What are your favourite add-ons/extensions on Firefox?
What are your favourite add-ons/extensions on Firefox?
What are your favourite add-ons/extensions on Firefox?
SponsorBlock. An absolute necessity if you watch youtube on desktop. It skips host-read sponsors in videos, as well as other stuff you might want to skip like intro animations and Interaction Reminders ("don't forget to like and subscribe!").
I love skip to highlight, and I hate interaction reminders more than sponsored ads or ads. I especially hate the ones that tell you to like and subscribe at the very beginning when you haven't even seen the video to even decide if this is something you actually want to add to your feed or even liked.
It's so obnoxious. Without sponsorblock I'd be just exiting out a lot of videos.
Block tube is also something I've come to love, since there's some popular channels that always clutter search results even if you don't watch their videos. So removing them makes results more relevant instead of having to keep looking down the list for other channel videos.
There's also DeArrow by the same developer that made SponsorBlock. It converts clickbait titles and thumbnails to be descriptive rather than being clickbaity and sensational.
"don't forget to like and subscribe!"
what's the issue with that?
They're normally not that short and I hate being asked to do the same thing a thousand times.
Don't forget to like and subscribe, and click that bell icon to get notified of all our latest videos. Also, let us know what you think about ABC down in the comments! And if you want more content like this, click join to become a member and please become a Patreon member. This week we're giving special mention to John, who supports us at the top level. And this video is brought to you by Square Space!"
I don't like being told what to do. And everyone does it so it becomes an incredibly over done catch phrase. I'll decide on my own if I want to like or subscribe, and I hate it when they ask at the beginning of the video. At that point they are telling you to blindly do it.
Image / Video
Use ViolentMonkey it's open source and actively developed for Firefox, while TamperMonkey is originally developed for chrome
Thanks for the advice!
Sadly, I knew about that too late and I'm a heavy user of Tampermonkey. It would be painful to migrate now :(.
Thanks for adding the links, you the mvp
What's the difference between uBlock origin and uMatrix?
I cannot answer that properly, I don't really understand them enough. I will add some copy-pasted answer on bottom. But, from a user perspective my experience is:
So I would recommend uBlock origin always and uMatrix only if you are ok with some micro-management page-by-page.
Here it's a copy-paste of the answer from the first link in the google search ublock umatrix differences:
Chris's Wiki :: blog/web/UBlockOriginAndUMatrix
While it's true that uMatrix and uBlock Origin have overlapping functionality (and are written by the same person), they have different purposes and focuses. uBlock Origin's focus is blocking ads and other undesired things as an out of the box experience with little configuration needed. uMatrix's focus is on exerting tight and highly specific control over what resources a page is allowed to load and use, including Javascript and cookies (and requires a lot of configuration).
Thank you for this list! I found several add-ons I never knew I was missing
Thanks! These seem useful. I've only used a couple add-ons from your list. Time to try them out now.
Your are awesome for adding links too!
Besides the one super-obvious (uBlockOrigin), my favorite single one would be Tab Center Reborn, which together with the styling from Firefox Vertical Tabs pretty accurate recreates the superb vertical tabs of MS Edge.
And on a desktop screen, I can't imagine going back to horizontal tabs that waste the previous vertical space I got.
Try Tree style tabs I hate having to use edge/chrome at work because the tabs are so bad.
Tried that, I thought it was cumbersome and a solution desperately looking for a problem, tbh. I never once in my life had the thought that my tabs need to be in a multi-tier structure. I'm not someone to collect thousands of tabs though.
I should also add that your second part makes no sense: Chrome doesn't have the vertical tabs Edge has and that this setup recreates.
Tab Center Reborn
How is it different from TreeStyleTabs? I'll give it a try. Thanks for the recommendation.
I wish firefox just copied Vivaldi in terms of tabs, groupings tilings, just do it.
I really like consent-o-matic on firefox. You can set your cookie level to (dis)allow, and it goes through them automatically when you land on a site.
There is "i dont care about cookies", but I do care, I dont want your cookies and I dont want to go through your dark patterns!
I don't get it. So, it will save my cookies, keeping my logins are safe. But it will reject the site's cookies that they want to store for trackers?
Exactly, if that's what you set it to. Opting out is made extremely hard on many sites. This addon fixes that
@magoosh @Justly0250 I've just installed this so I'm hopefull it will work
clickbait remover for YouTube.. it replaces thumbnails with an actual frame from the video
Holy shit, I've dreamed of something like this existing, thanks!
