Statue Facts Nobody Asked For
Statue Facts Nobody Asked For
Statue Facts Nobody Asked For
That's no man. That's a king.
"He is not a dude. You're a dude. This... this is a man."
A Burger King?
That second photo!
Face down, ass up. That's the way I like my happy meal
Oh so that’s why they started taking the statues out
That and similar incidents probably played a big part in that decision.
That explains why clown porn is always trending.
Her heart's in the right place but there are an absolute fuck ton of statues of dudes where the bulge/dick is worn from touching.
For example:
"Youth" (uhhhhhhh), Prague Castle, Czech Republic
"Adam and Eve", Monaco
Cristiano Ronaldo, Funchal, Portugal
And more that aren't as famous I'm sure. Any statue with noticable genital features is gonna get this treatment no question.
That Ronaldo statue has a very prominent bulge!
It honestly seems like the focal point of the whole thing.
Right? Why would they make a statue of him with a stiffy?
Her heart was not in the right place, as the point she was trying to make was that men are scum
This dude is terminally lonely
Who is this Ronaldo guy, and why is he so important that he gets his own statue?
I keep hearing his name everywhere, but he just looks like a football player to me... What makes him so special?
Charging Bull also known as Bull of Wall Street
Of all the traditions one could use to point out objectification of women, statues was not it. People really do just like getting frisky with statues, regardless of gender
To be fair, statues are the straightest example of objectifying people.
Dude's Wikipedia Page is rather interesting. He got shot by Prince Pierre Bonaparte over a proxy duel.
Damn that article just doesn't give a slightest fuck about citing any sources
Hell, people grope testicles on non-human statues.
The Charging Bull
in New York City, e.g.The line to take a pic with its balls is longer than to take a pic of it from the front.
The post's statue looks cursed as fuck. The guy looks dead and violated. It's worse than the shiny bull balls.
But OP the person in the pic is literally asking for this statue fact
but will mrs proudman get off her high horse? absolutely not. the path to idiocracy has been chosen.
Just need another seat for the saddle. It's also horrible that people do this to Victor's grave.
See, when someone identifies a problem, instead of everyone choosing to do worse, we can all do better.
But it's moot. This is just divisive rage bait from a bot farm. No one cares about either of these people, but it reinforces the "women are crazy feminists" rhetoric that makes it so easy to radicalize young men into incels.
Your ideas are intriguing to me, and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.
Careful there friend, you're awfully close to reinforcing a negative view towards women/people in general based entirely off of a conversation on the internet that is most likely fake anyways.
Golly, you'd have to be a real stupid jackass to let that happen, huh? Just a completely brain dead, ignorant, son-of-a-bitch.
Fortunately you're smarter than that, right? Right?
People see men fondling a stature: "Hah! What a hilarious pervert." People see a woman stradling a statue: "She must want children."
Men need to better communicate their domestic desires in sexual pantomime. Like, do a humping gesture but then do a baby rocking gesture then pretend you're playing catch outside. "I'm trying to make a Little Leaguer here!"
This is the best thing I've read today.
Hi it's me, the Victor Noir statue in Paris
She forgot one of the universal truths. Balls are just funny
Some of the bacteria detected, such as Staphylococcus, can be potentially dangerous and can lead to infections including sepsis, conjunctivitis, cystitis as well as endocarditis. For those with weaker immune systems, hand-washing soon after contact with a monument is advisable.
Wear protection, or straight to horny jail.
When I die I want my body to be encased in copper and this same rumor be spread about me and place my statue next to his.
He looks like he's enjoying it.
Victor Noir - pioneer of huffing
The expression on the first statue's face lmaooo
Of course. The French.
I saw that statue irl on a tour I think. I can't really get the story together, wasn't she some kind of local celebrity and touching the chest of the statue is supposed to give you luck in love or something?
It's Molly Malone and her statue is in Dublin. Rubbing her boobs supposedly brings good luck.
I'm not sure where the good luck part came from... But leave it to men to classify copping a feel as a sign of good luck.
Oh. It's tourists. The debates about it aren't new, either. :/
Although based on this thread I think Wikipedia needs a list of statues routinely groped by people.
Lmao - guess my joke about the copping a feel didn't land. Guess I should've added in a /joke there.
Of all the things to whine about...
Sounds like Charlotte just needs to get dicked down good.
Feminists always think women are better then men, until they are provided with proof that they are just as shitty because (surprise surprise) women are just humans too.
None of the feminists I've ever personally met do this. Are you sure you're not just rageposting right wing propaganda?
Asserting that "women are just humans too" is literally feminism.
Most of my friends in HS were feminists who did this shit more and more as we got older
Most grew up eventually and learned to stop putting their foot in their mouths as often, like most of us do, but a couple never did and are probably out there being these memes rn
Curse those darn feminists /s
Really though the problem here is social media where saying something provacative and obviously wrong will net you more interactions than being cautious and thorough.
That's true. The feminists that believe in this crap do not represent the majority of feminists, just the loud, online feminists.
You're thinking of misandrists. Feminism is about equality of the sexes. Other groups (eg misandrists and terfs) sometimes claim to be feminist as a cover. A feminist believes men and woman are equals, a misogynist believes women are inferior, and a misandrist believes men are inferior.
Seems like that shut her up right quick lol