Can A Piece of Shit Be Shittier?
Can A Piece of Shit Be Shittier?
Can A Piece of Shit Be Shittier?
Man... Imagine actually losing a child, and then seeing this man call his daughter dead simply because she is trans.
It's actually an unbelievably awful and sad thought... And it's not hypothetical. It's very real.
This is my first thought and is another level of awful on this shit sundae. Trans rights are a whole separate conversation. Let's start with the fact that some people do lose their children and would do ANYTHING to have them back for one fucking day. A father who buried their child would be well within their rights to beat the ever loving shit out of Elon for this post.
NO. No they fucking didn't die. What YOU did was decide you'd rather have a dead son than a living daughter. What YOU decided was your child wasn't worth it. That you didn't love them enough to learn anything or change your fucking mind.
It's even worse than that. He's lying. According to Vivian, he didn't give a shit that she was trans until he turned alt-right. Now he's trying to use that to score points with his new fanbase.
He didn't care about her pre-transition. He doesn't care about her post-transition. He doesn't care about a "woke mind virus". He's just doing the right-wing equivalent of virtue signaling. Vice signaling?
Also, speaking as a disowned trans woman, while not the case here, often the parents saying that refrain either were the ones to cut contact themselves, or are engaging in missing missing reasons shit
It's not uncommon for even loving and supportive parents to need to mourn their idea of who they thought their child was as they get to know them as they are now. But that's a time to maybe attend some pflag counseling sessions and talk to parents who've been through it and can assure them that their kid is the same person and going to be happier. Making a public stink and getting involved in transphobia guarantees lasting damage to your relationship if it can ever be recovered.
"You're dead to me" is what a bad parent would say. To do it over political ideology is even worse.
I think this is innately a deeply personal issue to him - and he is now going to train the firepower of "the richest person on the planet" on everyone. thats where the politics and ideological alignment may come in.
one hell of a (sad?) real life "super-villain" origin story. the man needs mental help, and derision, but a lot of serious mental help.
He's a narsassistic asshole who apparently did IVF for all his kids because he wanted all boys.
That one of the kids ended up being a girl because she's trans despite his effort at avoiding it seems to drive him crazy, especially as someone who thinks he owns his children.
he's an asshole like all conservatives.
His kids are all IVF because his penis got broken during vanity enlargement surgery. Balding, chinless, dickless wonder who somehow thinks HIS genes need to be propagated with gold diggers. Respect to his daughter for being what she is, and not what he wants.
Yep and if he's controlling he'll HATE that she's not doing as he wants and living as the gender she was assigned at birth
He's not just narcissistic, he's also autistic.
Not even political ideology, she's just trans.
Twitter likes are more important to him than the wellbeing of his daughter
Holy fuck is THAT what Vivian’s dead name is?! Jesus Christ what an absolute loser musk is… what is his obsession with the letter X
Dude is a like 12 year old, I swear
'X' is the 88th ASCII character.
This sort of stuff felt like reaching until I witnessed it myself.
For those who don’t know: X is like a swastica, and it’s the 88th ascii character, H is the 8th letter, 88 -> HH -> “hail Hitler”.
Yes. I do feel like Adam West’s Batman.
Of course it is
He's like a preschooler trying to use their power level
Basically his first “son” named X didn’t turn out the way he wanted, so he made another son named X.
And he changed twitter to X.
And X is an established nazi reference.
Elon is rotten and evil to his core.
His kid isn't dead, she just doesn't go by that name anymore, and it is supremely dickish to treat her like that.
It’s more than dickish. It’s bigoted, dehumanising, and oppressive.
Literally nobody in my day-to-day life has ever warned me about or even used the term 'woke mind virus'. It's a fucking ridiculous notion pushed by ignorant, non-serious fakers. If anyone did say that to me in person, I'd laugh at their face then turn around and walk away laughing so hard i'd be looking for a hand rail or wall to balance myself. It's too bad social media doesn't allow for that level of humiliating interaction
Is the woke mind virus here with us in this room right now?
