Bumper sticker
Bumper sticker
Bumper sticker
A group having rights does not take rights away from you. It's not pie.
May I introduce you to Christians? Or how about the GOP? MAGA would like to also have a word. I could go on…
Why keep focusing on a single group?
Also, a group having pie does not take pie away from you. It's not unobtanium.
Nope, but it does work toward balancing the scales of power, and christian cis white men hate that with a passion, and they conflate any perceived loss of power with oppression.
This is one of the things that bother me with people being anti-trans. Why the hell do they care? There is nothing, NOTHING that trans people are asking for that bother me, because it does not affect my life. I don't see how it affects theirs either.
There are two things I know little about when it comes to trans.
However (the controversial part) many trans people are vulnerable and also struggle with other issues and operations is often permanent. This is something that I don't believe is easy to decide, I am ignorant here, I trust medical professionals, psychologists, psychiatrists and the trans community to come up with guidelines / practice here. It is however not something that I think politicians should decide, or is competent in deciding.
The only reason I care about point 2 is to protect people from mistakes, not to stop trans people from transitioning!
Thanks for reading my rant 😊
How to make it fair in sports, but I really don’t care for sports. So I haven’t researched it. Don’t really care if they participate, but I don’t take sports seriously anyways.
I personally don't think sports should be gendered, but people should be placed in different "leagues".
Similar to how chess players with similar ratings play with each other.
Atheletes should be categorized by skill, regardless of gender.
Fun fact, a recent study reported that cis women have an advantage over trans women in sports due to their higher testosterone levels allowing them to build more muscle mass.
You know, the same argument transphobes use against letting trans people be athletes because of their supposed "biological advantage."
Which is the same one that's been used for almost a century now to ban black women from women's sports due to their naturally higher testosterone levels when compared to white women.
Atheletes should be categorized by skill, regardless of gender.
Radical feminists don't want that kind of equality, and it could get the ball rolling for equivalent pay for male models / adult film actors. I lack any strong opinion on the subject but have no interest personally in watching men's beach volleyball. -When you disregard the draw of the event when it comes to pay; you're messing with the financials surrounding the event. -May as well go full bore communism then. Let people be forced to work and starve so they can learn that capitalism and the traditional ways (outside of religious influence) weren't so bad.
Did you think about: They’re icky?
… 🙄
Also if someone could link where I could get one of these stickers that’d be great :)
There’s some good shit in this store. I got the MAGA stickers.
They only care because they were told to care. It’s a distraction and satisfies their desire to punch down on vulnerable people. They are spineless cucks who want daddy trump to tell them what to think.
I think you underestimate the degree to which late 2010's pronoun compliance demands superceded the "live and let live" mantra the success of the LGBT movement depended on.
Nailed it.
Yeah, I'll be honest and say that I do not understand what it means to be transgender. And I will never understand. It doesn't matter how many trans friends I have or how many times people try to explain it to me. I won't ever fully get it.
But why in the ever living fuck should it matter whether or not I get it? Just let people live how they want to live!! I don't understand why it's so complicated for Christian fundies to understand that. How in the world are trans people harming anyone by existing? You don't have to "get it" to understand that people just want to live their fucking lives in peace.
One of the biggest things people bring up is the sports issue, like you said. To people's credit, I actually don't think there's a great solution to the sports problem. But pro athlete trans people make up only a tiny fraction of trans people so I don't understand why it should randomly be used to invalidate all trans people.
Just let people live how they want to live!! I don’t understand why it’s so complicated for Christian fundies to understand that.
What makes you think Christian fundies have ever been about "Just let people live how they want to live!!" which appears to be a 1970's hippie inspired slogan?
Almost the complete opposite of what Christians and Jews and especially Muslims are about.
Nobody actually cares.
This meme is great because the end part of the slogan is so versatile
Happy cake day you crybaby bitch!
It does something negative to my life- namely it makes me very scared for their safety. Especially in the U.S.
But that is not their fault. It's the fault of the bigots who hate them for existing.
Oh wow I saw this bumper sticker in the wild yesterday and I couldn't tell what the image on the left was.
A transformer
I feel like I should tattoo the verses they seem to ignore on their foreheads backwards so they have to see it every time they look in the mirror: Love thy neighbor as thyself and Judge not lest ye be judged. Hypocrites.
