Chaotic neutral is, unironically, the best for a lot of work related tasks. It takes up less space on a desk and the vertical monitor just makes a lot of sense for reading Teams/Slack/whatever, answer emails, reading documents, etc.. I actually picked it up from a friend who uses a vertical curved monitor and he said it was great for coding related work. Don’t skimp on the resolution, though, ‘cause you’ll probably want 1440p to make sure the words are clear. 4k is fine but probably overkill and needlessly expensive.
When I worked from home I had my personal 34” curved screen in the middle of my desk for AutoCAD and a vertical monitor from work fit perfectly between the main monitor and the edge of the desk. T’was brilliant. And I’m tall so my main screen is high enough up that my laptop fits underneath and I can watch shows and stuff
I don't subscribe to your morality. I have my second monitor on the floor under the desk.I often unplug it and plug in a projector that's pointing at the wall to my left for YouTube while I work. Haha!
I used to be chaotic good for some time before I decided I needed the desk space more.
All of the screens are working now, this was an old laptop that couldn't handle that many outputs. I've got a webcam and a small mirror in the hole between the top screens so I can see if anyone entered the room behind me.
My old Dell laptop got a dark display corner and a few times of usage later it went completely and permanently dark. So I used an external screen only until I got my new laptop.
Lawful chaotic?
The vertical feature in windows was the best thing Microsoft ever did. My ideal set up is two stacked horizontally oriented screens with a vertical screen either side. Documents, code and web pages are tall, simulation diagrams and PowerPoints, etc, are wide. Fight me.
not sure where my setup stands, i got my ipad in portrait, in the centre of the desk on a stand, with two 14 inch laptops on either side, one phone on the left side of the left laptop, another phone either wedged between the two laptops, or inconveniently chucked in the middle of the giant mousepad.
I used to have a chaotic evil setup. I was writing code for some AIO PCs used as kiosks on the shop floor, so I needed to test the code on one of the devices. At the height of things, as we were transitioning to a new system, I had two of the kiosks (running different OSs), my laptop screen, and two external monitors, all of them running software that let my mouse and keyboard treat them as one computer.
I'm in 'chaotic good' territory, with the smaller secondary monitor on the left, and games fucking refuse to launch on the larger monitor despite it being set as the primary. Even doing the Win+Shift+Arrow trick to force it over to the right, it will pop back to the left as soon as I Alt+Tab away, or sometimes even during the transition from the main menu to loading the actual game.
Tried switching the ports around to change which monitor is #1 vs #2; I've even upgraded to a new GPU... nope, shit always launches on the tiny monitor.
Ready to throw them both away and just buy two matching monitors, but y'know... money...
Typically NG, rarely CN. I actually only have two monitors because one died and I needed a new one in short order. The one that died was repaired free under warranty so now I have two.
I have mine set up like lawful good, but the middle one is work, and the side two are personal, and when I'm not working, I move the side two to completely block the middle one. What's my alignment?
I have three monitors. Two 27" in neutral good configuration, then a third smaller 4:3 monitor (not sure what size off the top of my head) in a chaotic good type setup, albeit on the left side, not the right.
My desktop machine can use all three, but the two main monitors are usually tuned to my work laptop.