Hanlons razor with these fools, either: the octogenarian Joe Biden was made to look old with an elaborate web of audio visual distortions, that his own campaign isn’t talking about, or: the octogenarian Joe Biden looks old. There is no talking to these idiots.
How do you even get to this point for fucking Joe Biden. Trump I can understand, he has some charisma and the promise of changing things as odious as he is. But Biden is just a doddering old man (not that he was better before as a loud bigot) that promises to maintain the status quo.
I've worked in film and tv for a decade and this guy should also know that is you're ripping the debate from fuckin youtube or whatever then of course you're not going to have the latitude to "fix" anything, the fuckin dunce.
Look...I was told a long time ago that the...uh...the...the way...one time I was sitting with the young man and he turned to me and he said Joe, where we are one we all go one and he was right we did go all one.
ok so I mean you could tell the technical crew was trash/interns from the first moment when biden walked out into the dark with no stage wash/podium special lights on, and that reminded them they need to turn it on before trump walked out. which made trump look better in the beginning that I actually watched a clip of.
and you can really make a big difference in perceptions using audio, video, and lighting choices.
but I didn't actually watch that dumpster fire of a debate. so who knows and who cares.
the dude is old as dirt and you can't fix his broken decaying brain. plus some executive producer knows fuck all about anything technical. all he knows is how to not have a real job and be a parasite.
It's scary to think that this level of reality ignoring conspiratorial logic is so prevalent in so many Americans. It really feels like they're being primed for fascist conspiracy theories so they'll be ok with rounding up undesirables.
It is scary how they made it sound like genocide Joe was saying "we beat Medicare" when he was in fact delivering an epic one-liner that would have destroyed the orange Cheeto man.