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Lemmy users lack nuace and it stops actual discussion.

I seriously cannot have any degree of nuanced conversation here.

Like I get it, we all know capitalism is bad, but it feels like every time I or anyone go towards discussing the steps that need to be taken to address current looming problems in the short term, someone has to jump in and shut it down with "capitalism bad >:[ " and tear down any idea presented because its not complete and total destruction of the current economic model.

The result just feels like an echo chamber where no actual solutions get presented other than someone posting whole ass dissertations on their 33-step (where 30/33 steps are about as vague as "we'll just handle it") plan to fully convert the world to an anarchist commune.

Edit: I still vastly prefer Lemmy and the fediverse and a whole, my complaint here is that many of you are TOO INTENSE. You blow up small scale discussion.

  • Like I get it, we all know capitalism is bad, but it feels like every time I or anyone go towards discussing the steps that need to be taken to address current looming problems in the short term, someone has to jump in and shut it down with "capitalism bad >:[ " and tear down any idea presented because its not complete and total destruction of the current economic model.

    That is literally why my instance finally defederated from .ml Every 3rd comment from someone there was exactly that regardless of what community you were in. It was exhausting. Lemmygrad and Hexbear were already blocked here, and once the .ml peanut gallery was gone, it was like "wow, this is kind of enjoyable again".

    Do I miss a few FOSS communities that were more active there than their counterparts elsewhere? Yeah, a little. But, overall, the experience is just so much better after they were blocked. It's not even that I really disagree with them on everything, it's just....STFU already, stop brigading, and maybe say something constructive for once.

    • Hexbear were already blocked

      Yeah things were so, so much worse before that happened. I finally blocked the whole instance in my client so I didn't tear out all my remaining hair.

  • This is my big problem with online spaces. Yes it's great to demand that everything should be different, but I've spun on this planet for a few decades and all I can say is change happens slowly.

    We're still dealing with the fallout from slavery and it ended over a century ago. A decade ago I fought for gay marriage and I thought we won, but it's still being contested.

    Keep fighting for change, but know that we need to focus on small victories. Places like the US are not going to give up capitalism in the next year. Or the next decade. Or century. What we can do however is push for strong regulation, housing, and rights.

    Nuance here is important, and I agree dropping the "everything bad is bad" talk is key. We all know it's bad, but a country is a big ship, and a big ship takes a very long time to turn around.

  • In fact I agree with your "echo chamber" comments, by design the servers and communities foster a group of like-minded individuals and the moderation is enforcing the same kind of thinking and rules.

    At the same time, I find it more possible to get nuanced takes, back and forth discussion that isn't just troll bait or shouting matches here on Lemmy than elsewhere. People approach some topics with more curiousity, are a bit more willing to admit they are wrong/corrected about something and listen to each other's perspectives. Productive communication is a two way street. There's still a group of jerks, trolls and bad actors, but it's a monumental effort to moderate them away and they're virtually inevitable in any populated anonymous online space.

    I don't really mind if something is downvoted for being unpopular unless it's an obvious troll/flamer. That includes people that talk about capitalism's benefits. I know there are cases of missed references or sarcasm, I am a proponent of /s to avoid misunderstanding for that reason.

    What sort of thing would you like to have a nuanced discussion on?

    • Really just the half steps and the means to make progress towards a better system that works for the benefit of the majority, y'know, socialism. It's a bottom up discussion that always gets taken over by the top-down people who can only ever talk about the whole shebang.

      • There are no satisfactory "answers" on how to make progress. Because the only actual answers are painfully and slowly. By educating and convincing others. So it always boils down to impatient revolutionaries trying to do it by force. Fundamentally failing, and setting everyone back again and again.

        Even Marx phrased it as "evolution" not revolution. And like you said it starts from the bottom up. Revolution has only made the educated and ignorant alike fearfully clutch to capitalism. Because the ideology of the revolutionaries is a lateral move. That wouldn't actually make things better. And would see a lot of people needlessly killed.

        The one, possibly best thing we could do. Is for interested, individuals to start pooling their money to buy land. Then build high density, communal housing and sustainable communities. Dedicated towards proving socialist/small c communist principles. Ideally with people able to help replicate such communities. Where there will be no Lords of any sort. And rent will be the cost of what is needed to maintain housing. Not someone's luxury. The funds to get started would be the biggest hurdle. But once people see there's nothing to actually fear. And for younger generations, lots to gain. You'd see a lot of people warm up to the idea.

  • That isn't a universally unpopular opinion; at least two of us hold it lol.

    I may have to ignore all the politics and news communities for a while and focus on more important things like star trek memes.

  • Just ignore the low-effort comments and wait for someone who is able to invest more effort to answer.

