Organize, Vote, Resist
Organize, Vote, Resist
Organize, Vote, Resist
IIRC, this was posted earlier today on the instance, and very, very quickly deleted by a mod.
...Which undermines the central claim.
They didn't want anyone getting any funny ideas about tankies. Like that they weren't braindead, authoritarian boot lickers.
I dunno. Have you noticed that the guy is portrayed as a soyjak?
What I mean is that is an explicitly communist-apologist instance*, and that anything that is supportive of Biden, even when it's solely about minimizing other harms to marginalized people, is quickly deleted. Comrade Dale is depicted as being a tankie that the soyjack says can't support Biden.
...But it was deleted by tankie mods, because they can't support Biden even if the only realistic alternative is many magnitudes worse.
*To be clear, I have no issues with libertarian communism; I think it's great, and I'm mostly anarchistic myself, even if I recognize that pure anarchism doesn't scale well to countries. I have a problem with authoritarian communism, and I have a problem with people that would hand-wave all the massive amounts of murder committed by Lenin, Stalin, Mao Zedong, Pol Pot, Fidel Castro, and many other communist dictators.
i just realized I've misread the meme.
Hey, if tankies were gonna vote for Biden to thwart trump, we wouldn’t have a problem. It’s that most that I’ve seen explicitly say they won’t. And they advocate that people shouldn’t. So - i don’t get it.
Youre right .If you vote for genocide, dont call yourself a communist. This meme is pure BS
Communism isn't about identity and moral superiority. It is about making strategic decisions that enable the ultimate revolution of the working class to do away with capitalism, that includes tactical, cynical decisions at times. Some communists tried to do the whole "never voting on principle" or "only voting for the perfect fringe candidate" bit already, so we know how that turns out - sectarianism removed from class, and underestimating the enemy. Think of how some communists thought if Hitler got elected, Germany would finally have a revolution - turns out, no, it just led to the last bit of the mask of humanity to fall off capital and them being killed in the most brutal fashion. That mask of humanity may be a lie and indeed just a mask, but it has real effects, and the inhumanity can always get worse.
The big project in these times of reactionary drift globally is to build as much organised proletarian power as is possible - catch and organise those that fall from the middle class, learn how to use guns and fly drones, learn how to coordinate as a movement, learn how to support each other in day-to-day life, gain some class consciousness. While those that lack consciousness and still hold dreams of escaping their proletarisation within capitalism enable fascism, as long as they can cling to the ideological dream of the wealth of the past without realising the very system that enabled the old wealth already had the crises of today within it.
Thinking its the same to organise all that under a senile proto-fascist like Biden compared to a full-blown fascist like Trump and his allies is genuinely foolish. It reads like an utopian socialist dream about moral fortitude and self-serving identity instead of trying everything that can materially advance the working class and its consciousness.
…. Said the .ml, thinking they’d be taken seriously.
You can choose between the genocide abroad, or at home. You lot read to me like you weigh Palestinian lives as more important than mine
Well, the one to the right (probably) isn't a tankie though, but I approve their actions
Pretty much all Marxists are called tankies at this point, and Grayox is a Marxist. I've even seen Anarchists called tankie.
Yet I get called Tankie all the time .... interesting.
See that makes it sound like you're getting called out on much more anti-voting sounding commentary than the above stated point of view
An image that isn't helped by the fact that the post makes it seem that you are completely oblivious to how often tankies try to start fights defending the choice to abandon the most vulnerable for the sake of some bougie kid socialism accelerationist shit.
Lol the post you made this as a response to literally has tankies calling themselves tankies and stating that they will not vote for Biden.
Seethe harder.
Maybe Tankies arent a monolith 🫨
And yet y’all will happily dismiss anybody who is to the right of you (or a different flavour of left from you) as a ‘lib’. 🤔
Gotta say, I'm confused as to why Dale Earnhardt is in this meme...
Raise hell praise Dale
He was very left leaning. He would vote for Biden to defeat Trump
As a South American who had to choose between right and extreme right, being a leftist, I completely understand the frustration about voting Biden. And what's more, agree completely he does not deserve to be voted. But, in order to defeat fascism and with all other cards now played, Biden is the lesser of two evils and taking the moral high ground could result on fascism taking over the USA. I suggest voting for Biden. My two cents...
