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Oh no, they may have identified The Adjuster /world/us/nyc-mayor-says-suspect-identified-unitedhealth-executives-murder-ny-post-reports-2024-12-07/

Authorities have identified the man suspected of killing UnitedHealth executive Brian Thompson and are closing in on him, New York City Mayor Eric Adams was quoted as saying on Saturday by the New York Post.

Adams was quoted by the Post as saying the police were withholding the suspect's name for now to deny him any advantage. “We don’t want to release that now,” the mayor said. “If you do, you are basically giving a tip to the person we are seeking and we do not want to give him an upper hand at all. Let him continue to believe he can hide behind the mask."

  • Eric Adams saying "the net is tightening" when they have a picture and possibly know that he left NYC on a bus lol

    • A picture that is not even confirmed to be the same dude beyond wearing a hoodie that might be the same one but the lighting makes it difficult to tell

      • I'm leaning towards that picture being a different dude as well. Someone innocent is gonna go down for this. Hopefully no one will believe it and we can get some 2020 back.

  • Yeah this is a lie lol. Also nice jab at "hiding behind the mask", a thing apparently all criminals do now since NYC wanted to ban those recently. Very cool to witness the reality invention in real time

  • "We have video of him entering the Port Authority Bus Terminal. We don't have any video of him exiting so we believe he may have gotten on a bus,"

    Wow, I wasn't aware they had Sherlock Holmes on the case lmao.

    • There's probably video of the interiors of all the buses and the station but it will take a fair bit of time to go through it all.

      • You have to assume a significant failure rate for any equipment on a bus and then increase that a lot for equipment not vital to the functioning of the bus. Hope he chose a struggling operator.

  • Forgive me for being True Crime brained here a moment (I'm a

    it's in my blood I'm sorry) but the cops did something really similar during a widely publicized murder in Delphi, IN, where they held these press conferences assuring the killer they knew his name and identity but never reveaed it

    And then it took another couple years and the testimony of another unrelated suspect to even find the guy, so clearly they were blowing smoke to see if the guy would slip up or turn himself in (he did neither)


    this is such obvious bullshit. "we're gonna come out and say we know who he is, but we wont say his name because then he's gonna know we know who he is". yeah, i believe that. my supermodel girlfriend from another school made the same point.

  • Wouldn't saying you know the name have the same effect on the perp as just dropping the name? If you want the dude to get cocky you just wouldn't release any information. If I thought I might get caught this would make me take the same cautionary actions as if my name were released. In conclusion, this is bullshit and they've got nothing.

  • Let him continue to believe he can hide behind the mask."

    The mayor of New York city said this about a mysterious handsome vigilante who has captured the hearts of the people by striking a blow for the powerless that has resonated deeply with society*

    Just wanted to take a moment to acknowledge that for just a few minutes, the shitty superhero movie universe manifested itself into ours.

  • If you were withholding the name to not let him know that you knew their name

    Why would you announce that you know their name?

    Real "Your friends already ratted you out, might as well be honest" vibes

    • cop came to my house and said that to me over some suspicion that i egged sometimes house

      i said i had nothing to do with it

      he said my friend already confessed so what should happen to him

      i said I'm not a judge or jury so that's none of my business

      then he fumbled through my Miranda rights from a card in his pocket and then left...

      cops are dumb as fuck

  • Adams was quoted by the Post as saying the police were withholding the suspect's name for now to deny him any advantage. “We don’t want to release that now,” the mayor said. “If you do, you are basically giving a tip to the person we are seeking and we do not want to give him an upper hand at all. Let him continue to believe he can hide behind the mask.

    So you're going to announce in Reuters that you know who he is, and expect he simply isn't watching the news?

    Security video showed the shooter behind Thompson, raising his handgun and firing at his back.

    Funny how the passive voice is missing. I wonder why...?

  • Authorities have identified the man suspected of killing UnitedHealth executive Brian Thompson and are closing in on him, New York City Mayor Eric Adams was quoted as saying on Saturday by the New York Post

    had me in the first half. this is about as reliable as...

    Authorities have identified the man suspected of killing UnitedHealth executive Brian Thompson and are closing in on him, Frankie from math class, self-reportedly a nephew of a real Nintendo employee was quoted as saying on Saturday by Gina, the biggest gossip in 8th grade.