@JetSetDorito & @ArtVandelay
DeArrow is a similar extension from the creator of SponsorBlock. It's suggestions for the title and thumbnail are crowdsourced as opposed to being randomised in the case of ClickBait Remover.
Ublock for sure it's the best and only add-on i use
I don't think any ad blocker can match what uBlock can do so efficiently.
Also, if you browse YouTube on your PC, then SponsorBlock & DeArrow are must haves.
These are the ones I cannot live without/use everyday:
I have a few others installed that have already been mentioned plenty of times like SponsorBlock, uBlockOrigin. Not using an ad filter these days is like fucking a stranger without a condom, you're just asking for super syphilis.
There's the Multi-Container mention. Best native extension you could ever use. Can't recommend it enough, alongside many other mentions.
firefox has native container support now you shouldn't be using container extensions anymore
I honestly didn't even notice that! Disabled the extension and tested things out, it looks like there's no automatic "open this website in container X" option without using the extension. If I'm wrong I must have missed it. That's another main part of my workflow, basically have sharepoint sites for the various 365 accounts (one for the company I work for, others for clients), that way it always uses the correct account for each instance as an example.
No, the extension is supposed to give you advanced controls in managing your container workflow.
Are containers like 'Profiles' on Chrome? Like different users can have different profiles to separate their browsing sessions on one browser.
didn't LTT drop PIA because they go bought by some big company?
As far as I can remember and tell from searching around at the moment, they dropped effectively all VPN sponsorships.
https://www.reddit.com/r/LinusTechTips/comments/y1dcef/did_ltt_drop_pia_and_replace_them_with_nord/ (yes, it's reddit, some people might see it as a dirty word at this point, but still valid)
There's also DeArrow by the same developer that made SponsorBlock. It converts clickbait titles and thumbnails to be descriptive rather than being clickbaity and sensational.
Its worth noting you dont have to selfhost bitwarden. You can just run it through their servers. I do that and it works perfectly fine
I know I could have gone that path, but I'm a techie at heart who loves pushing buttons, sometimes having to get myself out of a mess I created.
It's a hobby to self host things for me. Given that I host it in a docker container also means I'm yet to break it. I think the self host option also gives you a few more features than the free bitwarden official host option?
ublock obviously should be installed on Firefox by default. But I seem to have a host of privacy add-ons that break few-to-no websites.
Be warned - If you're not privacy conscious, you might cry from seeing the hundreds of sites that are running javascript on your machine without asking.
And my personal silly couple ones:
Aside from the usual security & blocking, there is
I've been looking for something that does exactly what Behind The Overlay Revival does, so thank you!
Behind The Overlay Revival
This looks very similar to Kill Sticky. If, by any chance, you have tried both, do you know what the differences are?
I haven't used Kill Sticky but they clearly look similar in effect.
Thanks. These seem useful utilities that may come handy. Also, an alternative to Chameleon is User-agent Switch as suggested by SootyChimney.
How does the image created by PassLok Image Steganography work on the receiver's end? Do they need to have the same extension installed?
Thanks for the U-a Switch heads-up.
They don't need the extension if they can reach the webpage and don't mind eavesdroppers. It means I can pack much more into my bio if it's packed into my avatar instead.
Aye, another saved post in my Lemmy account.
There are some awesome suggestions made by people here. Never heard before extensions that may come handy someday, that would otherwise require third party apps to do the same task.
Also, save the following two posts as well. I didn't notice similar posts were already created earlier.
Blocktube. Simple and advanced blocking of videos on youtube. Worth getting. Also stops youtube from auto pasuing after having watched a while.
Consent-o-matic. Set your preferences and it will automatically click those specific preferences when you visit a website, where it recognizes the cookie accept popup. No more need to click accept all, to move on. (It does not know all types of cookie pop ups, but it knoes the ones used by a large chunk of websites)
Imagus. Mouse over an image and this extension will attempt to show it (on your mouse location) in larger size. This works great for various things. News articles, social media etc. It can even do it for video and gifs. It can be annoying in some cases but.. ive gotten used to it. I used to use it on reddit. Just mouse over the posts titles and the pic would pop up. And as said before, super nice for articles and photo albums etc
Sideberry, its like Tree Style Tabs but IMO is much more configurable and refined. It's honestly changed the way I use browsers, being able to bookmark entire trees of tabs, toggle between tab sets, and manually load/unload trees and groups. I legitimately worry about the extension api changing and disallowing it.
