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what would be the best way to tell your supervisor to stop inquiring about your personal life and mobbing you into opening up?

my supervisor is an extrovert, whereas I'm an introvert. She feels insulted if I don't share my personal life with her and ridicules me before other coworkers because I separate private and work life and prefer to keep to myself.

I wrote mobbing because that's what it feels to me: a ritual of hers is to always eat together, a time she uses to ask me questions I don't want to answer. I usually answer very vaguely, which is not enough for her. If I eat alone, she'll complaint about why am I being so unfriendly.

She doesn't understand I need time alone to unwind.

She is convinced she is doing me a favor, but the opposite is true. It makes me dislike her even more.

I simply cannot win. It's tiring being blamed and shamed for preferring to read a book instead of talking about dogs or sex.

It makes me want to quit.

I don't know if I go to HR with an issue like this, because they may label me the odd one, the one who's not a teamplayer and use it against me.

Most people are extroverted and react angrily to somebody who keeps to himself and I've been bullied several times for this. Extroverts don't seem to understand that not showing interest in their sexual lives doesn't mean disrespect, but simply that I don't care about it.

  • "Hey, I need to use my lunch break to get away from work things/have some quiet down time. Give me a break and I'll be better for the afternoon." Subjects you don't want to discuss: "Oooh, that doesn't seem like a topic appropriate for work. What about [thing you are comfortable discussing, work thing]."

    I highly recommend becoming very willing to spend time discussing one personal thing so they feel like they're making a connection. I use my pets, but you can use a sports team as some others suggest, or a hobby you don't mind sharing, like your progress on painting minis/knitting that sweater/book you're reading/ latest album from favorite musician. Extroverts want a connection, give them a little and redirect to that thing when they probe.

    If your boss persists in bothering you at lunch, ask if you should clock in since this is a work discussion, or if it's really your personal time to use as you wish.

    If they persist in bringing up wildly inappropriate topics like sex, say that you're uncomfortable. Make it obvious they're being weird at work. saying "I don't like discussing my sexual preferences at work", or similar, loud enough for others in the breakroom to hear should make them uncomfortable. if that doesn't get you anywhere, there are protections in the US for some things. go to HR, explain you've tried explicitly telling them not to talk to you about whatever inappropriate topic, and it's continuing. Call out that you're feeling harassed by them continuing to bring up this subject that is not work related. HR might want to try a mediated discussion about it; 1 is reasonable, multiple is not.

    if it gets to where you need HR and are worried about your legal rights, find a local worker's rights lawyer to provide advice. they should be able to tell you what is reasonable effort from the company to fix the situation. be prepared to lose your job if it gets this far.

    you shouldn't have to discuss sex at work as small talk. it can come up in some jobs (medicine, sex work) but shouldn't be in most workplaces, and there are protections from this kind of harassment in the US.

  • This is something you bring up in your annual review if you can hold out that long. Reviews are supposed to be 2 way streets to make work & employees more effective.

    Be polite but frank and firm. If you're in California this is a huge no no, as anytime you're interruptted during your unpaid lunch time by your supervisor or work, the clock starts again and you get that time for lunch guaranteed.

    If you're not in California, uhhhhhh....good luck.

  • As a fellow introvert, I've found that being meek and timid about uncomfortable situations just invites more trouble from extroverts. The best way to handle it is to be direct and firm. If she wants to be nosy, then drop all the gory details:

    "I'm an introvert and I don't feel comfortable sharing my personal life with coworkers. I know you, as an extrovert, want to be involved in everyone's personal lives and there's nothing wrong with that, but as a leader and a manager, you need to understand how to change tracks and adapt to your subordinates' needs.

    "I need time to myself to recharge; being around people is mentally and emotionally draining for me. It's not something I can "fix," it's just the way I am, and no amount of exposure to people or social events will ever change that. I need you to understand that and adapt to my needs, in order for you to effectively manage me."

    I worked my way up the ranks in the US military and eventually found myself managing people. As an introvert, I found it extremely difficult to get out and talk to my subordinates. But I soon realized that the mission wouldn't get done unless I did my job, so I quickly learned how to fake an extroverted personality while at work so I could talk to people and ensure mission success. Then I'd go home and crash. I'd spend my evenings either sleeping or bundled up, watching TV or playing video games, just to recharge so I could do it all again the next day.

    But one of the things I learned was how to adapt to the needs of my subordinates. I had one guy who was a complete fuck-up. Couldn't do anything right without someone holding his hand. So I either had to be very hands-on with him, or delegate that responsibility to one of my subordinate leaders.

    But then I had another guy who grew up in a ghetto being plagued by corrupt cops, and he hated anyone in an authority position over him. Why he joined the military, I dunno. We were all about authority and respecting rank and file. But if I even spoke to him, he would shut down and then be unproductive all day. As long as I left him alone, he was my hardest and most productive worker. So I learned to leave him alone and he practically did my job for me. Maybe your supervisor needs to learn that lesson with you.

    • "I'm an introvert and you're an extrovert" is frankly an awful way to frame this dynamic. Besides being a binary descriptor that has little basis in reality, OP's boss acting way out of line has nothing to do with their being an extrovert

      • It's more about framing the conversation in a way that helps OP's supervisor realize they're at odds with each other, socially, and that the supervisor needs to make changes, not OP. I know it's a bit blunt and direct and may not exactly describe their relationship, but I've found that being direct and binary with extroverted people generally gets them to the point faster, rather than beating around the bush with complex descriptions of their dynamic.

