Good luck, bro
Good luck, bro
Good luck, bro
That's way more than the population of the whole town I live in.
Why do such monolithic buildings give me such hell-on-earth vibes?
How neat is that!?
That's pretty neat!
There's a good chance that apartment building has easy to find organized unit numbers that pizza delivery guy can understand. Building may even have multiple front entrances each with distinct addresses.
Once saw a (German) documentary about this building. They have drop-off places on the ground floor where delivery drivers leave their goods in locked boxes. Payment and and locking/unlocking of the box is done digitally through phone.
P.S.: This one
The pizza guy very likely lives in the building too.
Pizza Hut makes a deal with the government to put all the pepperoni customers on the same floors, veggie people on other floors, etc. The lava cake freaks... there's a special floor for them.
Yeah, I've delivered pizza in a city of over 100k people. The whole idea of an address is to figure out where the destination is down to the personal residence. Doesn't matter if the people are spread out in a single building or many buildings.
I didn't go knocking on every door any time someone ordered pizza to an apartment. Biggest concern about apartments were if they had a buzzer, if that buzzer worked, and if the code matched the unit number or would be easy to figure out based on the information provided. And if it wasn't, their phone number was part of the information provided.
I have in-laws living in China, and honestly - it’s a lot easier to navigate those sorts of high rises than you might think.
Most residential buildings I’ve visited have lots of dedicated lifts, so only 2 apartments per floor share one lift. So you would only need to provide something like: Tower 37, Floor 19, Apartment 2.
The Chinese love their delivery apps, too - their drivers (technically scooter riders) are very used to this.
Now the city of Chongqing is a whole seperate matter, that place is an M. C. Escher drawing in real life!
how can people stay sane if the numbers go up in a predictable fashion? My American brain cannot comprehend the horrors associated with repeating patterns in housing style and numbering.
North America, and Americans in particular, love to claim everything big. Big restaurants, big malls, big cars, big highways, big buildings, big country.
Except efficiency is somehow forgotten. So you get 12 lane highways that are constantly clogged with traffic. 100 floor office buildings that have lineups at the elevator between 8-9 and 17-1730. Strip malls that you have to get to by car even if you live next door. And transit that gets you nowhere.
The American brain should be perfectly adapted to this sort of scenario! Just think it like one of those suburban cookie-cutter HOA developments, but vertical!
As for counting with multiple numbers, y’all love to do that already! feet & inches, pounds & ounces etc.
Hey you're thatKamGuy!
Probably not that man for the food deliverer. High density implies having more than 1 order and there are likely many entrances and building numbers.
I would be surprised if there weren’t several shops dedicated to the building.
Probably a whole mall on the lower floors and vending machines amd shid
Right? I'm mass texting my deliveries "hey I'm out front with about 12 other orders. If you need it delivered to your door here it'll be a few extra minutes. I'll head into the building to complete any remaining deliveries at [time]"
Any apartment building that size should have a couple floors of retail, especially food - they would make a fortune. If I lived there I would illegally sell teriyaki or something out of my apartment. Better still, run it like a street drug business - pay cooks and delivery people, and have distributors in between - they alone know where the kitchens are. Eventually it's the chicken fingers episode of Community.
Costco recently opened a location in California that is also a high rise apartment building
Imagine, rotisserie chicken every day
Are you trying to make me hate my life? Man…
Welcome to Costco, we love you!
Apparently it does have amenities like shops, foodcourt, barber, and other stuff.
We've heard about car brain, this is its cousin, detached house brain.
Tall, wide, building, scary!! OoooOoOooOoOoh
I mean it's absolutely nuts how many people this building holds. I'm guessing that the majority of towns across the majority of the US land area have populations smaller than this one building. Probably likewise throughout most of Europe. The population density of this building is crazy. 115/km2 (apparently the building is 260km2)
Your math is wrong. 260km^2 would mean 10 miles long and 10 miles wide.
Unless you count floor space, but that's not how population density is measured.
And even then, 115/km^2 means every person would have 2 football fields of space.
A bit defensive there…. It’s quite literally a harmless meme
Also, how does this have anything to do with house brain? Most hotels and apartment buildings don’t even come close to the sizes of some of these massive ones in China.
If I search the name, half the articles say 20k, other half 30k. Honestly, I have serious doubts about both figures...
Snopes has an article on it, and even they couldn't come up with a solid number.
I think the capacity is 30k, but 20k people currently live there
30 thousand people used to live here.
Now it's a ghost town.
I wouldn't be surprised if the numbers were off by an order of magnitude. 1500 units with on average 2 people works out to 3000. Looking at the pictures, that feels like a more realistic number.
That’s about 50 units per floor. Which does seem a bit low from looking at the pic. But 1000 per floor (to give you the 30k) seems way too high, unless the units are the size of broom closets.
So this is what Cyberpunk 2077 based its apartment complexes on
This might be better than most apartments I've lived in tbh, so it might work if looking out of the window and having the inescapable trap of modern life hit you in the face isn't a deal breaker for you
It all looks so short, like are the ceilings really low or is the camera just being held by a giant?
That third picture is either warped or the structural soundness of the building is questionable.
I think the balcony edge curves out into the room. The second pic from the loft bedroom kinda/sorta looks like it. Looks like crap with that straight railing though.
For a moment I thought the washing machine was outside on the balcony in picture 6!
Total Buildings 2 Total units 1540 Total partings 2046
I saw the same thing. That's almost 20 people per unit.
Is that a refrigerator in the living room, and a tv over the stove?
It's called an open floor plan.
I imagine with that many people there are restaurants and services within.
I am the pizza delivery boy.
Unfortunately he is tied up at Peach Trees, trying to deliver justice to Ma-Ma.
The Deliverator for Uncle Enzo's CosoNostra Pizza Inc
I found some apartments in that building advertised on some random website for immigrants and those don't look half bad.
For your consideration;
The lack of quality would be hilarious if if wasn't so fucking dangerous for people.
Food is delivered by pneumatic tubes.
Enjoy your pizza all scrambled and your soda is gonna go through nuclear fission 💥
Oh yes, the LHC: Large Hotdog Collider.
Am I the only one who worries first about trash collection day than pizza delivery (wildly unpopular in China btw)?
I'd assume the building has a trash collection chute. My old apartment building had one.
And if they don't, I'm sure that they'd have pickup schedules like any town would.
I was more thinking about the day they take the containers out, and the trucks rotation. If they do it once a week, imagine the smell and how many trucks they need...
Probably has its own Pizza Hut. Delivery guys don't need cars.
Does it have schools and shops too?
Could be it's own city.
Kowloon city at home
The elevator is broken.
I wonder how may people have multiple lovers in this building, you know people be fucking they neighbors with this many options
Imagine the condominium meetings
Now imagine a fire breaking out 😬
that's why fire suppression systems exist
High precision cannon modified to launch pizza boxes ... then just park it about half a kilometer in front of the building.
Communications personnel receive order ... they quickly process it to the gun crew
Gun crew load first round: .... 15TH FLOOR!!!! APARTMENT 1567!!!! KITCHEN WINDOW SECOND TO RIGHT!!!!!! ....... FIRE!!!!!!!
Gun recoils ... crew prepare second round: ...... SAUCE!!!! ... PEPPERONI!!! HAM!!! PEPPERS!!!!! ANCHOVIES!!!! .... CHEESE!!! EXTRA CHEESE!!!!! .... (prepared round is loaded into gun) ..... FIRE!!!!!
Gun recoils ... crew load HESH round: ...... COMPLETE THE ORDER!!!!! ..... FIRE!!!!!!!!
Gun crew grows silent for a moment .... there is a distant explosion of an apartment completely blow out on the 15th floor.
Tactical ballistic pizza? Count me in. Sounds reckless and delicious.
How did I end up on NCD again?
Like the guy that cooked a chicken by slapping it repeatedly, somebody needs to see what speeds firing a ball of dough against a wall will get it crispy brown.
My first thought was this
Can’t imagine the wait times for elevators at whatever the start/end of normal working hours must be.
Poor delivery guy 📦 😰😂
Such buildings allow for great efficiency (it probably has its own stop on some kind of rail transit and still a reasonable cost of living) and that includes pizza delivery. Imagine delivering multiple orders a minute. The salary (and tips, even outside the US) would be great. They will probably even allow you to call the elevator with an app before you walk to it for extra speed.
I'm not an expert Chinologist, and it's a huge country, so it might vary, but AFAIK tipping isn't really a thing in China.
These types of apartments interest me a lot, they become cities in one of themselves, a livable Kowloon
Malls, gyms, restaurants all in the apartment because of how high the density is
Reminds me of Arcologies in Sim City 2000.
Everybody wants Forest Arcos but they keep building Darco Arcos.
One family size pizza margarita to Ms. Wu.
Everyone eats pizza, Everyone is lactose intolerant, Everyone flushes
And people say China is not a dystopia
Do they generally bring it to your door?
Where I live they just call you that they're waiting outside and wait for you to come pick it up. Same goes for delivery drivers. Sometimes they don't even leave the car.
That sucks. Ours come to the door. To me that's part of the point, you don't want to leave your home, so you order something, right?
What a bunch of lazy fucks.
What's the point of ordering delivery if you have to pick it up? Leave that shit at my door or I'm complaining on the app.
Yeah that’s a leave it in the lobby and lot god sort it out kind of delivery
Most of them with no window.
Guaranteed it's the KFC delivery man who's going to have a problem.
That's bigger than my entire village 😳
Originally a hotel now full of influencers must have some interesting quirks
God, I hate influencers. I know I probably sound like a geezer, but their whole stchtick is encouraging us to buy useless shit. Before, we had adverts, but now we have people who dedicate their waking hours to this, and for peanuts, unless they are highly successful
Do they have pizza delivery in China?
On the one hand something like 80% of China's population is lactose intolerant, but on the other that certainly never stopped any lactose intolerant people I know
They probably deliver Chinese food.
Actually occupancy is likely somewhere between 10-20k
Peach Trees.