Would you support a mandatory retirement age of 75 for US House, US Senate & US Supreme Court Justices and if not why?
Would you support a mandatory retirement age of 75 for US House, US Senate & US Supreme Court Justices and if not why?
Would you support a mandatory retirement age of 75 for US House, US Senate & US Supreme Court Justices and if not why?
I think it should be younger. Maybe 65.
Members of Congress and SCOTUS should also have term limits
I'm onboard with 65 as the maximum age anyone can run for Congress but I don't have a problem with people 65+ finishing their terms provided they're actually competent. I'd like to see mandatory cognitive decline testing for anyone running for Congress, appointed to the SC or appointed to any high position in the executive branch.
It's absolutely ridiculous that we're allowing people with 5-7y remaining life expectancy to plan our future 20, 40 or 100y out - they just don't have the skin in the game that someone in their 20s or 30s does.
On top of all of that I'd like to see vigorous corruption testing, SC justices and congresscreatures shouldn't be bought and paid for the way they are now.
Yeah that sounds reasonable. You can at most finish your current term once you're past 65. And term-limit everything, Justices, whatever.
"After many decades of civil service, it is time for the state to give back to our hard working representatives. Therefore they will be retired in januray of the year following their 65th birthday"
"January 6th has for the last few years been a reminder of an embarrassing moment in our history, well no longer! January 6th shall henceforth be known as a day of celebration, celebrating not only long and faithfull service but also new talents, skills and hope for the furue! Join us, as we once again rejuvinate our government to keep our nation strong and dependable!"
I agree on the legislature, but not the court. The legislature has to plan for the future. Their age should be below the average life expectancy. They need to have a foreseeable future for us to allow them to plan ours.
I would resolve the instability of the court by eliminating its fixed size. One new justice shall be appointed every other year. In the odd-numbered years, between election cycles.
This will tend to increase the size of the court over time. The average term length is currently about 16 years, but that is with strategic retirements. I would expect the average term to increase to 24 to 36 years, leaving us with a court of 12 to 18 justices.
Honest question, what do we do that we are now living longer, and have better quality of life and medical advancements? With AI progressing exponentially, this will likely increase average lifespans in developed countries. You might be arguing against your own comments here when you hit 65 and realize you still maintain mental acuity and are thriving.
Personally, I feel like we should be spending our time and focus on fixing a number of other issues. Namely lobbying, special interest groups tied to anti-consumer companies, 'slap on the wrist' fines for billion dollar companies, predatory lending, student loans. I mean the list goes on. These things aren't an age problem, it's a corruption problem.
You might be arguing against your own comments here when you hit 65 and realize you still maintain mental acuity and are thriving.
Iβm not running for office nor scotus. But if I were, Iβd hope reason would dictate sensible policy, not magical thinking about whatever far-off technological theoretical you might imagine.
Yes, aside from their senility, our politicians are simply way too out of touch to comprehend the average American's issues. Spent most of their life in politics with the easiest 6 figure salary (plus bribes) you can have.
Granted politicians will probably remain out of touch but I'd like to imagine it'd be better
Yeah. Hard for them to relate when they all grew into wealth, lived sheltered lives, spend all day doing office work/politics.
Let them live off of 40k a year and see how their demeanor changes.
No, because I would lower even further to 65.
Shit I'd go even lower. Gotta be young enough to have some skin in the game when it comes to the consequences of legislation, etc.
Fair enough, you're less likely to vote for shit policies if you know that you're going to be living with them. And even if you do vote for shit policies and end up living with them, it was entirely your damn fault. And you just brought it on yourself.
Let's do it slightly differently, let's make the mandatory retirement age for political office the median life expectancy age for the entire country. If the politicians, etc can manage to make everyone live longer, they can hold office longer.
Similarly, take away their separate and different medical coverage and put them on the same Medicare system everyone else in the country has to use.
Make it 75% the median life expectancy and it's a deal.
I love the idea but if anyone knows how to fudge numbers it's them.