Slaanesh approves.
Is the use of what looks like the Black Legion because they are trans humans? They are very much a danger to humans. Or is the Emperor here a symbol of intolerance.
Even tho' I agree with the sentiment of the sticker.. Tbh in a real life situation I will side with the Emperor every time as it in the lore is the only thing that stops my soul from being devoured by warp spawn when I die. Fuck traitor space Marines.
Yeah, I take great offence at the use of Black Legions for this otherwise nice message.
Not even slightly offended. I have no issues with the trans community. Just pointed out the inconsistency in the use of WH40K related iconography. Would think a custodes (that now even have confirmed female members, much to the chagrin of the basement dwelling neck beards) would be a better choice.
I love the 40k setting, but I am also wary when it is used outside of that setting as it is really not a nice place, and often the people who idolizes it are not nice people.
Put it on your car and take another picture to show that you did. Being an ally for internet clout isn't enough. Sorry for posting a bunch on a single thread, I guess I kinda care a lot about this.
It's fine to post a meme without following your orders. Jesus Christ.
If I could get by without putting the registration sticker on my car I would.
I care passionately about a number of causes but my GTi doesn’t appreciate any extra weight and my fast wins every time.
I do slap them on my rabbit beater that goes to the hardware store and dump though
You can order these online. Here's mine:
The Emperor protects trans kids
If you would like your own you can find "punk with a camera" online or at many large punk rock events in the US. He produces these as bumper stickers and t-shirts. He has other great designs as well.
Not a meme
B-b-but one trans woman won a sport once!!!!!!!
Is that Warhammer?
I don't think 'existing' is the cause of problems we're running into.
Like simply being a crybaby bitch isn't really causing any problem. Their brain - their choice.
It's actions that are at issue.
But 'existing' is exactly what transphobes take issue with?
The sticker isn't saying they're bad because they're a crybaby bitch, it's saying that getting upset at other people just for being who they are is crybaby bitch shit.
Though honestly I think that's a bit unfair to crybaby bitches, who often are just upset over something silly. They're being hateful bigoted scumbags.
Car:"key me"
Bigot: "Well, if you insist..."
I especially like the crybaby bitch in the end which makes sure the people this is directed at just double down on their stance. Perfect example of what's wrong with U.S. politics.
Also not a meme.
Oh, look, it's a crybaby bitch!
And this belongs here why?
It's not similar to any meme I know.
I love how y'all just keep outing yourselves
well, if trans people didn't exist, I wouldn't have been called a crybaby bitch, which is something negative
I've never seen anybody IRL complaining about trans people. I think the whole thing is a media-powered storm in a teacup.
I have, as a transperson I experience it often.
The US bible belt is real, and so is the spite for anyone who "threatens" their norms or traditions.
Sit in a restaurant in rural SC for a day. You'll see just how casual the racism and bigotry is.
My guy, I got yelled at at a stop light for having a "pedophile flag" (a pride flag) on my car. Those people do actually exist.
I have seen people complain about trans people in a country where there are only 9 trans people
Literally the only country I have ever heard of that is essentially accepting of trans people is Iran, but they force any queer person to have surgery to change their gender, so while trans people are accepted, all other queer people are forced to have the same surgery. And, of course, plenty of trans people don't want surgery.
I've had some people in friend circles who'll start going off on weird anti trans tangents when they've been drinking a tad too much. They exist, I think most are just less vocal outside of the internet.
Years ago, my mother told me she wasn't opposed to gay people, she just didn't like "how they have to be so in your face about it." Wtf? Do gay men at the grocery store accost you and make you watch them make out?!
That's why I believe that trans people are being attacked in real life. Also, I know that what we see on the internet and television bleeds into real life.
Oh, you know what else I forgot? People picketing drag queen story hours.
Do you live in a cave?
My father tries to make jokes about trans people in public. I have brought over two trans friends who I felt like I couldn't have around because of my parents views. They wonder why I'm trying to move away from them.
Wow, lucky you.
While I won't argue that the media is causing a number of problems thinking it's a storm in a teacup is your privilege showing. Even though I live in one of the most trans accepting places on the planet I have had the unique experience of having to sneak past protesters who are trying to remove people like me from public life, using slurs over megaphones and openly marching hundreds strong in the streets... And again this is rated one of if not the most trans friendly place in the world. There is no safer place to go.
