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What is a habit/thing/technique that most people would benefit from, in your experience/observation? What are some habits that would be best avoided too?

Thought about it, snce it's near New Year's.

In my opinion, exercising/training/stretching atleast once a week would be a good thing for most people.

  • So many people don't care about how their behaviors affect others. They are loud on the public transport, interrupt others when they talk, act like they are better because they got good looks, and a bunch of other things.

    I really think people would get along better if all of us were more down to earth and listening and relaxing.

    Be the opposite of what you see in reality shows.

  • Learn to eat healthy, in good portions, not too much, not too little and fast once in a while.

    It's a pain when you're younger but gets easier with age because you start losing or degrading your sense of taste (like all your other senses) anyway.

    If you get that habit early in life, you'll keep it forever. And if you take care of your system early in life, your older self will thank you for it. Otherwise if you abuse yourself, and you do end up living a long life, you'll be miserable for the last decade or two of your life and probably won't know your name or where you're from.

  • Reading books on daily basis. It's a qualitatively different experience from reading websites or consuming other form of media. If you have trouble getting into reading, I recommend picking a particular time and place, then reading at least a few pages every day. Eventually, it will turn into a habit and you'll be reading for longer periods. Another thing I recommend is finding books on topics you're interested in, be it fiction or non fiction, and don't feel bad about abandoning books if you find you're not enjoying it.

  • Keep a journal. Every day just jot down how you're feeling and what's on your mind, what you plan to do/did. Its amazing how helpful this has been for me.

    Don't drink alcohol. It's not good for you in any amount.

  • Waking up at the same time every day, no matter if it's a weekend or a weekday and no matter if you stayed up too late and won't be getting full 8 hours of sleep.

    As obvious as this might sound, this has really helped me to regulate my sleep schedule, something I've really been struggling with for pretty much my entire life.

  • For me, it's reading or watching philosophies. Philosophy can change how we view things around us.

  • Open a Roth IRA and make max contributions to it every year. Most Americans will not be fortunate enough to rely on a pension upon retirement and that employer sponsored 401k will not be enough. They are throwing us to the wolves once they can no longer extract value from our bodies so start preparing now. The sooner the better.