It will only be a matter of time before you hear that the median life expectancy for Americans is 125.
I think they should also be paid using their state's disability/unemployment system and get food through their state's EBT system.
And have to live in section 8 housing while in DC
Wonderful idea.
Yes I'd like to vote for your policies
Oh hell yeah.
Force them to use the public option. Make a law to specifically disallow all congresspersons from enrolling in private insurance for as long as they hold office. Violation of that restriction is immediate ejection from the relevant legislative chamber.
We would have single payer by next Tuesday.
I agree with this take, especially since us younger people are going to be the anti-aging-drug guinea pigs.
First I would support campaign finance reform and watch 90% of the problems be solved.
Then I would tackle the other 10% by making voting more accessible - especially in primaries. Make it so accessible that even young voters bother to do it. That way people will choose younger reps more often.
So no, I wouldnβt support putting a bandaid on one issue and ignoring the root causes.
Should make voting a week long thing so people have more time to go. The last day should be a national holiday.
Fuck that. Social security retirement age.
Maybe donβt bring social security retirement age until it. They already want to raise that. This would just be another excuse to do it.
Let's compromise and make it 69.
65 is what it should be. They have no fucking clue what most people need.
My parents are close to 65 and completely out of touch. If you turn 65 during your next term you should be ineligible.
If having no clue what most people need is the metric, were eliminating pretty much everyone from consideration.
No, I would support it being locked to the national retirement age though, which would be 67 at the moment.
Wouldnβt that give an extra incentive to raise the retirement age?
That would give politicians another reason to raise the retirement age, in order to stay in power.
Not just no, hell no.
People like to think that the seventies is when you automatically lose your ability to think and do anything useful. That's bullshit; it's individual, genetics combined with access to good nutrition, healthcare, etc.
I used to work as a nurse's assistant, specifically in home health where the patients were often at home with spouses, and other age peers. I had patients as old as their 90s that could still function mentally just fine, but had physical issues. I had patients older than that too, several just past 100, but they really wouldn't have been able to be a walmart greeter.
But even with the patients that did suffer cognitive difficulties, there were plenty of family members and friends that didn't. Most people suffer only minor cognitive decline in their seventies. Given otherwise good health, there's no necessity for someone without a diagnosis that would prevent them from doing their job to be forced to retire.
What we need are term limits, not ageist bullshit. The problem isn't age, or even a given political bent, it's the accumulation of power and influence that then becomes a commodity open for purchase, leading to corruption.
Now, I wouldn't object to mandatory fitness evaluations, but that's going to be as corruptible as anything else political. I certainly think some specific diagnoses should exclude someone from making decisions for the entire nation, that affect the entire world, but that's a tough thing to make happen, much less make work.
But age? Age is absolutely not a factor in fitness for any public office. Hell, I'm of the mind that none of the elected offices should have minimum ages, beyond a national age of adulthood so that the people in the position aren't immediately beholden to someone like a parent. Pick whatever arbitrary age you want for that, and we're good to go as long as it passes muster legally.
I agree with the Idea that being in a position for too long increases the possibility of corruption. But, I'll counter with two thoughts:
1.) Shouldn't people have the ability to vote for who they want to represent them? If the people of Vermont want to keep on rejecting electing Bernie Sanders, why should they not be able to? (Valid counterpoint- Dianne Feinstein)
2.) This is the less trivial one - I fear that term limits would invite more corruption, as the representatives understand they only have a limited amount of time to grease as many palms and make as many connections as possible in their limited amount of time in office. We already have issues with the lame duck period, and those are currently measured in weeks. I can only imagine what I'd be like if a large portion of reps had full lame duck sessions.
There are plenty of other things we could do to limit corruption before we rule out term limits for that reason. We could also think about politicians who feel more free to "do the right thing" even when unpopular because they won't be afraid about winning the next election.