I've heard it be used ironically
musk is clearly a deeply disturbed human being. this explains a lot and is, in and of itself, deeply disturbing.
is vivian the only close person who refused to be what he wanted them to be? the closest person that could not be bought and said "no!"? is this what broke him?
now everyone will pay for his inability to accept the truth and reality of another person.
a couple of thoughts that i'm sure aren't popular on their face:
i'm sorry - i know at least one of these is completely crazy - i'm just racking my brain trying to think of new things, because the way i'm currently thinking is fucking me up.
I guess my thought is: What if we had more of a "We know you're better than this" vibe than the whole "fuck you nazi" vibe?
Jesus may have turned the other cheek, but they executed him anyway.
Cancer cells are just doing their best to survive but if no one will treat it I sure as hell am going to call it some dirty names.
totally get where you are coming from and thanks for the considered reply. I am sure others will answer, but here is mine...
the immediate, urgent imperative is extracting our collective asses from this mess. after that we need to discuss and make real proper boundaries on the nature of accumulated power and wealth.
I am personally not disposed to handle musk with kid gloves. his actions, and the actions of the other deranged humans he has enabled, directly affect people in my family in ways that place them in mortal danger. given the nature of his trauma (yup, he displays obvious trauma) and the path it entrenched him in, my inner armchair psychologist whispers to me that the only option is mitigation and management - or removal of the problem (non-violently... of course, right?). I do not believe there is redemption to be had for musk - and yes... that said I accept that I, personally, am probably a misguided human.
now, if someone were to conclusively show that hugging it out with musk would change course for the thousands, millions, billions of people who will be harmed by his ego, then I will personally line up and do so. however, at this moment in time the man is insulated enough so as to make him unreachable - just like the others he orbits with.
I believe the only option is mass protest and mass disobedience and there will be pain and there will likely be blood for many and I wish it were not so.
I cannot find the capacity to soothe musk back into his humanity - I do not begrudge those who might try, however futile I think it may be. and so, organization around alternate options remains a necessity.
Very simple reason why:
He's not better than this, simply because he would rather have this insane amount of wealth and NOT use it to aid people.
I hate bezos for that, I hate musk for that, and I hate Zuckerberg for that. Musk gets more hate for all the actions he has taken to benefit himself and the other billionaires. He has so much more blood on his hands than that United Healthcare CEO, and I am very much okay with what happened to that guy
I guess my thought is: What if we had more of a "We know you're better than this" vibe than the whole "fuck you nazi" vibe?
He would continue dragging us all further to the right. That was the attitude many gave him, he just revealed how wrong they were to assume he was better than that
He's literally the grandchild of Nazi supporters on both sides of his family, it's super likely if not confirmed his parents were also Nazis. Dude isnt better than this and never has been
Guy has been at least been privately documented as an asshole for decades.
During his dance at his first wedding reception, he informed his wife that he was the "alpha".
When his infant son died in 2002, he largely ignored it and said his wife being in pain over their baby dying was just her being "emotionally manipulative".
He constantly demanded her to act and look a certain way, and berated her for being a bad wife.
He was not a better person back then, he just had a more carefully curated online and media presence. His ego has brought him to the point of dropping all pretense.
You can't just keep assuming the best of someone acting badly and hope that support and understanding will bring the person around.
Fuck a hug, dude needs a comically large cigar tip cutter
I'm sorry, but seriously fuck him with the rusty chainsaw he used as a stand in for all the insecurity he has.
We are well past "you could do better" and more "needs to be tried for literally working to dismantling the government and ruining countless lives"
yknow some people just say they're OK with the "T" part of LGBTQ until their kid or brother becomes one.
Nah. Are you Elon? There's a point where you have to recognize that a shitheel is still a shitheel. YOU hug him. I'd as soon piss on him for the harm he's done to others. BY your logic, a billionaire (He's NOT a trillionaire) doesn't deserve second chances because the damage has been too great. There is only unfulfilled justice remaining, and hopefully that will catch up with him sooner rather than later.
Did you see the video of him at one of the mar a Lago dinners yesterday, he was definitely high playing with the silvery, and his baby mama was swaying back and forth
Fucking called her Xavier, I would change that even if I wasn't trans
I'm in a German speaking place and I know someone named Xaver, which people here pronounce 'Ksah-fffer' (really strong f in the regional dialect). The English version is tame in comparison.
