Has anyone seen Behind the Curve? Most of these flat earth people seem to possess some level of critical thinking, just... not enough. That, or their pride or obstinacy get in the way. At the end of the documentary, a team of flat-earthers perform an actual, well thought out experiment. It's... well, just watch.
Best part? Immediately after this, they discard the results of the experiment saying the premise was faulty. Somehow.
I feel like it's been memory holed, but I remember 00's flat earth being genuinely smart people using it to illustrate the ridiculousness of teaching creation beside evolution, which was a push around that time. It was a Church of Satan style mockery, but I guess the arguments were too convincing.
I am crazy impressed that anyone could follow that path and not just drop off the internet in shame when they realized. I hope if anything I view in the same manner ever comes up as fabricated I'm as brave.