He's not the lesser of two evils. Cut this horseshit rhetoric. Biden has done a good job. No-one is perfect but calling him evil is just right wing propaganda both sides bullshit.
Trump is evil. If you want to see evil, vote Trump.
several hundred years ago we had the choice between electing a slaveowner that fucked his slaves vs a slaveowner that didn't fuck his slaves. Now we get to pick between a genocidal warmonger bent on keeping us all in debt servitude that is pro trans rights vs a genocidal dictatorship that is against trans rights.
Biden sucks ass, stop gaslighting us if you want us to vote for your shithead
Biden is presiding over the most progressive/liberal administration in U.S. history. That doesn't mean it's liberal enough but it sure as hell beats any previous administration by a mile.
He’s not the lesser of two evils.
I wish Americans had enough of a heart to give your average Palestinian the same benefit of the doubt as Strom Thurmond's best friend.
I actually love this model:
Biden supporters: "Unite around candidate Biden or prepare to watch Democracy die!"
Biden detractors: "You guys are nuts! That old bastard can barely put 3 sentences together. I will argue we should have a younger more vibrant candidate like Big Gretch who would wipe the floor with Trump all the way until I vote for Biden's senile ass on November 5th!"
Biden supporter: "You dumb fucks, Whitmer herself says she isn't interested and is all-in for Biden! But she'd be a great candidate and I would fully support her if Biden steps down and she was the nominee. But he won't, so pull your heads out of your asses and support him!"
Like, if we gotta argue, let's have fun with it and just vote 100% for dems top to bottom on November 5th.
Who is Big Gretch?
Forget reality. Embrace Blue MAGA. Run senile geriatric. Lose because not everyone is in the Blue MAGA cult.
The outcome of this election is either Trump or not Trump, The election system has been specifically fine-tuned over decades so that it strongly favours Trump's party, despite him having fewer votes overall. There is one other party that is financially entrenched enough to have a chance at being voted, realistically.
Tackling the entire election process to actually catch up to democracies worldwide is a whole different topic altogether and realistically not achievable before this particular election, so if you are talking about preventing Trump via election (before Trump factually prevents being elected out of office during his term), the choice between either Trump or Biden is the reality.
"Blue MAGA" is straight up propaganda. If you think these two parties are alike enough to address democrats like that, you either have an agenda or are woefully uninformed.
While true, I can still be pissed off that Dems force me to vote for someone I don’t want instead of offering someone about whom I can be enthused.
You could also look at it as Trump forcing you to do everything you can to protect democracy from collapsing in on itself like a dying star.
When there are people that are still voting, even if it’s not for Biden, I disagree with it, but only politely. It’s still your right as American.
But that isn’t the message going out in so many of these memes. Barely any content encourages any specific candidate, and evokes ridiculous concepts like “A vote for Biden is a vote for genocide” - without putting forward an alt candidate that has a genuine plan to prevent genocide (obviously, Trump is not one).
The reason I’m fine with generally just ensuring people vote, whoever it’s for, is because statistically Democrats win elections that more people vote for. I have faith that genuine, fair popularity contests will go my way.
For Trump supporters it's more like "Organize, Vote, Racist".
I don't know much about US presidential candidates, but maybe all of you can vote for this Brandon person if the other side doesn't like Biden?
Biden isn't a "neo-liberal shill" he's a boring, middle of the road corporatist.
Republicans and Democrats have been moving steadily to the right for the last 40 years. So now, the Democrats are where the Republicans used to be in the 1980s: friends of banks, insurance and pharmaceutical companies. And the Republicans have moved all the way into an insane asylum.
Biden isn't a "neo-liberal shill" he's a {exact definition of neo-liberal shill}
There are dictionaries that tell you what the words "liberal" and "conservative" mean. Quit relying on your own snazzy spidey-sense and check them out.
No, Ronald Reagan closed the asylums so they had to stay in office
It's either Biden winning or violence at this point. The American political system is slow to adept to change... at least until a constitutional convention is held. The founding fathers being rich white land owning slavers isn't what is relevant here. It is that they lived in a time that didn't have the telegraph & trains, let alone stuff like nuclear weapons, nerve agents, space travel, and the internet.
Am I the only one who read the right side in the voice of Scruffy from Futurma?
