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  • Who's job is it to teach common sense? If you find the future generation lacking, that's probably your fault.

    When I was a teenager, my dad gave me shit for not knowing how to change brake pads, and my response was "Who was supposed to teach me?". Like, it's not like I could afford a car working weekends, and he was always too busy to have me around whenever something went wrong. So next time he changed the brakes, he actuality taught me.

    • I just want to point something out: Knowing not to drink battery fluid is not common sense!

      Common sense is something that anyone would "just know" by instinct. Like not running out on to a highway with vehicles traveling at high speed. No one needs to teach that because it's obvious from a glance.

      If someone had never encountered a highway and never heard of such a thing they might wander out onto one when there's no traffic. Would that be a failing of common sense? No! Because that type of decision-making requires some education/experience.

      Lead tastes sweet! I haven't tried it (haha) but there's a reason why loads of children get lead poisoning by eating it every year. If you didn't know that it's poisonous and haven't been educated about not eating/tasting random things you might just try the lead acid of a car battery! Especially if it's really old and has become less acidic (that's what sulfation does: Reduces the acidity).

      "Common sense" is actually just a practical form of, "basic education". Not everyone gets it and everyone always has gaps in their knowledge. What's common sense to one person isn't to another.

      TL;DR: Common sense is a myth. We're all born ignorant.

  • This isn’t the flex you think it is. The reason why they warn you not to drink the battery is that someone did it.

    • I assume that's why it's posted in shit posts. So one doesn't know whether to upvote for it being shit, or downvote for it being dumb.

    • Exactly, and it probably took several instances of this happening going back to 1950 before they finally decided to make that warning label.

    • Don't drink the battery warnings fall into the cover-your-ass listings of all the stupid things people have done that might lead to litigation.

      But around a century or so ago, Boy Scouts learned to build a bungalow and a tool shed which were part of their bear badge.

      When I was a cub scout I had the option of building a pinball machine. Of course it didn't say how and a basic pachinko machine was easier if more tedious.

      Note I didn't do any of these things, being a latchkey kid and no internet, nor libraries in walking distance. I flunked out of boy scouts.

      That all said, most appliances we buy have a lot of instructions we don't remember, and the ones that are not obviously dangerous tend to require multiple infractions plus wear and tear before they're actually hazardous. But the US is a litigious society.

      • I mean, I could absolutely imagine someone doing this. They're probably a well meaning person, but probably not of great intelligence. They're driving through the desert one day, absolutely thirsty. They're desperate for a drink, about to pass out. Then they remember in their delerium - "Wait! There's some water in the car's battery! I could drink some of that and be fine! I'll just drain it while the car is running (so I don't have to restart it), keep the engine running, and be able to make it to the next town. My God, I'm a genius. I'm saved!" They then proceed, in the manner of unique creativity only the ignorant possess, to find a way to drain the fluid from the battery of a running car engine. And they have a big old swig of that battery water.

        What would be required for this? All that it would take is for someone to just have very poor chemistry knowledge. Someone sees a fluid that looks like water, and they assume it's water. Maybe they figure a car battery works like a potato battery and there's just water in the cell. Even if the "water" is clearly foul, maybe someone would assume it's just dirty water, but still water. (As in, not an acid.)

        Or, maybe they even know it's not something you should regularly drink. They know there's some fluid called "battery acid" in the battery. But they also know that soda is acidic, and that is safe to drink. So maybe battery acid is OK in small amounts? Just how strong does an acid have to be before you can't safely drink it? Maybe they could just try a small quantity, maybe about a spoonful? Surely that would be fine....

        Those on the bottom 10% of the IQ distribution don't deserve to die. Those who failed high school chem don't deserve to drink battery acid.

        When planning public health or public safety interventions, you have to balance between cost and effectiveness. For example, imagine some new car widget that will increase automobile safety. You're a regulator trying to decide whether to mandate them on all new vehicles. You run the numbers; you want to balance the increased vehicle price against the projected lives saved. You run the numbers and find that this will cost $1 billion per life saved. Probably not worth mandating them. It's not that those lives aren't worth saving, but there are more cost effective ways to save lives. We could tax everyone the same money they would spend buying these devices, and then use this money to expand Medicare eligibility. Or we could mandate some other vehicle safety device. The number of lives saved is always balanced against the cost of an intervention. The value of a life is infinite; the number of dollars available to save lives is finite.

        But printing on a battery? The manufacturers already print a labels on them. It costs tiny fractions of a penny per battery to add the safety warnings. Even if it only prevents a handful of deaths or serious injuries over a decade, the cost is so low we might as well do it. There's something like 14 million new vehicles sold in the US each year. Imagine over ten years that's 140 million vehicles. Let's say it costs a penny to include a warning label on each battery. That's a cost of $1.4 million over an entire decade.

        I would say in that case, if even a single life is spared over that decade, if only a single living person is saved from the reaper...Then it is worth it. Hell, that's probably even a fair amount to prevent a life-altering injury. If even one person per decade is stupid enough to drink battery acid, and this warning will prevent it, then it is worth doing!

  • Stupid people always existed. The difference is now they have TikTok and twitter, so we can see their stupidity more.

  • Ah yes, when basically the only electronics in a car were the head and tail lights. I can assemble and disassemble a Willy jeep or VW Beatle by just looking at it and going with the flow, I have no fucking clue how to disassemble a modern car's door panel without breaking anything.

    But if we're comparing us to boomers, let's see who's better at building a simple web scraping tool in python which runs on a raspi without any knowledge of python, Linux, AI and how to setup a raspberry pi. It took me a day to figure out.

    • That's the thing that hasn't changed: Some folks have a DIY attitude/initiative and others have a defeatist mentality.

      I have no doubt that if you took someone from 50 years ago who could disassemble their car's engine and put it back together again and raised them up in today's environment they'd be the ones learning Python and how to fool around with Linux.

      Maybe amateur radio folks (from 50 years ago) would be more appropriate for the analogy but you get the idea. Smarts and ignorance are orthogonal concepts.

      • Yeah, whatever we do differently now is because of new knowledge. Not because we're smarter. It's so annoying when conspiracy idiots say "how was this ancient primitive civilization able to build a pyramid, it must have been aliens" while the people back then were just as smart as we are now, but with less knowledge and technological advancements then we have today.

        My previous comment is what I usually say to boomers who claim "the new generation is so dumb, they can't even use a rotary phone anymore" or anything like that. Yeah grandpa, because we have smartphones now. In ancient Rome they built massive aquaducts, I'd like to see you try building one, with a chisel, which still stands over 3000 years later. You're so dumb, you don't even know how to do that while ancient Romans built them all across Europe.

        It's just grumpy old farts who are stuck in their midlife and now feel left behind and so much smarter and better than younger people while in reality being so extremity stubborn and ignorant.

  • Older vehicles easier to work on, go out of spec more often.

  • Arrogantly calling out the intelligence claims of others works better if you know when and how to use punctuation.

  • The problem are the shitty modern cars that are partly hard to repair so you have to pay for parts and service, partly because they want to sell you bs "features", while they also break constantly, because they are made to be as cheap as possible. Brought to you by the generation that now makes fun about people stuck in the system they helped to create