I miss myspace
I miss myspace
I miss myspace
America is dead, play it off Keyboard Cat.
issue is it will collapse into neofeudalism, where the Czar Executive Officier of your network city will demand you work 16 hours every day, or he will send you to the wellness farms working 18 hours a day.
"Play me off, Johnny!"
I miss when tech entrepreneurs just wanted to get rich and retire young instead of becoming real life James Bond villains. Tom Anderson got a generation to learn HTML, got Rupert Murdoch to hand over $580mil for a social network that'd be dead within a few years, then had the decency to peace out and travel the world enjoying his photography hobby. No evil schemes. No fascism. Just pretty pictures.
While Tom was tomming, Zuckerberg was zucking.
Before either of them Gates was gatesing. TechCrunch entrepreneurs have always sucked.
This is another reason why income and wealth inequality are bad for us. We have a natural level of psychopathy in the population. Some are bound to stumble into the kind of power given by obscene inequality.
Is it me, or is this ironically old meme designed to dismiss whatever the user says?
The joys of learning HTML to impress your high school crush with autoplay music on your MySpace profile...
It's borderline difficult to live day to day knowing what's going on at every moment.
You know how millennials and Gen z can't even image working one job that's minimum wage to buy a house and support a family.
Soon the generations after us won't be able to image a fun internet that's not filled with ads and controlled by 5 companies.
You can still watch cat videos, they're just sandwiched in between hell and sadness to keep you scrolling.
With hundreds of flashing ads along the side-bar.
cat, im a kitty cat, and dance dance dance and dance dance dance
I really miss that era of the internet.. Myspace was fun and everybody's, typically awful, profile had so much character. Felt like you really got to know the people you hung out with on there. I'll never forgive my shitty friend for convincing me to switch to Facebook lol
MySpace was such a “special” thing. So stupid. But so fun, and dumb. (Or go even further back to geocities, or some yahoo shit.)
It was niche. Then people try to capture that, to mainstream it. Which in a weird way could be justified. But then you end up with Facebook. And then the same thing with Reddit a decade later.
Nice things. Can’t have.
I lost the music I made in college to the MySpace database loss/crash/whatever.
Upside: the music I made in college is forever lost.
Long before anyone had a PCs or servers beefy enough for internet video, we still had tiny gifs. And before that, we all just had our own websites all over the web which you could make entirely your own, for free or for cheap. And it was awesome. <blink>
tags everywhere!
I still have the html files for my first geocities site. It was a Commander Keen fansite with info that was already on every other fansite. But it was mine! And I used marquee tags and background midi files and gifs whenever I wanted to, and WordArt for the page headings.
Even then I was late to the party. My the time I joined, geocities was part of Yahoo. I remember when the URLs used to be cities and neighbourhoods.
Also, Onchat.com.
‼️ OMG, I just remembered. SpaceHey.
Filtering Youtube by 12+ years ago is a wild ride.
For those curious, just add "before:2010" (replace 2010 with whatever year you want) to your search query.
I looked up sixty fouurrr a few days ago and was shocked to see 18 years ago.
The good old days of: "cat, i'm a kitty cat and i dance dance dance and i dance dance dance"
I miss the old internet
Before the corporations colonized it
Damn, I wish I had access to the early internet. What was it like? I didn't even get internet until I immigrated to the US in like around the 2010s, so I had no idea what internet was like before that.
It wasn't commodified nearly to the extent it is now, so a large portion of it existed merely because of people's passion. There were no super sites of information like reddit, so people would create their own websites and forums dedicated to one subject. Forums still had their arguments, but it wasn't nearly as vitriolic as social media is now. Search really, really sucked until Google came along. Slow as balls.
We also didn't rely on the internet as much as a resource. Like of course you would do some of your research online, but if you were really working on something serious, you went to the library!
the good news is, often times those old forums are still up. so if you're doing a very niche hobby, like trying to outfit your '05 nissan sentra with a turbocharger for some reason, there are forums talking about it. you might even be able to respond to the threads. who knows.
It's not the early internet, but a lot of websites in the 00s (when I started using it) let you customize your profile. We all had horrible CSS and an autoplay song that only we liked on our Myspace profiles and it was great. Flash was both a buggy mess that could introduce viruses to your computer and an amazing outlet for creativity that I don't think has been replaced. It was a lot less centralized and you were only being tracked across the whole internet by the NSA and not every internet company too.
Edit: I should say that I lose a bit of nostalgia every time I see forum posts from that era though, the casual bigotry was everywhere and so obnoxious
Everything was somewhere in between https://slashdot.org/, https://ytmnd.com/, and 4chan.
The nostalgia is entirely wasted on anyone who lived through 90s internet. It was cool because I was 12 and getting to drink from the information fire hose was a daily adventure. But it had all the same garbage politics, slop content, and horndog users of the modern internet.
The biggest difference between then and now is that Then Internet was considered a kind of counterculture (which meant 90s Reichwing Radio DJ Rush Limbaugh screeching like a stuck pig every time he heard about a new fad or meme he didn't like) while Now Internet has your Rush Limbaugh tier content and your Chinese Rednote apps bumping into one another in the same oversized wave pool.
Yeah the internet now is so much nicer. And I don't just mean the corporate spaces with the edges sanded off, but the indie web, fediverse, and random forums. There used to be this incredibly toxic masculinity that crept into everything.
A lot of us have also grown up. I know because I'm still in a forum with people I've known online from 20+ years ago, where we used to post the most heinous, edgy shit.
Look up "indie web" and just start clicking links until you see URLs you've never heard of before.
Congrats, you're surfing the web. Let us know if you find anything cool.
