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I literally do blame the Democrats for Trump, and if you don't, you weren't paying attention.

Plenty of us were critiquing Clinton's campaign on those merits and were consistently talked down to in shocker the same way we're being talked down to now. Shocker, she lost. I remember saying a few weeks before the election "We're about to get Brexited." I put my vote down for Clinton, because Trump is fucking insane, and that was clear before he was President. It was clear in the fucking 1980's.

Being able to critique our leaders is supposed to be what is the difference between us and conservative voters. They're the cult who unquestioningly believes all the bullshit that comes out of Trump's mouth and diapers. I find it weird that people think we should be more like them in regards to our leaders like that would be a good thing.

  • I mean it's fine to critique the DNC as long as we don't ignore the current political climate. We had an insurrection, confidential documents were stolen, spies were killed.

    That president worked with his party to get several justices who have caused a divisive climate over abortion, which has had several state upsets due to it being more unpopular than initially believed.

    The President responsible for this is currently buried in court cases. He is the presumed frontrunner for his party despite everything listed. The most likely reason he wants it above his dictatorial speeches is that he wants a pardon for everything he's done up until now. That at the end of the day is the problem that nothing else can really beat out, but if we really had to add anything, it's that he hasn't even shown to be opposed to any of the things that are negatively affecting the current President.

    Like I didn't think he was a great President, but it's pretty much everything he did going out the door that made it clear he shouldn't come back. For all of DNCs issues, it was absolutely the republican party at the end of the day that made the situation we have today. The DNC was just incompetent to do anything about it.

    I think the general issue with a lot of anti-DNC posts lately is that they come off as "We will vote for a party that doesn't win on any level of government, just to show our opinion"

    Which...seems to ignore that one party is trying to erode voting rights, which would make it hard to fix these issues long-term, and assumes that DNC would take it they lost votes to a third party....which lets be real here, if you already think they don't pay attention, they won't when you do that. It also comes off as a bit insincere, since if you truly are against the should be trying to build the 3rd parties enough to actually win in some states, before trying to take on the presidency...I there probably aren't even enough states that know who the third parties are to possibly get them elected at this time.

    So yeah, mainly my problem with a lot of anti-DNC posts isn't so much they make the democrats to be incompetent. They honestly are. It's that they seem to ignore the the domestic threats coming from the other party, and bury into some completely unrealistic goals currently.

    And yes, I will just say it: We have failed as a civilization. No actions will prevent another genocide in the current political climate. It is supported bipartisan. It is literally one of the only things supported bipartisan.

    • I think the general issue with a lot of anti-DNC posts lately is that they come off as “We will vote for a party that doesn’t win on any level of government, just to show our opinion”

      I think this is mostly a valid critique, but this is the part I take issue with, and why I made this post to begin with.

      That we plan on not voting for Democrats seems to be the automatic assumption of anyone regarding these posts. I even agree, some of these posts come off as pretty lame and like they intend to withhold their vote. Especially when a post gets removed and they move to another instance to post the same post again. That's just spammy and abusive and doesn't speak to a good faith argument, so I agree, some of the people with these opinions are absolutely shitty. I'm just tired of being a target because other people are shitty.

      Why not find out what people's plans for voting are by asking them instead of making crass assumptions and gross conspiratorial comments like "Da, daddy Putin!" that come off as just as wildly unhinged as Trumpers, assuming everyone who disagrees with them is a Russian plant. It's fucking pathetic and I see more comments like that than thoughtful ones like yours.

      Anyway, thanks for a thoughtful and well considered reply.

    • I think you're confusing a tremendous amount of distrust for HRC instead of the DNC. Yeah, the DNC is ultimately responsible, but now that HRC's out of the picture, they seem to be behaving.

  • I literally do blame the Democrats for Trump, and if you don’t, you weren’t paying attention.

    I wasn't paying attention?

    The structure of government in the US, federal and state, has always been unfairly tilted in favor of "land" over "people." The electoral college is the most glaring example, but even the concept of giving each state two Senators regardless of population, and then requiring bills to pass the Senate to become law, makes everything that happens in the federal government require the approval of people who have more political power than their number warrants. State governments are organized in the exact same way. The Three-Fifths Compromise did even more, giving slave states far more representation in the House than their free citizens warranted. The power and influence that comes with wealth tips the scales, too - again, in so many places where that wealth was extracted from human bondage and handed over to the slaveowners. Sprinkle some gerrymandering on top of that.

    This was all in place well before any well-organized political parties existed in the United States.

    The US has always, and by design, been arranged to benefit assholes. Trump and his supporters are just today's assholes, and nobody else in the world is responsible for that.

  • Some More News made a really good point: If we can't call out our own guy without being told we're helping the other guy, how is that... good?

    • Who's saying it's good? First of all, there is no "your own guy". You don't have a guy. There is no "your own guy" anywhere here.

      Not helping "the other guy" is an indispensable condition in maybe getting the "this guy" to acknowledge that the whole thing is not working and to stop pretending this is buisness as usual as opposed to a slow moving coup that needs deep reform to prevent.

      I don't understand how these conversations are the same as in 2016, or in 2001, for that matter. In Germany it took some minor electoral increases and a leaked mention of "mass deportations" and they set off thousands of marches country-wide, involving hundreds of thousands of people. Trump is openly talking about mass deportations to an adoring following, Stephen Miller is planning mass concentration camps and Texas is actively trying to kill migrants.

      And we're talking about whether it's ok to be more or less rough with what you say of Biden online.

      I say this from a place of profound worry and fear. What the hell, man?