Thanks for suggesting Sidebery. I've used TreeStyleTabs before. I'll give Sidebery a try now.
Thanks for sharing this one, I really like the sidebar for tabs it makes it a lot easier to organize things.
Neat, when I installed it, it automatically brought in my existing tab tree and pinned tabs from Tree Style Tabs
i use TST and i'm happy with it... but you got me curious, time to create another profile and configure it :)
tree style tabs / sidebery. it's life changing to be able to organize your tabs and actually read the titles.
Yep, the grouping of tabs in TreeStyleTabs is very handy & convenient.
Cannot say whether someone has already said it or not, but Flagfox. I like to know if possible whether or not a site is hosted in certain countries or just might be curious sometimes as to where the site server is located.
This is neat. It has other handy features too. From its description:
Also, an important distinction: It shows the country where the server is located rather than what the nationality of the domain name is.
A link to FlagFox.
ublock origin
For mobile only,
Nice Suggestion.
DeArrow is a similar extension from the creator of SponsorBlock.
He has highlighted the differences between the two in the description:
If only there was a Revanced patch for that.
Alternative Thumbnails is a feature available in the latest ReX patches.
ReX is a fork of the discontinued Revanced Extended project, which in itself was a fork of the official Revanced project.
I applied these patches using the Revanced Extended Manager on YouTube 18.33.37
Here it is in action:
I discovered this last week. It's such a handy tool for quick searches. I wished I had known about this earlier.
I've been using IPvFoo on all my PCs since I wrote it for Chrome 12 years ago. Recently I made it fully Firefox compatible. It's useful if you have IPv6 and want to see which websites are on board, though it's a bit depressing if your ISP only offers IPv4.
I've found it particularly interesting on Lemmy, because it connects to such a wide variety of independent servers:
Nice tool. I've recently started learning about what these networking terms mean. Basic stuff like like what different types of IP addresses there are, how the Internet works, etc. etc. I'll check it out.
Link for those who want to try it: IPvFoo
A few of my favourites.
Dark Reader alone might be the only reason I'm willing to ditch Chrome for FF in Android lol.
Neat. Perfectly adapts to the colour of the website and also works with Dark Reader
at first i think it doesn't do anything, if you use containers like me, should activate the option "Dinamic color update"
I have this css theme https://github.com/Neikon/Fox11 and this is my config if some one is interested
It's amazing. I've wanted this for a very long time.
I just realized i have no FF extensions active. Ive just been rawdogging the internet this whole time.
I don't think I've seen this mentioned, likely because it's a simple, non-privacy extension.
Reading List. It works like bookmarks, but it is targeted at news articles and other things you want to read but don't necessarily want to "forever save".
Damn! Neat tool. Hopefully this will help me declutter my Bookmarks. Also, how's it different than Pocket offered by Mozilla?
A link to Reading List.
A couple that aren't already mentioned by others:
Three comments down and there is the guy with vim keybindings.
I thought you actually don't care about cookies xD
Does "I don't care about cookies" automatically reject those annoying cookies requests? Some of these websites don't have a reject button at all. How does this extension behave in these cases?
Chameleon, great privacy tool, but can break some crappy sites, unless you can configure it so it doesn't. ScrollAnywhere, a mobile like scrolling with middle mouse button. I find it more efficient and intuitive. Ublock ofc (Forgot name), an addon that lets you skip link shorteners with ads.
Thanks for the suggestions!
Chameleon, great privacy tool, but can break some crappy sites
(Forgot name), an addon that lets you skip link shorteners with ads.
Well, user agent switch, will switch your user agent, but that is not the answer ponly feature of chameleon. It sets your referer pcolicy, cookie policy, spoofs some data and restricts certain APIs etc. Other addons I use as well would be audio equalizer, which allows me to change volume more precisely and ofc eq my sound. To that also screwmycode.in which changes the pitch together with speed, so you can make nightcore music easily and eq some bass back into it with the previous addon.
Nobody can forget amazing conteiners addons, like temporary containers, multi account containers and facebook container. They can revolutionise your workflow.
Other then addons, you can also set up profiles, to which you can create shortcuts, which is cumbersome, but works really well.
Also, firefox has a nice amount of CSS themes to apply onto it, making it look like a completely different browser.
Tree Style Tabs is a must for me. It makes the tab/tab goup functionality in other browsers feel awful.