Term limits have been shown to create βbrain drainβ, and ultimately what winds up happening is that that legislators must focus on career growth - either spending their time in office campaigning for the next elected position, or looking to opportunities beyond politics. It takes time and experience to become skilled in crafting bills that donβt have adverse effects and cannot be overturned or lawyered to do things they arenβt intended to do.
The net result is that it creates a slew of amateur legislators, and professional lobbyists, as legislators are forced to retire just as they become skilled at the job.
An alternative to a retirement age is mental/physical fitness reviews, but thatβs also tricky. If there isnβt a defined process then unscrupulous people will just use a doctor of choice to get the results they want, but if there is a process, politicizing that process to serve one party or the other could mean using mandatory retirement to force key vacancies.
I do think that at some point we need to pry the hands of people off the levers of power, and I canβt think of a way that is as βnon-corruptibleβ as a set age limit. It would not always be personally fair, but it would probably be for the greater good.
I'm honestly saddened by how far down I had to scroll to see a post that called this out as blatant agism.
Yeah, but probably Iβd make it lower (like 67) and allow exceptions with large majority (like a four year exception with a two thirds or three quarters vote of the senate).
I also think Supreme Court justices should have terms and term limits, and shouldnβt be allowed to receive gifts over a certain value (like $2,000).
No; it should be 60.
Lifetime appointments to the supreme court are obviously a mistake; the idea there is to make them secure in their jobs so they don't have to politik from the bench. It doesn't account for actually evil people digging in like parasites in the heart of our government. They should serve a single 10 year term, at which point no matter their age they must retire and then serve no further roles ever again. Like, you're not allowed to go be a senator, or a congressman, or a governor, or a Walmart greeter. You can volunteer to speak to law students, you can retire, or you can die. Minimum punishment for a sitting or former supreme court justice for any crime: jay walking, copyright infringement, speeding, embezzling, mass murder: instant death. The guilty/not guilty verdict is read to your firing squad. The members of our highest court should be nothing less than absolute exemplars of citizenship.
The house and senate should have maximum terms of not ten years each; the senate currently has 6 year terms, that would have to be shortened, possibly to four. Wouldn't hurt my feelings if we eliminated those mid-election years so we could have some time away from being screamed at by our so-called government. You want a full career in politics? You start at the local or state level, then you run for federal office.
I would make prior office a requirement for President. As far as I'm concerned, you have no business serving as president if you have not already been a senator, congressman, governor, state senator or general assemblyman. I do not believe town council or city mayor should count here because of the low barrier to entry for buying 10 acres of rural land and incorporating it as a town with one resident and electing yourself mayor.
Minimum punishment for a sitting or former supreme court justice for any crime:
instant death.
I like you.
I really do think term limits are a better solution than a hard age cap. Term limits would help address the age issue, and it would also make "career politician" a less viable career. That's a bigger problem imo - politicians doing politics for profit, as a career, rather than as a civic duty. That's a big part of why we have younger Republicans like MTG, Lauren Boebert, JD Vance, etc. whom a hard age cap would not effect for another couple decades at least.
Not an original idea by far, but I was chatting it up with a few friends recently about this and we thought a civic duty term made far more sense (think jury duty). So much needs to be fixed in the process, like the bill riders addons (a horrible scourge to our political system) and lobbyist (scum). But imagine you were picked (randomly) to serve for 3 year stints, with those getting picked for a 2nd and maybe even 3rd term, serving as some Senior politician. Clearly it needs much more thought, but far better potential because you have to participate and accountable.
Before you knock it down, think about the intelligence required here. Boebert is an absolute moron. Bills before the system need to be something the average person can understand (legal verbiage is such a pointless waste and almost unnecessary). You would need to participate in collaboration with others, understand how to be honest and forthcoming with your goals.
We canβt hold Politicians accountable (not the system today) and this could be an answer.
Ah, the Athenian model.
I think having some kind of required civics course for the random sounds appointees would do well. Legal language exists for reasons that go beyond being deliberately obtuse, so it could still be used to try and reduce ambiguity
Nah, I don't think my issue is with age; it's with lifelong politicians. Introduce term limits.
