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I wish more people clean URLs before sharing it to others. /post/6177058

I see a lot of people, including friends and family, sharing URLs rife with tracking parameters.

I feel alone in making sure that I'm sharing the cleanest possible URLs to others. For example, checking if the URLs are shortened to hide plenty of tracking params.

Just need to vent, thanks for reading.

Edit: adding some context for future references.

By using url tracking params, tech companies can track who shares the content and who clicks on that specific shared urls. A simple but effective tracking method.

Try sharing Instagram post or YouTube video from the apps.

Instagram adds 'igshid=' . YouTube adds 'si='.

If you share the same IG or YouTube content from different accounts. The 'igshid', 'si' value will be different.

This can be used to tag who shares it, and who clicks on that specific url param value.

TikTok hides a ton of such params behind shortened url. Try expanding tiktok shared urls.

If you use android, use this app to expand, analyze and clean up urls

If you use Firefox (you should), install ublock origin and add this url tracking filter maintained by adguard:

  • Phones and chrome are designed to prevent people from noticing that they're being tracked and helping big tech track others

  • It's not just safer, they're nicer to look at too. I hate seeing a 20 character URL followed by a ? and 200 characters.


    product links are a major offender here.

  • A personal gripe of mine. I can't get any of my friends/family to care...

    • It needs to be and should be automatic. But it's not in the interests of media platforms to add such functionality

  • I shall do it, because i hate this URL ads, even more the fucking link shortener, because they disguised it and avoid to see the destination. Because of this i use 2 extension, a Link unshortener, which reveal the real URL, when i click on a shorten link also the Adguardfilter in the Vivaldi's own trackerblocker, You can find more filters here: