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204 评论
  • Can't wait for them do do it anyways and all the fans cave in because 'muh social escapism' gamers have some of the weakest spines, the most important point of boycotting g isn't being loud and whiney its to NOT BUY THE PRODUCT FOR FUCKS SAKE.

  • I’m not defending it, or blizzard, and reading the title sounded yucky

    But my quick understanding:

    Expansion costs $50

    Next level is $70 which comes with digital stuff, mounts, etc

    Top tier expansion is $90, which comes with even more stuff

    So a $40 difference from base or $20 from mid tier

    It also comes with 30 days of game time, so that’s $15

    Now we’re looking at $25 difference between base game. Or $5 difference between mid and top tier.

    So it’s really like $5 for more digital stuff and early access, right?

    It would have been better to just make two tiers. Charge $75 for everything including early access and don’t include game time. Cause subscribers are going to pay for that anyway. I guess because a month of access is hardly worth $15 operationally, it’s a nice way to up charge

    I haven’t bought anything wow related in like 8 years. So I don’t have a horse in this fight. The title is just a little click bait (I don’t think anyone thought it’s $90 for only early access, and assume it’s part of a $90 game cost)

  • Blizz is making increasingly more shitty games, and without shame also increases the price in tandem with the shittyfication. People should have understood it by now, but for those who haven't, it's time to abandon ship.

  • I just can't help feeling that this is a tad overblown..

    I'm going to buy the expansion and sure it would be nice to be able to play it as soon as possible but I don't see myself paying extra for that

    I dont have a problem with people wanting to though.

    • You don't see the problem with people getting into a new expansion early?

      • Sure, it would've been better if they didn't add a three days head start but I still don't really think it's quite the catastrophy everyone makes it out to be.

        It just won't affect me in any way. I don't rush to max level, don't care for world's first and so on.

        So, meh, it just doesn't feel like it's THAT big a deal.

  • Welp, that's going to be the new way that games raise prices. Game upfront costs have never been keeping pace with inflation, while game development costs constantly rise, so they're always inventing new ways to raise the price. Going forwards, every game will use this strategy of "oh look, our game is still under $90US, but if you want to get into the "pre-release beta" you have to pay for the $120 PreRelease Deluxe Premium Launch" which effectively will mean "game launch date is a lie, launch date is really just price-cut-to-old-price date".

  • Gonna play a bit of devil's advocate, think of a popular MMO like an amusement park, selling a service that several people are using at once, a service that has a certain capacity, and that the quality of that service tends to degrade the more full that capacity is. Long wait times in lines, crowded, noisy, messy. MMO's have the same problems, and emphatically more at expansion launch.

    Both services are also focused on immersion, and experiences are much improved when it's not crowded. An early access pass for an amusement park has to be prohibitively expensive or limited to achieve a good experience.

    Blizzard's shit, but if FF14 did something like this I'd probably go for it.

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