Am I the only one who thinks the Super Switch would’ve been a fun name and a nice callback to Nintendo’s past? Like, I don’t understand why they didn’t do that with the Wii U either (Wii and Super Wii sounds so cute).
Super Switch sounds a lot more on brand for Nintendo, Switch 2 makes it sound like they're trying to make this look like a new PlayStation. They should have hired you to do their marketing
lotta, like, parents and other people on the periphery of gaming industry thought the WiiU was just an extra tablet you connected to your old Wii. Probably the sound decision here.
My discords are split between zoomers who are extremely angry that the Switch 2 will not bring them back to playing Picto Chat in middle school, old farts who will wait until it goes on sale, and even older farts who are excited about it because they have kids who can play games on it.
I kinda was hoping for something more... Nintendo weird.
I would've liked that too, but didn't expect it. One thing that snuck in though is that the new joycons can be used as mice. I bet Shiggy has something dumb planned with that.
I unironically think the mouse functionality will make this their most creative game library yet (if only because lots of games can safely include a creative mode with controls that don't suck)
but overall I think Nintendo is past making "weird" consoles since the launch of the first switch, the joycons have let them do the big weird stuff in individual games instead (LABO, Ring Fit) and now the joycons have even more functions. weird is coming even if the console seems standard
name is mid, but eh wii u flop spooked them. not that surprised, nobody has misunderstood a ps3 for a ps2 addon.
though I do wonder how much of the wii u flop was less the name and more, it was just kind of uninteresting? personally, the wii u came out when I was in my mid teens and moving away from consoles to PC and was very much uninterested in the wii u so that could be clouding things for me, but I do not know a lot of gamers even who got a wii u and they were not confused about the name
wiiu was a complete mess because nintendo didn't really knew what to do with it. it tried to market it for (i remember there were conferences where the highlight was fifa or some "grown up" game) while trying to keep it's usual family friendly userbase. it tried to move away from motion controlls (again, trying to appease gamers) while also having a very interactive gamepad without many games using its features. even the most popular games failed to sell the console so nintendo decided that they will try to slowly delete its existance from collective memory and re-released almost all the games for the switch.
i don't doubt the name problem was real, but i also read of things like this on the ps1/ps2 transition so i doubt it was as bad as many make it sound.
see this is what I was thinking. the gamepad was kind of clunky for one, I don't want a whole ass tablet to play some features. did some kids have to vie with parental interests for video game time vs tv time? yeah, but also most kids have a tv in their room, I always did growing up as did my friends. so then one asks ok why I am I paying like £250 for a meh line of launch titles, and a gimmic I don't want. it also did not entice the casual market as you said; though I imagine they considered with the rise of mobile gaming that tablets would be a safe bet with the casual market, it just failed.
the name just feels like an easy out. we had the nintendo DS, nintendo DS lite, DSi, DSi XL ect and each of these itterations sold pretty well, with not so clear naming schemes. because people wanted a DS
they probably didnt want to confuse people since they were keeping the name Switch, plus It seems nintento learned that they had such a hit with the hybrid console idea that their next consoles will just be more upgrated nintendos Switchs
Not sure what to think of the magnetic lock on the controllers. That side port they plug into looks way more fragile than however the fuck the rails worked.
if Nintendo changes how their controllers are attached it is most certainly because they figured out a way to make the connection MORE secure, not less
Hopefully the little nub that actually connects is rubber, otherwise yeah it'll break off the first time you drop the switch 2 with the joycons connected.
The rails were brutal tho, I'm sure this will be an improvement