  • See? Even the post criticizing the lack of nuance says everyone thinks capitalism ia bad. :D

  • I've found the opposite to be true on Lemmy. It's definitely getting worse with time, but the exodus that fueled Lemmy initially seemed to consist mostly of the reasonable people. You can see a noticeable decline in attempts to calmly rebut misinformation with sourced arguments in Reddit (to the general detriment of the audience reading the posts there). Just my personal experience of course, but you have to scroll so much further to see the actual true in a lot of posts on reddit than you used to (if that truth shows up at all).

    So it's nice for us personally to be in a bit more filtered existence here, with a higher overall quality of conversation, but the masses on reddit suffer, especially the kids - Gut feels like all the 30s-40s millennials went to Lemmy and left the Gen Z kids as chum in the water for the boomers and bots that make up the ceaseless repetition of unsubstantiated broken-minded talking points.

    I'd also encourage you to look internally at the quality of your own arguments if you feel like nobody is entertaining your opinions on things.. maybe you just kind of suck?

  • Upvoted for unpopular opinion. I don't agree though, I think it's still better than most other online places. It's just that "most other places" doesn't set a high bar and besides, I bet even if it was a lot better, people would still complain.

  • I don't really agree. Sure, there's shitty content everywhere, and there's a couple of instances filled to the brim with edgy tankies possessing not only an IQ worthy of fenceposts, but a comprehension of Marxist theory on par with that the highest ranked Gulag camp keeper.

    There's also, however, other people. And more often than not I find that wherever there's an interesting discussion to be had, people are having it. If someone annoys you it's not harder than blocking them or their instance, and you can keep having your high brow discussions in peace and quiet.

  • /agree

    Hot Take: I honestly don't know if I'm right or not about this, but it feels like it's a generational thing, and not just a Lemmy thing.

  • I've found the fediverse mostly better than reddit. Better than most of the big subs, worse than a lot of niche subs.

    Facebook was probably the most nuanced for me, but that was because I only ever interacted with 20 people I personally knew.

    I think the fediverse is too broad to expect a lot of nuanced discussion in the comments, but not populated enough for niche communities with enough common ground that you start to see meaningful discussion.

  • What you are describing is a correct "image" of human-nature.

    It also is a correct understanding of why humankind won't get its viability in-order until it's far far far too late to make any difference.

    There are 1 or 2 papers, recently, on how human-nature is reactive to obvious-problems, and how that makes it impossible to prevent ClimatePunctuation, as I call it, from killing either all or nearly-all of our kind from this planet/system.

    Nuance & considered-reason, both, have no place in imprinted animal-reaction, which is what is displacing considered-reason from our world, now.

    "dog whistle" is just a euphamism for imprinted/programmed animal-reaction, limbic-mind's displacement for considered-reason.

    Daniel Kahneman's "Thinking Fast & Slow" is the most important psychology-book in our world, right now, it is on this 2-system basis of our minds..

    All the intense-but-not-actual/workable enforcing of ideology-addicts.. it'll never save us.

    fundamentally, consider that addiction is a mechanism, not a problem: addiction-to-integrity is a Good Thing(tm), right?

    Addiction-to-growing-up, addiction-to-wisdom, addiction-to-outgrowing-ignorance, addiction-to-being-a-proper-parent, etc..

    But that is nuance.

    Try telling any of the ideology-addicts whose ideology is centered on "addiction" that addiction is just an impersonal-mechanism, and it is what-the-addiction-is-TO that can be a problem .. and you'll discover how rabid/automatic/closed minds can be.


    No matter: if life is what human-ignorance need eradicate from this world, then .. eventually .. life'll try again, elsewhere.

    An eldless stream of Universes, filled with worlds, it doesn't matter if we won't earn considered-reason, does it?

    It'll happen somewhere..


    Statistically, it must, right?

    _ /\ _

  • Actual discussion on what?

    You've said you don’t like people being unhappy with the system they're forced to live under, and that it annoys you that we talk about it? We have solutions, we have two centuries of theory and historical examples, its not our job to teach you all of this if you're not willing to learn it yourself. Its not hard to find this information online, why should we always engage in intense debate? It was exhausting on reddit and 99% of the time it ends in bad faith arguments and you've wasted an hour of your time on someone who was nothing worth more than a ‘k’ and moving on.

    If you so desperately want to see other content, foster it yourself. You could start your own community or instance and put in the hard work to see what you want to on the Fediverse. Its no one else's job to cater to you, you have the tools use them.

    Frankly I fucking love this place, it’s the closest to what the Internet felt like 30 years ago and my interactions with most people have been bloody enjoyable.

  • thats precisely why anarchism is so criticized as being naive.

    there are actual proven methods for the people to organize and seize power from the burgeois and current aristocracy.

    people just refuse to believe it and instead go for the ages-old red scare propaganda for their opinions about it, and they just feel impotent then.

    yall will have to find out what leftism actually is, then be open to changing your minds in many respects.

  • I am happy we could build a community where there is little nuance on Capitalism. Being a long-term Redditor, A was used to nuance, and whataboutism.

    I don't believe in extremisms, it's just nice to see.