        And the supervisor being an extrovert is definitely a part of the problem in this case. They're ignoring signals from OP that they don't want to be social, shaming them for it, and forcing public interactions in order to change them. This is classic extrovert behavior which is making OP uncomfortable.

        The topic of discussion is definitely off-limits and deserves a conversation with HR, but the supervisor still needs to understand that OP's antisocial behavior isn't a problem. Otherwise, the discussion will change to be more work-appropriate, but the behavior will remain.

    • I didn't read your whole comment, but from what i did read I can say this is basically the correct answer. The only thing I'd add is to also include nice sentiments and productivity explanations.


      "Hey [person's name], do you have a couple minutes? I wanna have a quick chat. I wanna let you know that I'm a significant introvert, which means i need alone time and and social boundaries. I think you're a very nice person and i appreciate all the efforts you've made trying to connect with me, but that actually makes things more difficult for me. It emotionally stresses me out, and that in turn also reduces my productivity at work. I think you're great, but it would be really helpful to me if there were no extra social interactions with me beyond what's needed for our work to get done smoothly. I know you have good intentions when asking about my personal life and striking up conversations, and i honestly appreciate that intent, but it would be great if I could have social interactions kept to the minimum. I really appreciate your consideration on this stuff, thanks."

  • Make it clear that your supervisor is trapped in your conversation, not the other way around. When you have to be professional, be professional. But the rest of the time, talk about the dirt between the planks of wood at home. Talk about the sedimentation process of your aquarium's gravel. Basically the moste innate and boring topics that no normal human would bring up, repeated ad nauseam.

    Make sure to take long pauses just to resume talking. Remember to take your time while monopolizing the conversation trying to find a word your forgot about.

    Remember to mispronounce every word, especially if he corrects you but be sure to keep plausible deniability just in case he accuses you of doing it on purpose.

    Remember to always blame everything on something that has no connection to it.

    Remember to enrich your diet with garlic, to use terrible flavored candy or just skipping a meal for extra word flavor, if you can take the reputation hit.

    Remember the magical phrase: "that reminds me of" and all variants of it.

    Remember to look into his eyes, and to alternate between them and another part of his face as if something is wrong with it. Keep affirming that everything is alright while staring at that part.

    Change the subject. All the time.

    Have terribly strong inconsequential opinions and remind about them all the time.

    Monopolize the conversation, but make him want to cut you off or talk. I

    IMPORTANT : If the other party is silent, state how comfortable you are with this silent friendship.

  • It's important for you to learn to set boundaries. And to block questions that you feel are hitting "too close to home". So don't respond. Just tell her that you have a private life that you'd like to keep to yourself.

    There's nothing wrong with that. You just need some time and practice to stand up for yourself. :)

  • It honestly sounds like you've got deeper issues with your boss. I would just shop for another job.

    I'm quite introverted and have learned to only respond to questions when asked. I have no issue sharing any information. However, I have a major issue with understanding the scope of information worth sharing and when to stop. I do not let myself feel awkward in silence or the need to carry any conversation. If a person piques my curiosity, I can talk with them for days. I can find something curious to talk about with almost anyone. People that lack depth become a repetitive conversation that I will avoid.

    Personally, I don't like to be actively manipulative with people. It goes against my nature. However, if someone annoyed me like this, and I had no other outlet. I would subtly use their psychology against them about like how a psychiatrist turns a conversation to introspection and analysis. Once a person is made vulnerable through unexpected introspection they are easily dominated. I can get away with a lot of things like this because I am a big dude where people expect me to be assertive and dominant in many ways that I really am not. Your results may vary.

  • Do you work somewhere where you can escape for an hour over lunch, perhaps? Like go to the gym or something? Out of sight out of mind.

    I totally get the feeling of being mobbed, but to be honest find a way to cope with it at work. A lot of work places are by definition social places so it's going to be really hard avoiding interactions all the time. Maybe go for a walk with a podcast or something?

    Good luck 🤞.

  • Extroverts don't seem to understand that not showing interest in their sexual lives doesn't mean disrespect, but simply that I don't care about it.

    I was on the fence until this. This is extremely unprofessional and, if I understand correctly, could even get the company sued. Here's how I'd personally handle it; but take this with a grain of salt because I've never actually had to deal with something like this before:

    First, talk to a lawyer. Tell them what's going on an get their thoughts and suggestions. The suggestions following may be way off-base.

    Then, start keeping track of every time she brings something like that up, and log how you responded, how it made you feel, how she reacted to you response. You're collecting evidence for a lawsuit on the basis of a toxic and highly unprofessional work environment that'll hopefully never actually happen.

    Once you have enough info that you could potentially launch said lawsuit, double-check with your lawyer and then you go to HR.


    Make sure you log your interaction with HR as well; what you discussed, if you felt your concerns were heard during the meeting, and then make a follow-up log a week or two later to note if there was any change as a result of your meeting.

    If there was no change, talk to your lawyer and consider trying again (and log everything again), and again, do not threaten, mention or even hint at any kind of legal action whatsoever. You're trying to give the company ample chance to respond to your concerns.

    If there was still no change, go talk to your lawyer about the possibility of pursuing legal action. It could be legitimately worth it, especially if they decide to fire you after your first or second meeting with HR.

    Your goal is to have a paper trail so long and thorough that you can hang them with it (figuratively, in court) if necessary.

  • You used a Germanism. Do you have a Betriebsrat?

    Also, don't make introversion your entire personality.