paid laborers.
They found stone tax records from the workers
There you go, being woke again!
My boyfriends grandmother loves to watch shows like ancient aliens and stuff. Normally I just ignore them as background noise, but sometimes I'll catch something, shake my head and move on.
One time though she was watching the one with William Shatner, unexplained mysteries I think it's called. And the person Shatner was talking too said "and there is no way we could build the pyramids today" and Shatner just said nodded and then said "why?" The guy mean mugged the shot outta him and they cut to a commercial. When it came back they were talking about something else. Really made me laugh.
But like fr though, bass pro shop built a pyramid, we build crazy skyscrapers and have hundreds of building styles all over the world, I'm sure we could build a pyramid today if we had too.
Ancient aliens are also like „they definitely used the pyramids as electricity generators/substations“ or some bullshit like that.
I mean they contradict themselves every week and the stuff never really have any evidence either way.
One week it's like "since octopuses live in the ocean and they are Strang compared to us does that mean ancient aliens are living in the bottom of the ocean in the city of Atlantis? Our theorists say yes!" And then the next time they are like "Is Atlantis actually under this Mesopotamia city? Our theorists say absolutely 100% of course of course no doubt no doubt."
I knew he was an idiot, but goddamn.
All I think about when I see Joe.
That is fucking amazing. Thank you.
There is no limit to the amazing shit you can do if you have power and ignore human suffering
While this is true, and there were definitely some people who suffered making the pyramids, many were just the most skilled artisans of their day. Egypt brain-drained the rest of the world for thousands of years by being the best of the best of the best.
It's amazing what you can do when you spend all that time attracting and cultivating that much ingenuity. In the course of human history, it's really only happened a handful of times. I read somewhere once that when you have that many intelligent people in a room you either build the pyramids or go to the Moon.
Yeah that's another way of looking at it. Excessive productivity creates a class that can live in leisure and luxury and experiment with new ideas, and that can lead to useful advances. Just like it's sometimes argued that war leads to technological advances.
And then God came and ruined it all just because of a little slavery!
This'd be cool on a tshirt lol
take that quote to Reddit and some bot will make a t-shirt and a mug out of it.
But the products will be a scam and you can't actually buy them.
I feel like the show goes like "So you're saying electricity isn't real because it's doesn't have matter?" and an expert says it doesn't have protons and neutrons so it can't be real because it the periodic table of elements doesn't have it. "Really? Hey computer guy, look that up"
It's often some dumb stuff that gets so much credit and validation from Joe that I don't like.
Cement. It's not rocket science.
It's literally materials science.
Plus maybe some basic physics for the simple machines.
Coffeezilla talking about how Podcasts can get into this stupid state:
TLDW: there's a limited # of experts, experts are not experts are everything (just their niche), experts need to talk about things they know nothing about to fill time
The bigger issue is that there's no signal to listeners for when the transition happens between expert opinion and regular opinions. Imo, podcasts should just be cut when they've run out of relevant topics.
It seems fear is not a factor to you.
Well duh, they left the dark knight and pyramids across the world who were just power stations...
I think people have a misunderstanding in their heads that's distorted to the point of absurdity. My guess is he grew up like many Americans did hearing that "we don't know how the Pyramids were built" and took that at its face, like it was magic or scifi.
The truth is we didn't/don't how they built them 7000 years ago with their shitty technology and shitty math and no wheel. I'm oversimplifying of course, but I think that's appropriate.
From what i have learned the technology to build the pyramids was actuall extremely low tech, and i dont mean slaves and chisles, i mean strings, honey, and tuning forks for the cutting of stone. For transportation they used vibrations to move the stone along magnetic lines in the earth.
Its not ancient high tech, its simply forgotten or suppressed low tech.
Never heard the vibration thing. That's pretty sick. I have heard of animal fat though.
Huh. I though they used basic stone-working tools and the simple machines we learn about in elementary school -- just at a larger scale.
Right, like people couldn't figure out how to float shit down river on a raft or roll it on some logs and instead had to send out wizards to find leylines...
Rage bait
Rage bait for who?
Dumbasses that listen to Rogan?
Rage bait for you and you got got
Couldn't be made with todays technology? Interesting. Anyone got a direct quote or timestamp to the episode this claim was made in?
EDIT: Yeah so I did a little digging around and this seems to be from the Coleman Hughes episode and the specific claim he makes is: The stones used to form them (in Giza specifically) were 70 tons, which we currently don't have the technology to move the 100s of miles, through the mountains, they were moved back then.
So yeah. While I don't think that is correct either it still seems like the statement in the picture above is a misquote.
Joe is still claiming we don't have the technology to build the pyramids even with that context.
We managed to dig a hole approximately 10km long in about 40 years in Germany, I'm sure we could figure something out if we wanted to
The MI-26 helicopter can carry 56 metric tons (more than double that in freedom units) if I'm reading the numbers right. This isn't a technical problem, it's a motivation one.
The Caterpillar 797 is a series of off-highway, ultra class, two-axle, mechanical powertrain haul trucks developed and manufactured in the United States by Caterpillar Inc
The current, third-generation model, the 797F, offers one of the largest haul truck payload capacities in the world, up to 400 short tons (363 t) and has the highest payload capacity among mechanical drive haul trucks.[3]
You understand we can and have cut highways through mountains?
Building a Pyramid would be a tiny project compared to building a railway system. Completely trivial.
I appreciate you looking it up, because I was thinking the same thing, did he actually say anything like this?
That said, him claiming we don't have the tech currently to move 70 ton stones over mountains seems clearly incorrect.