You know how lemmy or xyz social media is people posting their thoughts directly so you kinda get a look into their brains? And maybe there's a pic or vid or some other link to accompany it to support the topic of their post. Imagine that but it's entire websites basically built from the ground up with what one lone person believed was aesthetically appropriate to communicate their ideas or passions.
And nothing was centralized so there might've been a hundred time cube variations but no one ever found them because they weren't linked on anyone's webrings. It was all beautiful terrible madness.
You never had to create an account to view anything in the website.
Mindless scrolling was not a thing because links were mostly nested.
It was also extremely easy to chat with perverts on mIRC, the Yahoo chat thing etc. Speaking of chats, all of your chat logs were stored locally on your PC as text files rather than on a cloud so you could delete them if you wanted.
The internet
"I can do both"
The internet was actually for porn
I left reddit for lemmy and now lemmy is just the same people complaining about the same stuff. What happened to cat pics, pirates, and robots?
I opened Lemmy after like a year and this post made me smile. I don't see this as 'complaining' considering I just arrived from the cesspool that's reddit.
I think it's kinda hard to find spaces where people are gonna be willfully ignorant of the issues currently plaguing our lives. Sure, everyone wants a break from it and not think about it the latest infringement on our rights but outrage fatigue is something we need to be aware of.
To be fair, it's probably not the same, but there is Spacehey. It is described as a modern Myspace. Haven't logged in to mine for a while since I still haven't learned how to make a profile theme thing, but it's pretty fun (coming from someone who was never there for the Myspace revolution).
I can hear the music just by seeing the picture.
Such a good jam.
Honestly being on here, pixelfed and mastodon kinda is capturing that old internet energy for me. I’m hopefully to see these spaces grow and am going to do my part to keep spreading awareness.
When I first joined Lemmy as part of the semi-great API migration it seemed quite empty, but it does feel like it has slowly grown, unfortunately I'm finding following Trump getting in I can't scroll without seeing tons of Trump/Musk posts. Doesn't matter how many things I block it is neverending. I just want to go back to when we were just here to have fun, not constantly be reminded as to what is happening across the pond.
You can filter words in apps like Voyager. Takes a few updates with fridge terms but it quiets things down a lot.
Sticking to communities that you’ve subscribed to also helps.
But right now things in America might actually lead to a Nazi uprising lead by trump and musk. People need to seriously start considering taking precautions if they haven’t already. Get stocked up and spread awareness.
I remember making a myspace page because a girl I had a crush on had one.
For better or worse, content moderation was almost nonexistent. On those 100s of forums and websites you could see just about anything. The degenerate and shock culture thrived as much as all the other random stuff. People can still find terrible things out there but now there's real effort to police and control the platforms. The big players don't let the REALLY terrible stuff on their systems. Rotten.com is always what I reference. There used to be porn, TV shows, and movie, on YouTube. Copyright was a suggestion and free use was everywhere for homemade music videos and downloads. There was also less effort to protect children. There are still issues today but widely the internet is at least devided into more age appropriate spaces. Those spaces get invaded but it's not how it was back then. In the 90s or early 00s you were assumed to be an adult if you were online. If you were smart you kept it that way. There was generally no avoidance if you were a minor like today.
That's not to say the protections that exist today are perfect. It is more so just the fact that they exist at all, and at least for appearances, an effort is made.
Internet back then kind of had a flea market / bazaar vibe. It really was that old west feel.
There are SO many levels of Terms of Services that help keep the modern internet clean. We didn't have that back then. Before monetization. These days, you have your ISPs, search engines, and domain hosts all working to keep things clean at a secondary level, before you even get to the website. Rotten.com can't exist today as easily because it would have to find a host that would allow it's content. Then it would have to be searchable, not end up a blacklisted domain on the forums, and also have protection from digital attacks, and THEN it's content would have to be regulated to make sure it doesn't break laws to get shut down. It could not exist today how it did back then.
Back then, rotten.com was as easy to find as asking jeeves, or yahoo to show you a dead body. The whole internet was that. No laws no shared mortality.
If MySpace hadn't gone away, it would just be like Facebook is now anyway.
It would be worse. The site got bought out by News Corp (FOX's parent company) in 2005.
The site would be some kind of TurningPointUSA / DailyWire right-wing trash factory. Every song on there would be Ben Shapiro rapping or Oliver Anthony releasing the "Rich Men North of Richmond" techno remix.
Rippers Keyboard Cat
Tom said he was my friend, but did he offer to help when I was moving to a new apartment?
One of my earliest experiences with the Internet was seeing a picture of a country girl in cowboy boots with a carrot up her ass and an ear of corn stretching her pussy. It was 1991. I also played bridge with people in Asia in the middle of the night.
In my wildest dreams as well, I wouldn't have imagined the shit storm that is going on... and that too is amplified by internet which was supposed to be a good thing...
80s and 90s internet was peak. It all went downhill after that.
There really wasn't much online in the 80s, other than a lot of archives. After the invention of HTML and subsequently, the World Wide Web it became a lot more user-friendly and also got filled with a lot of garbage. After 2010 or so is when enshitiffication went into overdrive.
Yeah I was about 10 in 1990 so I got the tail end but the 80s also had a lot of scientific stuff which is why it's better than now
Check out spacehey https://spacehey.com/
That's a serval, I think. Maybe a caracal?
It's not capitalism that is collapsing
Liberalism is a capitalist ideology.
The criticism is that late stage capitalism corrupts itself and becomes fascism/technocracy/feudalism/whatever as the powers of corporation and state merge.
That or everyone dies from ecological collapse.
Of course, the idea that it's not capitalism when the state does it is a core capitalist conceit. A lot of socialists are trying to have their cake and eat it too on the definitions.