But they love him in the mirror universe.
But they love him in the mirror universe.
But they love him in the mirror universe.
How the fuck can Elon Musk claim to be a Trekkie? When he is against everything Star Trek stands for?!
The psychological dissonance of that man is insane!
He also claims to love the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, a book series where technology corporations are absolutely loathed and every AI is either a broken or an asshole or both.
Ah yes, that too.
Meanwhile his old friend from PayPal seems to have a thing for the villains from The Lord of the Rings universe.
I wonder if he ever read the 5th book, Mostly Harmless. In that book there's an aside which describes how the people of the planet Golgafrincham tricked all the useless members of their society (management consultants, etc) into thinking the planet was doomed and getting on a ship to escape the planet which they programmed to fly to another salary system and crash into one of the planets there. That part of the book always stuck with me, and more and more I wish there was a way we could do the same to Musk and his billionaire cronies.
Of course I don't think Musk has actually read any of the HHGTTG novels, especially not the 5th one so maybe there's still a chance?
I think he likes it because he identifies with the tech corpos and wants to bring that piece of it, complete with shit broken AI to life
What I think is that because they are incapable of empathetic thought, the message gets lost.
TNG’s Time’s Arrow, DS9’s Past Tense, VOY’s Life Line are all just made up stories to them. No human condition there.
I think this is indeed it, unfortunately.
To such sociopaths incapable of empathetic thought, Star Trek is awesome because future and technology and winning battles. So if you’re a tech bro and you’re winning (money) and pushing technology forward regardless of the costs, and everybody knows who you are because of it, well then you must be an awesome human that’s winning at life! Because obviously good life = victorious life.
It's a common theme. There are a lot of conservatives who are still somehow fans of Star Trek because they the lack media literacy needed to figure out that they're values are not shared by the good guys on the show.
I dunno. Hang out around Trekkies and you can meet some real knuckleheads. People who seem to have missed the whole point.
I think the closest thing Elon is to Star Trek would be a Romulan/Ferengi hybrid wannabe. Dreaming of having a star ship to manipulate, conquer and extort the galaxy.
He's TOS Star Trek. Be a cowboy, cheat and be venerated for it, white man is in charge.
That is not TOS. That is a person like Elon's idea of TOS. I grew up on TOS before any other Star Trek existed. It helped shape my values- made me cherish ideas like inclusion and diversity and equality. It also helped teach me to talk things out rather than just come in guns blazing.
Yes, there was a cowboy element to TOS considering Gene sold it to executives as "Wagon Train to the stars," but it doesn't have the typical morality of a Western. At all.
In fact, if you want to talk specifically about indigenous Americans, the episode The Paradise Syndrome had a far more positive view of them than pretty much anything else on TV at the time.
TOS had the same basic values, even if they weren't quite as refined.
The show from the 60s with a black female bridge officer who was part of television's first interracial kiss? The one with the utopian society where race and religion were unimportant, people worked as they were able to benefit society without capital, and episodes centered on things like the silliness of prejudice and hoarding wealth?
The one where the greatest villain was a 20th century human who had tried to establish a stratified society based on genetic superiority?
That show?
Musk wants the Terran Empire, not the Federation
His profile picture does depict him wearing armor after all
People fail to realize that we're in the mirror universe and the universe Star Trek exists in is the unattainable utopia.
I mean the Bell Riots happen in 2024 in the Prime Timeline. The 21st century sucks in Star Trek. Eugenics wars, Sanctuary Districts, WWIII, fascist dictatorships using soldiers addicted to drugs...
It's only after a nuclear holocaust that humanity is reborn into their "hopeful era". I mean hell, they literally had to retcon the timeline because the 90s weren't actually as awful as the show claimed and they had to move the Eugenics Wars. The 21st century is dark in the Prime Timeline, and it's fully believable that it was just as bad as our real 21st century or worse.
So no, as easy as it is to cave to doomerism, I think the message of Star Trek is that this too shall pass. Stuff sucks, no doubt, the world is in a dark place right now, but that doesn't mean it will stay that way.
I like to rewatch DS9: "Past Tense" sometimes because it really hits home how bad things are, but also gives hope for how maybe there's a future in which we look back and wonder how things got this bad.