Thx, fixed
Idk it's a fine name imo. Sure if I hear a guy is named Xavier I assume black man, but it's a name of both a saint and a comic book hero.
This is some JW disfellowshiping level behavior.
But sure Elon, you're not the one in a cult, it's everyone outside of your group that's crazy.
Dude, are you an escaped JW disfelloshipped king/queen too? I totally did not expect to see this relation brought up in this thread!
No, but I know some ex JWs.
One man's transphobia and horrible parenting is tearing this country to pieces. This is the worst possible timeline. I can't even begin to imagine what his daughter is feeling right now.
It's far from just the one man.
That's absolutely true. I transitioned over a decade ago and have never had a problem until Republicans randomly decided that trans people were a target recently. A buddy of mine transitioned 35 years ago and he's in absolute pieces over the state of the country right now. He was harassed just yesterday while taking a walk, because he's out and proud in the neighborhood. I'm absolutely terrified to see how bad this will get.
She just did an interview and a photoshops Photoshoot in Teen Vogue. Vivian said she’s not afraid of her father at all and that he’s pathetic (direct quote) and that he can go to hell (paraphrasing).
The interview dropped this week so that’s probably why Musk is tweeting like a 12 year old role playing their vague concept of a bereft father.
This isn't the right thread to post it on, but no he can be shittier. He even pulled a preemptive Adolf Eichmann when he said that he never physically hurt anyone. This is what Eichmann said at his trial. That he never killed a Jew or ordered anyone to kill a Jew.
That was, of course, irrelevant. He was the architect of the holocaust and his actions are what allowed the 20 million victims to die.
Slight tangent here: it's important for everyone to recognize how any organizational structure or bureaucracy contributes to the diffusion of responsibility. At best it's accidental, but at worst, it's used to protect those in power while ensuring the little guy is left holding the bag. At the same time, it helps everyone involved do their part since their individual role is usually very small and only slightly outside the moral bounds of the individual (if at all). You (anyone) may be in an organization that has the same patterns at play, * right now.*
This is also why RICO lawsuits are a thing, since it was nearly impossible to nail mob bosses to the wall without it. IMO, we still need something stronger as applied to the misdeeds of corporations, but I suspect that'll be a long time coming.
Fucking idiot killed his son himself.There was no "virus". He went with "you're dead to me". Vivian said that this is who she is and he killed her for it. He's the loser - she's living her truth and he's blind to who he really is. What a clown.
I swear… that guy lives in a cartoon.
As an elder millennial I liked to watch older cartoons of my childhood previously, but as I got older I thought 'man I wish the world was that simple to understand with cartoon villains'.
Then I got even older and now I realize that the world IS that simple. Only problem is that we don't have cartoon heroes to match.
Wanting to exterminate ideas is definitely not a fascist tendency.
I really cannot wait for the pendulum to swing back the other way. I am going to be absolutely insufferable about it until I die. These people have gone so far over the line.
This is horrendous. Imagine saying "my child is dating someone black, they're dead to me" or "I didn't realise her mum was mixed race when I had sex with her so I'm severing contact with my child". This is outrageous horrible and abusive. I'm genuinely upset about this
It's even worse than that, it's:
they’re dead
to me
Oh god you're right. It's scrubbing her off the planet altogether... she may even feel physically threatened by that
needed a moment to realise this is about Vivian
It's not impossible he's more mad about the name change removing the X from her name.
I wonder if fElon would really be a little less unhappy if she had gone with Xena instead of Vivian? Of course, that isn't something she needs to care about – but I'm just wondering if he's stupid enough for that!
My guess is that Elon's ego was hurt when Vivian started the process of legally changing her name from Xavier to Vivian. To a narcissist like Elon, that is a personal attack and he is small brained enough that he would allow himself to become radicalized over something as petty as his kid rejecting the name he gave them and taking on another.
It's just me speculating, but considering how hysterical he got over his submarine getting rejected in the cave rescue mission and how he paid for the rescuer who rejected him to be investigated for pedophilia and took it all the way to the courts, I wouldn't put it past him that the catalyst for him joining MAGA was Vivian's name change. He is that pathetic.
