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Star Trek fans have held the national stereotype of being way too rabid about things for decades but they’re probably the nicest fan base in all of science fiction and the one least likely to have a large faction of them absolutely lose it over a torpedo being fired by a woman or dumb shit like that
anyone that tries to say star trek has "gone woke" or some stupid shit like that clearly isn't a fan of it and just trying to rile up stuff. I mean come on... how can someone say that and have watched the shows LOL
Star Trek fans were some of the earlier cosplayers. Trekkies were wearing Starfleet uniforms and Vulcan ears to conventions decades before the word "cosplay" was a thing. My father has a book called the Starfleet Technical Manual published in the 70's that is basically an official guide for fans to build screen accurate costumes and props from, including sewing patterns for the various tunics and wrist-length dresses and a page of color swatches, plus dimensional drawings of tricorders, phasers and communicators.
And the public at large in the 1970s wasn't ready for that yet.
I kinda lost it when Janeway fired more photon torpedos than the ship had upon entering the Delta quadrant. Where did she get the extra torpedoes?! She's a witch!
Also, sorry everyone, I was a Trekkie first and I will always come back to Star Trek, but the MST3K fan base is the nicest fan base. The only two bitter arguments I've ever seen the community devolve into was Joel vs. Mike (now very moot) and "I hate Crow's new lady voice" for the most recent season. Other than that, everyone is super nice to a fault. The MST3K forums is the friendliest forum I have ever been on.
If I would ever be in desperate need of help it would instantly comfort me to see a trekkie or a metalhead. The average wholesomeness is ridiculously high.
I don't think anyone cares about a torpedo being fired by a woman
What people do care about is continuity, at least trying to keep characters consistent, good stories, etc.
Hence why most of the nu-trek shows and movies are such utter crap, as it's CGI over story while completely ignoring 50 years of history.
Picard show, for example... Beverly crusher who once disobeyed a direct.order to save a victim after a bombing attack, who made a point about being peaceful is now a ninja assassin. Seven of nine, who made a point about improving, being better, now is a mad mass murderer who wants revenge for everything. Picard, who once was thoughtful, highly intelligent and respected, is now a bumbling old man.
Star trek which once was about being better is now about fuck fuck fuckerdy fuck fuck fuck because that's star trek now, man, get with the program, it's cool man!
I can go on for hours about Picard, let's not. Discovery is somehow even worse. Those movies where they just did older movies again but now with new! And! Improved! CGI! CGI CGI CGI! Lense flaaaaaaaare!
With TNG I so could imagine living there on one of those star ships. Nu trek crap ships are just ... I don't even know where to begin
Add a broody darkness over that with regular over the top violence, and yeah, we really have star trek!
This is throwing shade at SW fans. Thing is, SW is shit since the Prequeks. Disney SW only made it worse. However, Disney shills use muhsoggknee excuse everytime someone points out their shitty movies and shows. This is why they're seething at Jenny's 4 hour takedown of their Hotel.