Yes, but agree with most of the other comments here. It should be lowered to 65-67 instead.
65 to match Social Security.
If you set it to match social security age, the old fucks who want to stay in power will just up the social security age.
Armed revolt it is. Pizza first though?π
They're doing that anyways.
It's not the age, the length, or how many times you've been reelected, but getting elected in the first place has such a high barrier, massive gerrymandering, and more.
I think we need staggered term limits. Make it so you can only serve up to two terms in a row and then you are forced to take a term off. No lifetime appointments.
That and approval voting from federal to local elections.
Love me some approval voting. Let's make that shit happen.
I'd support a four-term limit for the Senate, six-term limit for the House, and one term in the Supreme Court for a period of time not to exceed 20 years.
No I'm for term limits. Each presidential election the popular vote should go to decide the party that gets to nominate the next justice. The first one in has to retire at that same time.
I also think we should increase the size of the court and cycle in/out two every four years - somewhere around where we'd have 20 year term limits. Side bonus, I think it'd be a benefit for all of us that the court has a larger variety of voices and be more difficult to hack the way the GOP has this court.
no. bernie is a great example of why age is no restriction to being a good politician. you people have to stop trying to use goose and gander legislation to stop conservatives. you stop conservatives by STOPPING CONSERVATIVES.
how old are you?
Not a retirement age but to run for public office, I think the candidate should have at least 20 years of median actuarial life expectancy remaining. They need to make long-term decisions so they better be around to see how it goes. Right now this is age 60 for men and age 64 for women. In the future it may go as high as 70. If you really wanted to push it I think 18 years would be symmetrical with childhood. First 18 and βlast 18β you canβt be in office.
An alternative could be to set the limit to a percentage of average life expectancy, or some other variable, so the law isnβt as easy to ignore or mess with, the law can remain unchanged for decades and remain relevant without adverse effects (hopefully), and politicians are encouraged to improve the quality of life.
Not just retirement, put them in a machine that extrudes protein paste and use that to feed the next crop of legislators.
If you retire early, you don't get put in the machine.
I feel bad for that machine
No. I think age plays a factor into power dynamics (more time to accrue wealth and all), but not enough in our current life spans to be an issue.
Term limits though I support because the ability to manipulate the voting system for decades is far to enticing and creates perverse incentives.
I am running out of time to type up a comment right now, so I apologize for just link dumping, but if you have time, I encourage you to check these out:
Sorry, this is one of those issues I go die on a hill for, like hating DST. (And everyone downvotes me!)
People who bought a house and went to college for the same price of college nowadays do not know what the world is like today
Absolutely. Being senile is a big liability.
I support a mandatory retirement age, but being more than 75 years doesn't necessarily mean you're senile.
Itβs more about having βskin in the gameβ It appears that many representatives/senators are creating or upholding laws that immediately benefit them, the companies that support them, and their industries on the whole.
If someone was closer to middle-age, they have enough experience to make good choices while also being young enough for the negative consequences to happen while they are still alive.
Absolutely. Maybe younger. Politicians shouldn't be able to vote on issues that will have major effects that they won't have to live through. I also think we should disenfranchise people
<average life expectancy>
minus 18 years. Give politicians a reason to support policies that increase public health to increase the voting age.I support this Pipe Dream.
Unfortunately, this isn't a Congress that will vote to limit its own power.
Yes, because of the risk of elder abuse. And just being absolutely out of touch with the general population.
No. Some of the worst politicians are young. Some of the best politicians are old. Age isn't a problem. Undemocratic systems and bad politics are problems.
I don't think so. One you'd lose Bernie. Two it's a bit harsh to assume anyone over a certain age isn't mentally capable of governing or changing with the times.
I think term limits would serve you much better.
I'm a Bernie fan too, but Diane Feinstein bothered me in multiple ways. She was infirm and senile for years but still chose to run for reelection when she and her staff knew she had multiple health problems. Her aids were telling her how to vote, but the voters didn't elect them, and who knows who's interests they represented. Her stubbornness to not retire was a disservice to Californians. I also have concerns that Mitch McConnell is doing a similar disservice to the state of Kentucky with his health problems due to age.