      • I totally get it. Trump is evil and we need to elect Biden. And that being too hard on Biden or saying "I'm not gonna vote" is being incredibly risky with the lives of the most vulnerable among us.

        But there is something deeply wrong with our system if it allowed things to get to this point. Ever since I became politically aware in the 90s the Republicans have been a threat to rights and life. When is that gonna end so we can have a real conversation?

  • Ah, yes, the fallacy where the Republicans are the de facto winners and the election is only up to what the Democrats do.

    I mean, yeah, they ran a mediocre campaign, but there is a difference between "critiquing our leaders" and literally campaigning against them, and leftist in general have a hard, hard, HARD time with that one. Critique is for when you're in power. You analize, you apply your newfound political power to create pressure, you postmortem what went wrong. Campaigns are for winning.

  • Hubris may have lead to Clinton’s loss but Trump voters made him win. If the powers that be didn’t fully understand the hostility of voters that lead to Trump’s victory then maybe they are not as smart as they think they are but not actively malicious. Trump is actively malicious and surrounds himself with the same. The Democratic Party may have tipped the scales a bit for Hillary but they also must have thought she would get the most votes and was one of the most qualified candidates from either party. I’m not going to defend the two party system but only one is pushing for ranked choice voting, electing by popular vote, and reducing voting restrictions. Not voting or third party isn’t going to make this any better

    • The issue here is that Bernie was leading polling (among dems,) and killed the NH primary’s popular vote by a landslide and Iowa caucus was the closest margin in Iowa dem history.

      Despite this, the NH superdelegates pledged for Hilary. This performance was in spite of the DNC actively taking steps to harm Bernie’s campaign (cutting access to voter databases; fucking around with debate scheduled).

      To be blunt, the DNC fucked America by not nominating the best possible candidate in ‘16.

      And they’re doing it again. Biden has all the same weaknesses that Hilary has- and some extra besides. Meanwhile Trump has had 4 years to spin and retcon his bullshit to his base; the memories of his term are less fresh.

      He’s weak with the millennial vote (and gen z.)

      He’s soft on the black vote: (he opposed busing for desegregation in the 70’s, said he didn’t want his kids going to a racial zoo- or however he said it,); and then there’s the condescending bullshit he dropped “if you vote for Trump ya ain’t black”.

      Soft on Latino votes; because his border policies also suck. His first two years he could have had motion but now he’s fucked on it.

      Soft in Palestinian and Muslim votes. “Genocide Joe” is a far more apt nickname than anything else Trump has called him.

      Biden has consistently opposed abortion (flip flopped in his ‘19 campaign for president. historically voting for restrictions on abortions, and voted to block federal funding for abortion providers.), and let’s be honest, if he wanted RvW as law; he could easily have gotten that done in his first two years.)

      Biden is historically soft on LGBTQ rights- voting to ban gay marriage.

      While improved from Trump; Biden’s economy still objectively sucks for the vast majority of Americans, 60% of whom are living pay check to pay check. (Which is actually up from Trump’s term; even if it is trumps fault, mostly.)

      Inflation is still fucking most Americans; who are consistently being told it’s our fault (asking for wages) despite record-setting profits for corporations.

      If you’re being honest with yourself, you’d understand a rapist insurrectionist who has proudly declared he wants to be a dictator is the only candidate that Biden could realistically defeat.

    • Not voting or third party isn’t going to make this any better

      I made this post because of bullshit ass assumptions like this. I voted for fucking Clinton with gritted teeth and the same for fucking Biden. I know the fucking stakes, I vote for fucking Democrats, but even in the response to this meme I've got chucklefucks assuming they know what's on my mind or what I'm arguing here.

      What do you assholes want from us, a pound of fucking flesh? You already have our fucking votes!

  • People attribute a lot more competence to the DNC then they've really demonstrated.

    Like yeah HRC might have legitimately thought that way about Trump, but if her own campaigning didn't win the election for herself suggesting it's what put Trump over the finish line or even that it was of any significant contribution is pretty disingenuous.

    Not to mention how the DNC and HRC aren't able to mind control voters, like 99% of attempts to make Trump into the DNC boogeyman's fault ignore the choice voters made to vote for him or to just not vote for Clinton, and the "shoved Clinton down our throats" narrative is pretty racist since it basically casts Clinton's primary win through significant support by the black and poc vote as illegitimate.

    We almost had a double down on that shit in 2020 but the "low information voter" dog whistlers just decided to blame everything on Clyburn this time.

    • I mean, I wouldn't really say my critique is that they're "competent." Hubris does not imply competence.

      I would say elevating someone like Trump because you think it's an easy win falls under "incompetent."

      Clinton isn't the only reason he won, but acting like her campaign didn't have an impact on Trump, and that her campaign centering him isn't also part of why he ended up the nominee is acting like she never had any influence or impact at all, is also not true.

      Clinton's campaign literally had press access and so to act like her campaign didn't influence what the media discussed is also brazenly ignoring what happened. Did she make Trump President? No. Did she give him way more opportunity to win than he would have had otherwise? Yes.

      You don't have to be competent for that.

  • This is ignoring the iceberg that sunk the titanic and focusing on the shoes of the lookout man for being too comfortable so the guy wasn't as uninsurable aware as you think he should have been.

    "I literally do blame the lookout guy's shoes for the boat sinking, and if you don't, you aren't paying attention"

    • Actually it's a lot more like if the lookout told the captain that he saw an iceberg and the captain was like "You know, I think we'll do better if we just get a little closer to it first..."