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Robert Picardo is great
Robert Picardo is an absolute treasure.
"If Picard can baldly go where no one has gone before, then why not Picardo?"
I've had a man crush on him for decades now.
What a fucking beauty. Isn't Robert Picardo just a fucking beauty?
I hadn't seen Innerspace in forever, and I was delighted when I watched it recently and he popped up in a cowboy costume and a Russian accent.
Love that voice
I've wondered why he said yes to a bit role in Atlas Shrugged, but I guess everyone needs work.
fucking poser. every piece of media you claim to love is a protest to your entire existence.
Haha guys I too love what you like! Such shows as: (small faction of desperate yet brave people breaking out of their dystopic society) I very much like (main character)!!
Yeah nothing says "I support a post-scarcity economy" like a bunch of billionaires
IMO if you're a billionaire and stay a billionaire, you're incapable and unworthy of being called altruistic. Nobody needs a billion dollars. Nobody even needs a tenth of that. There should be a $1 million annual asset cap on all income sources, full stop. Everything else should go to social services, infrastructure, etc. and NOT person or military anything.
Well, okay but selling a single family home these days goes for over a million commonly in the cities, even if it’s your only family home and for example you are moving into smaller home or selling for money for health care or to move into retirement home etc
A home you could have bought between 30-50 k 30 or 40 years ago could easily be worth over 1 million now
A million a year barely lifts you beyond the middle class these days. You would still need a mortgage ( at least for a couple of years ) where I live.
I think maybe $10 million would be better. But I prefer a progressive system over a cap. Earning more money should always make you more money. People respond to incentives. We just need to increase the tax rate as high as 90% by the time you are making $10 million or more.
If a few billionaires had $100 million, it would not wreck society.
I mean, I like to shit on Billionaires as much as anyone, but they don't really own a Billion dollars like sitting around in their bank accounts. They own it in assets like stocks of companies, real estate, etc. The money they spend are usually loans against these assets which they then pay back by selling some because their values usually increases more than the interest rates.
So I don't understand how you are envisioning this asset cap and going to social services. Imagine you have stock In a company that's growing more than a million dollars. Would they be forced to sell the stock to 'social services'? Who controls these assets then? Or are they forced to sell them? Then the assets just get passed around.
I don't think a solution is that simple. Maybe it would be better if we regulate the companies more. But for that we need to agree on rules on an international level because otherwise, as it is now already happening, they just switch their HQ to less regulated countries. The EU approaches this with regulations you need to follow if you want to operate in the EU at all. Which makes the corps found subcorps to operate in EU. They evade all regulations as long as we can't agree on an international standard.
Long story short. It's not the billionaires money that's the problem, it's the power they hold in their assets in multinational corporations that enables them to operate above any laws of one nation.
Second step: abolish capitalism, and by extension billionaires, and give everyone free healthcare and education.
Don't forget, food and shelter. Pretty sure that was free too
(Who downvotes this?)
Delusional temporarily embarrassed millionaires and billionaires.
Don't mind their working class appearances at the moment, they'll get a lucky break and be set back to their high status.
Please state the nature of the emotional emergency
Please state the nature of the emotional emergency
Severe burn. Dermal regene...no, make that cranial regenerator, please...
Don’t forget the mint frosting!
Honestly? This is a good retort. He's probably upset about something stupid and shouting into his echo chamber about stupid thing.
Finally, a self-driving car with actual intelligence.
For those that don’t know, the Johnny-Cab self driving taxis from this movie are voiced by Robert Picardo
What?! Awesome!
And since I had to double check if I remembered right, the film is Total Recall
Edit: Looking closer, I can see the family resemblance between JohnnyCab and EMH.
The puppet's face is also based on Picardo's
I always liked him as The Cowboy (see movie Inner Space), don't knock just come! I didn't watch Voyager when it was new and took awhile to make that connection when I did. He's an extremely different character than the EMH for sure.
Musk would de-Tuvix Tuvix and then also shoot Tuvok and Neelix once they were separated.
So annoying how this guy gets credited in DIS.
I watched this wayyyy after Musk turned evil and I thought it was really good foreshadowing that maybe Lorca isn't the best guy.