Bernie still has his mental faculties, and could still inspire, and sway representatives while being out of office. I would listen to him, and think progressive representatives would as well.
Medical test for competency would make sense.
My point is forced retirement is basically ageist.
Losing Bernie and a bunch of other politicians would open a lot of seats for younger Bernies
I'd love to see a diversity in age requirement
What, no president?
I wonder if it would be better to have a term limit. I don't really care if you are 125, but there should be a limit to how long you sit there with huge amounts of power. Especially since they aren't directly re-elected.
No. For two reasons, one you don't want to force the people to give up an actually good representative. Two, term limits for Representatives and Senators actually creates more corruption and entrenches the party as the entity instead of the politician.
I mean, as long as we're dreaming... We need a hell of a lot more representatives. It used to be proportional to population, but it was capped at 435 (in the 1930s?). Way more reps would probably help more parties emerge as well.
That seems like a lot of reps... Do you know of any comparisons with other democracies and their legislatures?
As far as letting parties emerge I think we should have proportional representation / ranked choice voting.
We do not need people like Mitch McConnell who genuinely think 600 dollars is this crazy large amount of money you can live comfortably on for years. This is a real argument he has made.
Not an American but if you should have and every country should have a minimum age, like 21 because of mental and physical maturity, and a maximum age like 75, because of the risk of possible stamina and mental decline.
mandatory retirement is never the answer; that's just ageism plus there are a ton of shitty 30 year old politicians.
term limits especially for unelected positions is a must though
also national elections for supreme court justices instead of presidential picks.
Benjamin Franklin was 70 when he signed the Declaration of Independence, the oldest person to do so.
If thatβs a fact Americans might see as meaningful, the US could cap taking office as President if over 70 on election day (effectively 74 is oldest at end of term), same for the House (oldest 72), Senate (oldest 76), and the Supreme Courtβ¦ just force retirement at 70 instead of death.
Say, greedy old guy, would you mind giving up the power you so prominently covet? Why, no? Well geeze.
Younger than that. 65
I heard even more radical proposal (not in us) - cap the voting age. Reason is simple, by voting you decide about future, how can pensioners who, frankly, will die soon can reasonably decide about my future if I am 20 yo.
Maybe once you retire and get your pension you stop voting.
If it's capped on the other side of your life then it needs to be capped on that side too.
Yes. Our country is run by geriatrics who, among other things related to modern society, legislate on technology they don't understand. We need younger members with more flexible minds who have at least spent some part of their younger lives dealing with problems we have a modern variation of today.
But especially SCOTUS members. Any kind of term limit on them would be better than what we have.
Simple, if you can't get elected before a age X then you shouldn't be able to get elected after (life expectancy - X)
Example: Can't become president before 35? Life expectancy is 75 for men and 80 for women, men can't become president after 40, women after 45.
Just watch how fast life improves in the USA if you put a measure like that in place, not just from having younger politicians but also from wanting to be able to get elected later in life.
Same for voting right, can't vote before 18, can't vote after 57 and 62.
That brings back some memories of a former US president. https://youtube.com/watch?v=Yq7FKO5DlV0
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This was an engagement bait question on Reddit that was frequently posted. It seems so far Lemmy is overwhelmingly in favor just like reddit probably as the population is not old (I'm not either).
I don't know how I feel about it as the constant repost and bait question were something I disliked on Reddit.
I did post the question because I thought it would be engaging, and many people could participate. I like Lemmy and seeing discussions thrive here.
You are free to downvote the post, and engage with it however you choose. Or post questions that you wish to see to shape this community.
I agree that being critical is easy and I should be "the change I want to see in the world".
Thanks for creating Lemmy content in good faith.
why 73? which 74 year old are you wanting to oust? lol
No, because democracy. But we shouldn't vote for these old guys