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  • Poor motorists having only like 99% of infrastructure reserved for them.

    So victimised right now.

    Let's take away railway sleepers so they can drive on the tracks.

  • Ahh yes, the same PM who has a list of 5 directly contradictory statements as his so-called ‘plan’, that one right?

  • Typical tory, their patron saint Thatcher said as much:

    "A man who, beyond the age of 26, finds himself on a bus can count himself as a failure."

  • This is so obvious and dumb populism it reminds me of Trump because just like most of Trumps statements, it reads like bad satire. If this guy wouldn´t be in a position of power it would be quite funny to read ... !

  • Brits will do this to themselves and then in 10-20 years complain about how they have no friends or significant other because it's hard to meet people. All while continuing to vote for people like this.

  • for many, life would be difficult without their car

    Hmmm, I wonder what kind of policies and public services could be implemented to make life not difficult for non-car users? 🤔

  • Fucking clown, if you're serious about your civilization you prepare it to move hundreds of millions efficiently on a daily basis. Cars don't provide that.

  • My main question is:

    If Sunak thought 20mph speed limits were such a big problem, why didn't he block the Senedd passing them like he did with Scottish parliament reforming GRA (or the Senedd's attempts to do the same)?

    Parliament has been blocking English councils from setting 20mph speed limits locally, so it can't be that he's suddenly changed his mind about local democracy.