Unless all these Gen Z kids actually fucking VOTE it won't matter, because Boomers fucking do.
Oh, you think the choices are trash? Well fucking vote in the primaries then. Get involved at a local level, and start promoting candidates that represent you. Don't just bitch and moan that the choice is between a codger and senile draft-dodger.
Once the hateful boomers die out, the republican party will be finished. They know this and is why they have been focusing on voter suppression so much.
Wow, a news story that makes me think my kid could actually live in a better political climate than me in a few decades. I forgot what this feeling was like.
Does this imply that the human race is drastically more sexually fluid than most species when allowed to be without oppression? Or that the culture gen z has grown up in helps cultivate a more fluid preference?
I grew up in the 80s, so I'm trying to understand, but it's tough meshing statements like this with my experiences.
Please don't misunderstand this post as disapproval. Just confusion.
sees source oh it's gay fox, which means it's probably sensationalized to the point that the headline is a lie, because that's what they do over there.
As it should be. FUCKING VOTE! And remember, by not voting for Biden, you are voting for Trump whether or not you actually cast a vote. ALL of the Trump supporters WILL show up on the day.
Maybe they're more likely to take online polls. Were the participants invited to take the poll, or just posted somewhere and left up for people to discover and take if so inclined? I don't care about these results, just pointing out that usually these things aren't terribly reliable. Maybe this poll of some 6,000 perfectly represents Gen Z. I have no idea.
Is there an agenda to push, or is it less of a stigma and a sign of progress? Are the chemical products in our environment changing our hormones, or are young impressionable people following a trend? Will this trend continue, and what is the desired peak since this is apparently something to celebrate. Would we be celebrating if biologists determined that homosexuality has increased 64% among giraffes, or would it just be considered data to be viewed with no bias? Are mushrooms really safe to microdose, and what is the recommended dose SWIM should be taking?
It's weird. As a millennial in college I would always hear the grief from gen x hearing me complain and respond with "well get out an vote then." I guess it is now my turn to tell that to a younger generation, watch them get upset, and then eat my popcorn in 20 years while I watch gen lecture the next generation on the importance of voting.
But I do think this is alarming:
Before the 2020 election, 57% of Americans ages 18 to 29 said they were planning to vote. The number is now 49%, a figure many analysts say reflects disinterest in the likelihood of a Biden-Trump rematch.
I think the US would be a better place if we had compulsory voting laws similar to Australia that gets like 90 percent turnout. As a citizen of a democracy I think voting should be an obligation. And as a member of a democracy I wish the majority vote actually was a number that is a majority of Americans, not just Americans that voted, so we could have more faith in the outcomes actually reflecting the will of the people.
With the exception of millennials, who were born between 1981 and 1996, Gen Z adults are notably less likely than those in other generations to identify as conservative.
Or in simpler terms, both millennials and gen z are less likely than those in other generations to identify as conservative.
Fuck, that's once again proves my point that many of younger folks treat lgbtq as a fucking subculture. There's no way there are 28% of lgbt people, most of those treat being queer as being trendy. Same sexual preferences and body perception as straight cis, just putting a rainbow flag and dying hair makes them "LGBTQ++" Ricky Gervais was on point in Armageddon
But the two aren’t mutually exclusive? This doesn’t tell anybody anything because one thing relates to politics and the other thing relates to sexuality and gender identity.
It is very common for young people on every generation to be part of the left-wing movements. But I think they are focalizing in a superficial problem, instead to find solutions to more critic challenges. Do non-straight people suffer discrimination, etc?. Yes, but there are other more dramatic problems such as: homelessness, fentanyl epidemics, public health, etc.
cool post, but political party affiliation means nothing when both sides of the "political spectrum" are actually the same side which are in the pockets of the same individuals who wish to putrify society, the results of which lead to this exact news article :)
The similarities between sexual freedom and religious freedom is striking. Sexual attraction and identification is important to be free and open, just like religious freedom. Free from persecution, equal rights and oppertunities.
But I don't like when people forcefully spread their belief system and their values to others. Let it be organic, don't try to force change. People are free to pursue their lifestyle and i'm free to pursue mine. In today's society, it feels like the ownerclass are running pro lgbtq advertisements. Is it another divide and conquer technique? The whole thing feels forced...
Please don't downvote just because it's an unpopular opinion, rather lets discuss the issue 👍