I don't think that was intentional... But it did genuinely make the twist better for me
People were cringing about it even when it came out. Elon may not have gone full mask off yet, but he was headed there.
That is the type of burn that requires a broom and dust pan instead of a cream.
The first duty of every Starfleet officer is to the truth, Elon.
The only thing this shit stain knows about Star Trek is that the doors slide to the side.
Kes please get a dermal regenerator for that burn
Even though this is a perfect retort, the 42,000,000 impressions v 1,400 really is the dystopian part. No one who uses the billionaire's site saw it or will see it.
For what it's worth, I've seen this screenshot on three other social media platforms as well as getting an entertainment weekly article about it pushed to me so I think people are seeing it 😅
21 hours versus 24 minutes. The screenshot was taken right after it was posted. It's probably got very different numbers now.
I'm all in. Let's make everyone's one earth needs met, so that we can focus on space exploration. But first things first.
Don't the Bell riots have to happen first? :c
Thankfully, we are wanting to create Starfleet not the whole Star trek timeline.
I know it's delusional, but I'm really hoping for an Elon redemption arc someday.
It's crazy that this guy who builds electric cars, flamethrowers, spaceships, and loves Star Trek is so unlikeable.
it makes more sense when you realize those things were a charm offensive to hide the real him.
see also: Mom's Friendly Robot Company
He has unshakable faith in his own reasoning, complete certainty about the correctness of his beliefs, and is utterly convinced that his wealth, power and success is not only deservedly earned, but belongs to him by natural right. He has no patience for contradiction, no respect for counter-argument, no tolerance for frustration, and no use for humanity beyond its adoration. It's going to take something incredible to to shake him out of that. But I agree that it would be wonderful if something does.
I doubt it. I'm having a hard time finding it, but there was a study that suggested that wealthy people kind of stopped developing mentally at whatever time they became wealthy. I think this study was focused more on children and adolescents, but I can see it applying to adults somewhat. If you think about it, wealthy people become disconnected from the rest of society and rarely suffer the consequences of their actions. I mean, maybe if he lost his fortune and was left destitute...
This is a thing in psychology. Overcoming challenges is what forces us to grow, so when you break that "game" by having so much money that you never have to be challenged again, it makes sense that you would stop developing.
You see the same sort of thing with alcohol/drug addiction - when a person finds a chemical "easy-button" for dopamine, they tend to mentally get stuck around the age that they started using.
It will require a serious brain injury.
Or a permanent treatment for narcissism.
Second step: Use an army of Picardos as mining slaves.
The federation has a lot of stuff to make and no money to pay.
I definitely read this with the Doctor's cadence and finished off with the shit-eating grin he makes when he's said something snarky.
And then he followed it with JohnnyCab's psychpathic squeal.
Did Latins just never make it into the future?
It’s sad that we live in a world where NASA relies on Boeing to fuck up and then needs SpaceX to bail them out. I guess SpaceX is about the only decent thing Musk is still involved in at this point. And I know they try to babysit him. I worry someday he’ll do the same at SpaceX as he did at Twitter.
Ooooo bitch, you got burned bitch
Dermal regenerator ain't gonna fix that burn amirite?
It's like all the time now. His life is now being burned on his own platform now. Not that I'm complaining. 🤣
He's the biggest own goal in history. Because everything he says is so massively ridiculous.
If he just shut the hell up he'd have quite a nice life, he's got more money than he'll ever know what to do with (and that's saying something considering he wants to colonize another planet), he owns some big exciting companies who have a real possibility of generating truly eye-watering amounts of money, and up until he opened his mouth he was fairly popular across all social groups.
All he needs to do is just keep his mouth closed.
His reply probably: "bot"
His reply most likely:
finally the IOA is shutting down SpaceX
Now I wonder what an Ultra Capitalist mirror universe would look like.
There's lots of those. Alien is one of them. The alien itself is the manifestation of humanity's self centered nature.
In the Expanse, the rich big bad is Jules-Pierre Mao, owner of Mao-Kwikowski Mercantile. I don't even know how rich he is but I think it more than Trillionaire.
The Terran Empire. That is a canon, in cosmos alternate universe where humanity doubled down but still got good with technology. Fascist but on the level of the Federation.
I'm sad that Robert Picardo still supports musk.
Just leave xitter