It's a lot harder to see it as a storm in a teacup when the world is dramatically becoming a smaller place for us personally because laws keep passing that people do not understand or do not care how they actually impact us. The media doesn't report a lot of us who are murdered even when it's a hate crime. This year in the US there was 41-ish such hate motivated crimes which is near double 2023's total... But we can't be sure of the actual number because a lot of the time the transness of the victim and the nature of the motive is obscured by the media reporting. Some of the media shenanigans only gets caught only by loved ones as media frequently uses vagueness and dead names that friends and community members don't recognize because that person hasn't gone by that name for decades.
Your opinion comes from the fact you don't personally have a horse in the race so whether you engage with it or not is a choice. The safe places are radically shrinking. The next government projected to win federally here is known to be openly hostile to trans people and I know that at least one of my friends will die directly as a result from them removing the supports currently in place. So enjoy the storm you aren't living friend but realize saying it doesn't exist is really crass to those who cannot find shelter.
Seriously? Where do you live? Do you even know any trans people?
Far from the most egregious example, but I was hanging out at a buddy's place one day, and given the parking situation, a couple of our cars were awkwardly parked on the side of the road. It wasn't much a problem for drivers, but we were both illegally parked according to the law, both taking up similar amounts of road space, with both cars being roughly the same size.
The only car that was ticketed was the car with the trans flag bumper sticker.
Cops are certainly bothered by their existence, at least here in the southeast.
Ask a trans person, they're going to have at least one story of somebody taking issue with them existing while trans. Usually multiple.
I worked with my (trans) ex for a bit as an after school instructor. We were contracted out, didn't have our own spaces so we borrowed classrooms. The teacher we were borrowing from really didn't like us (the company, not individuals. At least at first) so she liked to hang out and watch us to make sure we didn't mess up her classroom.
At one point, I was making friendly conversation with her and my, at the time, partner came over and started chatting as well. They mentioned being trans, and then shocker this greying mound of filth started misgendering them, despite getting it right before they knew they were trans.
I think we only lasted like 3 more days in that classroom before I got into a yelling match with this woman for constantly making my job as hard as she could, which resulted in us getting moved into a different room
I've been harshed for each of : wearing shorts, having long hair, being white and walking in the dark. Among others.
None inspire me the way you are inspired. Maybe it's a social media thing.
I'm not going to try to change your mind here. Changing someone's mind means taking care to massage their emotions, make them feel good about themselves and you, and get them to make the decisions on their own for their own reasons. It's a lot of work. I'm going to skip it.
Have you considered that you might be stupid? I'm not joking. Seriously. Because "I haven't personally seen it, so I don't think it's real" in this kind of context, maybe most contexts, is weapons grade stupid. What else don't you believe in? Bacteria? France? Submarines?
When you're done being mad about being insulted, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Violence_against_transgender_people might be a good entry point.
Yes, you sound very serious.
Sample size of 1 is not indicative of anything.
I think it greatly depends on where you live.
Post your location and I'm sure people will be quick to point out how overtly racist your area is, which is probably why people are too afraid to speak out.
Sure. Doesn't mean I have to fly your flag. I don't ask you to fly mine. Can we both respect that?
I don't ask you to fly mine. Can we both respect that?
I don't see where anyone asked you to fly theirs, either?
Nobody is asking you to fly someone's flag. Trans people just want the freedom of not being refused jobs and generally not be verbally assaulted and then denied at any institution they visit. These people can barely live, because assholes in power actively go out of their way to fuck them over.
Oh what's that? You look, sound and act like a man, but upon closer inspection your ID says F? Guess you're just not a good fit for this society, sorry, better luck next time!
I'm sick of people making this about some culture war. It's about freedom of expression. A core principle of the constitution and the human rights charter! A violation of such core principles, will eventually came to bite you too, once trans people, but also immigrants and other minorities are gone and the rich need a new scapegoat. Next will come thought crime, once we all look the same, like in the old days.
"I know this post is specifically about how trans people existence has ZERO impact on my life...so how can I still make it about myself? In a way that makes ME be the victim too?"
That's what you wrote. Almost a skill how the whole point flew over your head