"Neoliberal shill" who has achieved more leftist policy goals in three and a half years than all US leftists combined have in the last 30.
Undoing fascist rules put in by the previous resident does not count as achieving "leftist policy goals"; implementation of permanent law does.
Meanwhile, people have lost abortion rights, the rule of law has basically been suspended for potential coup participants. So yeah, I'm just gonna say we're not doing well. Meanwhile, I'm still going to vote Biden no matter what. We've already lost the democracy, but I'm going to delay the implementation of the far right authoritarian state for as long as possible.
I don't know whether or not that is true, but it is meaningless without considering what the other hand has also done in that period. You have to consider the net effect, not pick out isolated examples. Has the rate of wealth disparity growth even stopped increasing under Biden?
I get this. Democrats are not left enough for me but all said and done I would love to live in a world where carter had a second term and a gore administration was running things for the top of the millenium and have hilary over trump and who knows she might have surprised us with some good stuff but at the least we would not have left the paris accords which might have done better with gore and no iraq invasion. maybe we would have had a war on global warming.
I don’t know whether or not that is true, but it is meaningless without considering what the other hand has also done in that period.
So you don't actually know if it's true but you have vague feelings that it's not what you want so therefore it's not true. Ok then.
There hasn't been anything close to a leftist president in America since FDR.
Ah yes, FDR, who rounded up Japanese Americans and put them in concentration internment camps.
Which is a rather interesting parallel to Biden and Palestine, or Biden and US border patrol, or Biden and law enforcement.
All that to say it's probably not possible to be the US president and not do heinously evil shit, and therefore voting for president needs to be strategic, pragmatic, and nuanced, rather than ideological
There hasn’t been anything close to a leftist president in America since FDR.
How FDR Saved Capitalism | Hoover Institution
During the economic crisis of the 1930s, many expected a socialist revolution. The revolution never came. Why? The man in the White House co-opted the left. By Hoover fellow Seymour Martin Lipset and Gary Marks.
I'm a green voter. I have voted green in the past three presidential elections, and intend to do so again this year. If you have an argument as to why that's a bad idea that isn't one that I've heard before, get in touch!
you've probably heard this before, but you've been voting republican for three elections. the fact that you've heard it before doesn't make it untrue, it just makes you vote republican on purpose.
I heard that argument in 2016 and it hadn't become any less false than it was then.
33.1% of eligible voters didn't vote in 2020, 40.8% didn't vote in 2016. Your priorities are misplaced. You should be more concerned about these nonvoters, they outnumber third party voters seventeenfold and are far less stubborn.
You haven't changed my mind.
Because of the nature of FPTP voting it only matters if you're in a swing state. If you're voting green from a solidly blue state, keep at it, but if you're in i.e. Michigan or Nevada, please reconsider.
I have a you actually expect them to ever win without voting reform?
I mean I was green but I left it after the party nominees were all garbage rich fucks who mostly just seem to like being popular and having money.
Plus after the hissy fit of blaming other parties for not getting their own paperwork in order and demanding the party members not vote in protest which doesn't respect the importance of voting.
But hey you do you.
Voting Green appears to be the way to go. Current Democrats are unwilling to compromise on anything, not even stop a Genocide.
Promoting this behavior any further is the actual biggest danger to democracy not their permastuck 2016 fiction of having to save democracy every 4 years.
Finally, a tankie with some sense.
I wonder if people who use tankie (and similar) unironically would like a Fischer Price See n Say for politics. It would produce random quotes out of context and people can have fun putting them into arbitrary categories.
I understand your stance and respect your freedom to do that. I myself have held my nose and voted for the lesser evil many times in my life.
But now that the lesser evil is literally evil, I can’t do it anymore. I can’t back Trump or Biden. I won’t vote for a genocide.
If a genocide happens, it won’t be by my vote. And if this country collapses under Trump, it’s only the inevitable happening a little sooner.
When folks start winding up in camps,I hope you'll take comfort in the thought of "I didn't do anything to stop it, so it's not my fault!"
I don't think a vote is an endorsement. Sometimes it's an end of a bus to stand in as it's teetering over the edge of a cliff. You might be shoulder to shoulder with a murderer, and you might be there for a while ,it might also be for nothing - but there's a chance it doesn't fall off. It isn't inevitable. It's very evitable.
Ah, so you plan on no longer paying taxes?