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  • Found on the streets of South Dallas with glaucoma in her now surgically removed eye, happy as ever and would still fetch all day if she could.

  • Cat 1: adopted from someone on Reddit who had taken in a preggo stray.
    Cat 2: adopted from a shelter, was found in a hoarder house.
    Cat 3: adopted from a shelter, was found in a Penske truck.
    Foster cat: appeared on our window ledge, theory is she was dumped with her litter outside the pet shop nearby.

    I'm anticipating more rescues in our future because people are selfish assholes who think spaying is cruel, but are totally ok with overpopulating the world with cats that don't receive adequate care and often die lonely.

    High as balls cat 3 (Fran) after her gabapentin fueled vet day.

  • every dog I've owned since adulthood was a rescue. they're the best dogs. the only thing you get with a purebred is a known history of disease and inbreeding ailments.

  • This is my actual real life human daughter. I adopted her from the RSPCA. She has a condition called felineitis, so please dont bully her. Also she's nonverbal and extremely sensitive to stimulus, so be patient with her.

  • There are two stray dogs that were dropped off by some random prick at our local city park sometime back around April or so. They appear to be some sort of mix between Beagle, Terrier, Dachshund, something like that.

    The police are aware of them and sometimes come to check on them and even bring them treats. Animal control can't seem to catch them, nor does it seem like they're really even trying.

    We can't adopt them, both because apartment rules forbid pets, plus they really need a good open fenced in yard to run around and play. But me and my roommate have been going out to the park almost every day to feed them, pet them and clean them up at least.

    We're not the only people helping them either, numerous other regular park visitors are also helping out, within their means anyways. We talk around to see if anyone can hopefully adopt them to a forever home one day.

    So far no dice there, but the pups are doing much better than when they were dropped off now. I'm starting to think the smaller of the two might have worms, but one of the regular park visitors that loves dogs said he's gonna get them some worm medicine soon.

    I dunno what else to do really. We can't adopt them, apartment rules ya know, but until they find a forever home, we're doing our best to care for them, within our means anyways.