Nah. He was just lying because he thought he needed to to get richer.
Is this idiot talking about his daughter? Sorry I'm away from news
he apparently used IVF or something to have kids, and only had male embryos implanted into the partner dejure of the moment.
So when she came out as trans, he lost his absolute fucking mind.
He was always a emotionally stunted pre teen edgelord.
But when she came out, he went extremely hard right and dove head first into deathcamp nazism
Yeah, he was "pro" rights for that community and posted about it on Twitter pre that happening. Then she came out and he flipped his shit started hating it all.
The man child also had a hissy fit when Grimes started dating Chelsea Manning.
He has like 14 kids and is a total sociopath so 'losing' one shouldn't be a big deal. Russian Tsars had healthier relationships with their kids.
I'm not here to shit on your mastery of language, but:
De jure - by law (from Latin)
Du jour - of the day (from French)
He is a disgusting nazi and as any nazi should be taken out from the face of earth
Elon has so many kids, it is too annoying for me to look up if any of them actually died or if he is talking about the trans kid or if he is hallucinating or something completely different.
Elon has reached the point where I am not even angry at him, I just get sad.
(Them again, I don't live in his sphere of influence, so maybe then I would be more angry)
He tells a lie about his daughter Vivian (who he deadnamed here) being his best friend and token gay kid sidekick, but then the "Woke Mind Virus" turned her into a "Screeching Lefty Loon" after indoctinating her in the "Trans Agenda"
According to Vivian though, the real story is that they were never close, she was neglected by her father, she was never the precious little gay stereotype Musk claimed her to be, and he's having a midlife crisis where he blatantly makes up shit to blame everyone else but himself for being an absent father.
He had one kid actually die once, and at the time he didn't even bother showing up while the baby was on life support and getting mad at his then-wife for being sad about the kid dying, and accusing her of just using it as an excuse to make his life slightly inconvenient.
Then later lied for sympathy points and claimed he held his son as the son died.
I wonder if he actually understands why he is so hated. Like, if he gets gaddafied would it register why it was happening
This is incredibly disrespectful to anyone who has actually lost a child. Also, her name is Vivian!
Holy fucking shit.
Edit: nvm, thought he killed his kid
In a sense, he did. Maintaining continuity of identity between your assigned and chosen identities is harder when you have more transphobic parents. If you accept your trans kid, it's easier for them to identify as the same person before and after. Abuse them, and they might decide they were never the person you loved in the first place. Elon could have saved his "son" by loving her. But instead he became attached to a person she never was. A phantom that has ceased to exist.
From what Vivienne says he didn't have anything to do with her.
To be fair, it wouldn't be that out of character
I dont get why people give a fuck about Trans or anyone different from them.
What happened to live and let live? Your child being trans and just existing peacefully is not harming you.
I hate bitches who just want to find some stupid shit to be against that has nothing to do with them.
To get your head around this you must first understand that the haters see transsexuals, homosexuals, etc., as having made a choice. By stamping on those people, they are preventing others from making what they see as a life ruining decision.
Hell, you can see it in this very post. To Musk, Xavier was suckered into being trans by woke people.
There's much more to unpack regarding the hate which I won't get into, but the belief in choice is the starting point.
The logic still doesn't track though. Even if it was a choice, who cares?
People are making choices to murder people, poison the drinking water, rape the weak, spread prion diseases, and strip your rights. But I hear nothing from the same exact people screaming about trans - which has no effect on your living conditions.
Like we really need to stop trying to rationalize these people. They are seriously worthless scum until they start speaking in good faith - which they won't because they can't rationalize misplaced fear.
They're not kids to him, he sees them as an extension of himself and a way to extend his control, so when one has their own personality or breaks away from his puppetry he sees it as a personal slight and must shut it down before it makes him feel like his facade of "tech genius" is breaking to show the insecure, brain damaged, moronic k-hole nazi that he really is.
Yup. This is classic narcissism. The role of the abused in this relationship is to perpetually make the abuser feel happy, whole, and loved; the abuser cannot do this for themself. By breaking with this pattern, the victim is living a life that doesn't feed back into Elon's, which is verboten in the eyes of the abuser. So, we get the hate-train turned pitty-parade reaction on Xitter, potentially drawing in more people to feed this bottomless pit of an ego. It's also textbook to not be able to self-assess, so he's totally unaware of the dissonance around claiming to be the victim while hating on your own kid and a whole social movement.
