Palestinians are now "Stateless" according to German law
Palestinians are now "Stateless" according to German law
Palestinians are now "Stateless" according to German law
German law declares people unpeople, big novelty clock ticks over to 1939
Thank goodness the US was able to return the Nazis to power in West Germany or the godless communists might have prevented Germany from continuing to exterminate Semitic children all these years later.
Nothing bad has ever happened from Germans getting really into classifying people, right?
Germany never really stopped being a nazi country, did it?
I had written a thing, but then I went looking for an article and this quote basically sums up what i was saying better:
West Germany reinstated former Nazis in government and kept the same strict Nazi-era sodomy laws, which criminalized any act perceived to be homosexual, including kissing and touching. As a result, the West German government prosecuted more than 100,000 gay men between 1949 and 1969, of whom over 50,000 were convicted. About the same number of gay people were prosecuted and convicted during the Nazi dictatorship, according to Huneke.
Bonus cope in the very next sentence, emphasis mine:
unfalsifiable orthodoxy, when the reds do good things it's only to hide their inherently bad nature, ect ect. The whole article is studded with little gems like this, including:East Germany, on the other hand, repealed Nazi-era laws in an effort to be perceived as anti-fascist,
Huneke found that during the Cold War era, communist East Germany had more lenient sodomy laws and accepted gay activists’ demands more quickly than its democratic twin.
If it's more lenient and more responsive to the people, then how is it not the more democratic? This article is a really good example of idealism, where a clearly better material outcome must be implied to be duplicitious or tainted somehow because the "bad" guys did it. Still, it does get the facts right.
Damn, it sure sucks when people do good things. It's so disingenuous and they're just trying to look good. We shouldn't do that - we should just do bad things.
Half of it did for awhile there
Oh right I admittedly tend to forget there was a wall between two things before it was so famously knocked down.
And I don't even know why, it's like if I somehow always forgot there was a whole pizza when I eat the last slice.
Germany never stopped being fascist it just got new targets.
never ask a german what they think about a Roma person, or what they think about a Turkish person, or what they think about a Palestinian person, or what they think about a....
Pretty sure that first one is an old target :yea:
United germany was a mistake, its should have been balkanized into many states with each their diferent dialect of germanic after world war 2.
Retvrn to tradition
impressive, very nice... let's see the Hohenstaufens' HRE
the best kind of medieval border-gore is when the same guy owns territories that aren't contiguous, just everything being exclaves within exclaves on top of other exclaves
This is only a legislative map (circles) of the HRE, not a territorial one. Which used to be different things, back in the day. Each circle had an imperial court of law. Which was responsible for disputes in that circle.
They knocked the wall down from the wrong direction
It's only spent ~107 years as a unified country and caused so much of the world's problems. Hell the most unified was when it included Austria, which was a 100% Nazi time period. 1991 was absolutely the farce to 1871's tragedy.
ah statelessness. one of the most mindmelting consequences of our good-old "rules-based international order"
The international rules based order vs. what if I just don't
Meanwhile on r/worldnews they're getting mad a German government official was getting attacked in Palestine.
Maybe don't declare that a group of people have no rights or protections and then go to the place where those people live and expect to be treated kindly.
Stalin shouldnt have stopped at Berlin, failing that...
...Germany folded in the wrong direction, failing that...
...The whole state should've been splintered back into 500 different counties constantly waging war over whose sperm lottery winner had the largest moustache and smallest codpiece
West Germany should have been reunited with East Germany instead of the other way around
I like your first point
Shut the fuck up liberal
Some bullshit law about high school statistics says we had to unperson you. Sorry, we're just following orders. (Now where have I heard this shit before?)
A couple of years down the line, these fucks will want us to just forgive and forget. And I'd be willing to. You just need to be this based to qualify:
Looks like it was reversed now:
Original post:
Update post:
Without a specific event (e.g. Israel winning the war, a treaty/ceasefire with specific wording), I don't understand what triggered this or why this was necessary at all.
normal nazi shit from the nazi country
The Germanic brainpan yearns to persecute minorities
Just a reminder, a German politician who clapped for a documentary about the apartheid in Israel by an Israeli and Palestinian movie makers had to clarify she was only clapping for the Israeli because it upset people.
Germany showing us how it's done once more
Deutch is not a real language.
Hoch・schul・statistik = high school statistics and Gesetz is related to the English word set.
Honestly I don't get why Hochschulstatistikgesetz of all words would make one say that German is not a real language. Like, I'm not beyond laughing at the Norwegian words for speedbumps and professionals among other things, nor laughing at the fact that the Dutch for "fucking in the kitchen" is "neuken in de keuken"... But there's nothing immediately funny to me about the word Hochschulstatistikgesetz. Is it just that the word is long? That it has the letter sequence ⟨chsch⟩ in it? I don't get it.
Either keep your compound words to a reasonable length, or get rid of spaces entirely and have one word per paragraph.
It's certainly a real language. It's a scary language, which I think with scary things generally tend to be downplayed. I was scared of the language after reading Mark Twain's anecdote in The Awful German Language
Recreating "The Terminal" but Tom Hanks is Palestinian unpersoned and the airport authorities immediately turn him over to the IDF, where he is never seen or heard from again
I used to think the Berlin wall was overboard but now I realize it wasn't tall enough
Germany shouldn't be a state
It's fascinating to me how Nazi Germany really never died. Their unwavering support to the Zionist project has only served to perpetuate their expansionist, genocidal ambitions, even if only by proxy. Fourth Reich indeed.
The worst kind of Trot is celebrating this very excitedly.
Wow, this is so unlikely Germany! Surely something like this hasn't happened in the past causing horrific tragedy
PFLP successs, they have achieved stateless communism
What they learned was not "don't commit genocide", but "don't run out of oil".
What's next are they recalling the whites back to fatherland
Hmm. I have a feeling there'll be a lot of talk of deporting them somewhere. Madagascar perhaps? And if that proves too unfeasible, they'll probably need to come up with some other solution. To finally solve this problem.
Also the ICJ is not going to stop Germany.
scratch a german lib and they get real mad, lmao
And you didn't care so far
This website: overwhelmingly and unanimously pro-Palestine and Palestinian statehood, decrying most of the west for not giving Palestine statehood
Some random scratched lib:
Marxists keep claiming the purpose of their ideology is to capture political power, yet they haven't accomplished that task in the country where they actually had accomplished that task in the half of the country that wasn't completely abhorrent for half a century. Are they hypocrites?
Most emotionally mature german
Big words for someone who isn't aiming an RPG at Ben Gvir. Just because you're doing nothing doesn't mean everyone else is complacent.
50 states in question
Germany recognizes kosovo, doesn't it?
Dont like it?
Maybe start changing it instead of thinking pissing on others to feel high and mighty makes you a better person.
Maybe start changing it
Legitimately, how do you think I should do that? How can I make the US recognize Palistine?
Your logic contradicts the evidence