+1 for TreeStyleTabs!
Tab Session Manager
Is there anything that disables / stops sticky videos when scrolling on mobile?
I get pissed off when I'm reading a news article, scroll down, and their headline video (often just an ad) clips itself to the top 1/3 of the screen.
Well ublock origin. If it does not block it rigjt away, you can actually try to manually add a rule.
AdNauseam. An AdBlocker that also creates a trail of Garbage Data to make users less valuable for Advertisers and Data Collection
Reading List
It's based on uBlock Origin, so you can add more Filter lists to compensate for that. Also note that it specifically unblock ads considered by the EFF as non-tracking. (But they are pretty rare)
Do you prefer that over ublock origin?
I use both simultaneously + Ghostery and it works great.
In general:
For YouTube:
Most of those Addons are for me to not go insane or blind.
How do you use no script these days, are you turning it on after visiting a page, or whitelisting when things don't work?
I whitelist after visiting a page, if it breaks majorly so I can't use it. And often I only need to allow the main page's scripts and maybe video., img. or cdn. subdomains.
What's Karrinator?
There's nothing that explains it on its description page. Based on comments on its page (translated to English), my wild guess is: it's making people laugh while reading news somehow by changing names of politicians in the news articles.
Thanks for the other suggestions too.
Firefox already has HTTPS Everywhere functionality built in these days
True, and according to some sources on the FF forum the builtin is better. I just installed it years ago and mostly forgot lol
Firefox Multi-Account Containers:
sandbox tab containers to isolate sites.
Temporary Containers:
Open tabs, websites, and links in automatically managed disposable containers
Dark Background and Light Text:
dark mode all the things
Thanks! These containers extensions are awesome and I plan on using them. Some websites come to mind.
But, do you know if there is a way to recreate user Profiles in Firefox like Chrome does?
@Justly0250 i remember seeing something about it somewhere but i've never used anything like that
There are definitely people who don't know what adblockers are and the beauty of uBlock.
The Internet is not the same without it.
And Google is trying very hard to break this gem.
Aside from the popular ublock origin I'd get Sponsor Block. Too bad my mobile version doesn't support it.
ReVanced has sponsorblock
uBlock Origin and Mouse Gestures.
Literally all I have ever used. I love mouse gestures so much because of Opera. I was using that for a bit before I discovered Firefox back in the day.
You should go through the suggestions made on this post. They are great. Maybe, sometime later I'll create a list and add it to this post's description later.
Tab Stash.
Lots of great extensions have been listed already, but here's one that I haven't seen mentioned yet and I really like: https://unhook.app/
Nice! UnHook removes YouTube recommended videos, related videos, comments, video suggestions wall, homepage recommendations, trending tab & comments
Others have already mentioned some excellent vertical tab add-ons, so I'll post Tabs Aside, which is a super convenient way to save and load a window full of tabs. Saves having like 20 windows open with different stuff you don't want to lose.
Neat, I'll try this. I don't think the others save entire browser windows. So, maybe this has a different use.
Stylus has been a pretty newish one for me, been using it a lot to make Lemmy feeds wider and take up my entire screen
There's also a convert webp to anything extension that is really handy to have
Video download helper is cool too
I'm interested in both Stylus & Video DownloadHelper. For capturing video downloads i used to use IDM's extension. But it's not free to use. Now I'll have to give this a try.
Video download helper is a bit funny with youtube videos, iirc it adds a water mark to any you dl, as it wants you to donate, if you don't wanna donate just get ytdlp gui to get your YouTube videos
Video download helper works great for other videos that are sometimes hard to find the url of
Ever since Twitch Now stopped working, I found Gumbo which is working really well.
I've not used either of those. I don't get it. Are these Third Party wrappers for Twitch or extensions that just push Twitch notifications?
Some of these are specialized tools, but to start, I make big, big use of dedicated containers, Google, Amazon, Reddit, Pixiv, Tumblr, and Discord. Sidebar note, uBlock Origin, NoScript, Bypass Paywalls Clean, Container Sidebar, Downloads Sidebar, Get RSS Feed URL, Pixiv Toolkit, FediShare, Tumblr - Post to Tumblr, Twitter Gif & Video Downloader, and Video Downloadhelper
This has already been recently discussed here.
I'm sorry. I should have looked in this community before posting. I forgot.
I found 2 similar threads. I'll leave the links here:
Edit: Your link was not working for me. I don't know why. It's same as the 2nd link that I posted.