BTW, if this sounds like vampirisim, it basically is. Go watch Renfield for a playful, over-the-top, and yet informative, take on all that.
Righties spend way more time thinking about gay and trans than any other group it seems. Hmmm
He’ll never win. People who think like he does have repeatedly tried to kill ideas. They’ve always failed. Sure, he can make some major, sweeping changes, but ultimately he will fail.
WHY (Bang) WON'T (Bang) YOU (Bang) DIE!?! (click click click) Why won't you die?!?
Because behind this mask Mr. McCready is an idea, and ideas are bulletproof!
How do you know they've always failed? BY DEFINITION if an idea has been killed you won't know it existed.
Narcissism is a developmental delay of social emotional maturation
I'm fairly sure there is a higher chance this parasite will get guillotined before "the woke mind virus" dies.
Vivian responded on Instagram
What does it say?
It's a screenshot of the tweet with some music, then "I look pretty good for a dead bitch"
Remind me, who's the one saying people have _____ Derangement Syndrome?
Trans Derangement Syndrome. Fight the transphobia.
Also known as dead brain disease
What a dumbass 😂. You cannot kill an idea, it will always be here.
What noble deed did the kid do that his father called him "woke"? Did he show empathy, or what?
She legally disowned him (including changing her last name to reflect her mother's, her mother being Musk's first wife). Since then Vivian has been openly anti her ex father, including decrying billionaires as a whole, and most recently going in teen vogue to say how her ex father absolutely did a nazi salute, is a raging bigot, and she doesn't fear him
His kid is trans, clearly the woke mind agenda did it.
People will really just censor fuck but not a deadname. Maybe don't fucking do that in future.
The statement becomes hard to understand if you just censored Vivian's old name.
If you replaced it with "Vivian", and "she", then you change it so much that it becomes confusing what point Musk was trying to drive at, and/or diminish exactly how vile his statement was.
How did Xavier die?
When I compare the Teslas to the EVs coming out of China, this guy is clearly just acting out his being totally out-classed. There are some really beautiful EVs coming out of China and we're stuck with Elon's crap.
This has "Adam West trying to murder the ocean with a knife" vibes.
Is that something Adam West did in Family Guy, Batman, real life, or all of the above?
Family guy. He, as Mayor Adam West (?), tried to execute the ocean for killing people using "eye for an eye" logic.
Is his obsession with the letter X just because it seemed like a cool letter at some point and he just refused to let it go like the doge meme? Or is there anything more to it?
It's a sans-serif swastika.
He has trauma, something that is there but cannot be shown and cannot be directly named. My guess is that he is projecting all his trauma and all his hope into that letter. What would be a better letter? It's a cross that marks things and it's the preferred name for variables.
This post made me realize that Xavier is to Musk what Barron is to Trump. They both overloaded the name of their child with a name from their own history. It would be funny if Musk would also call himself Xavier, for example when wearing that French looking black coat.
What if we collectively start calling it V now?
It may genuinely come down to that was the only single letter domain left. Like it could all be z bullshit but someone snagged that one first
Just another "serious adult" in the imperial core.
This reminds me of the Mike Tyson Mysteries episode where the farm folk say their daughter died because she was a pie baking stripper
I'm not against pie bakers or strippers, but combining the activities seems unnecessarily dangerous.
I once watched a woman fire dance while doing burlesque. I don't think I've been more impressed by a performer's skill
Well, a piece of shit can become liquid shit, and liquid shit can become aerosolized. So, yes it's possible for someone to be shittier than a piece of shit.
I cast shithead. Poof. Now he is a literal shithead...he won't be able to fend off the dung beetles now.
After the past ten years, clearly it can.
Deadname was X-avier?
Honestly, some people.
well it depends on from where, the Shitass in question, sent it.
To quote a great principal: “Yes”
It is impossible to find a depth to which the Ketamine Kiddy won't sink.
It would have been so nice if right under that, Vivian would have responded with "fuck you Elmo"
is this real??