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Single Issue Voters will save the world!

  • People who make these typa posts are the same people who wouldn't show up to a protest for any of these things

    yall are actually insane if you think protesting genocide is somehow mutually exclusive from other issues, or that pressuring Biden automatically means you're voting for Trump

    Both this community and Politics have some of the dumbest party shill takes ever.

  • Looks like there is a crystal clear direction Biden can take and win over a substantial amount of voters. I'm not sure blaming people protesting genocide for Biden's drop in approval ratings, rather than Biden himself for tanking them, will encourage anyone to vote for Biden.

  • Don't worry, the folks who aren't voting for Biden over Palestine aren't voting for Trump either, so it balances out.

  • All these single issue voters upset about genocide and telling you not to support our leader are just foreign actors trying to destabilize Germany America.

  • Stopping gun violence is what the Gaza protestor is trying to to do. Banning bigotry? Yep, same. Save democracy? How? By standing strong with genocide? Not very fucking likely, imo.

    For all of the people who will inevitably show up to say "But you can't criticize Biden, it's an election year": man, I can't imagine offering such a bad take completely unprompted and free of charge. People are throwing tomatoes at you from the shores of history, you just don't know it yet. Supporting genocide is wrong, period. If Biden doesn't want to be criticized for it, maybe he should stop supporting it.

    • For all of the people who will inevitably show up to say "But you can't criticize Biden, it's an election year":

      I have never heard anyone say that. In fact, it's because you can criticize Biden and there's even an outside chance he'll listen that makes him the better candidate than the guy who listens to nobody ever, unless the message is how to make him more wealthy.

      Edit: Actually, the only people I have heard say that are propagandists setting up straw men. Like you.

    • Stopping gun violence is what the Gaza protestor is trying to to do.

      Because Palestinians don't fucking shoot and kill people...? Way to jump the shark.
      Hamas murdered more people in 1 day than every American school shooting combined.
      Do you listen to yourself? What the fuck are you even talking about?

      Banning bigotry? Yep, same

      Hamas is an Islamic terrorist group founded on an explicit call for genocide against Israeli Jews.
      They aren't flying rainbow flags or celebrating pride month this year, either.

      Save democracy? How?

      By voting against a self-described "dictator" who happens to also be an authoritarian kleptocrat who calls every election he's ever been in "rigged", pressured Secretaries of States to just make up votes, coordinated false electors to overthrow the election, pressured his VP to call the certification process into question and who generally doesn't believe in the peaceful transition of power.

      I'm not gonna ask you to suck Biden's cock or anything, feel free to dislike his handling of the Israeli-Palestinian war (a war he neither started nor wanted to happen in the first place) if you want. It's my view that America's actions so far have actually saved thousands of lives in the region, and it's an objective fact that Biden has delivered more aide to Gazan civilians than anyone else. (Don't let that stop you from being pissed off at the wrong guy.)

      But, seeing everything we've seen over the last 10 years, are you seriously going to deny that Trump and the Republicans are an existential threat to American democracy?

      Supporting genocide is wrong, period

      The Palestinians aren't innocent in this either--they (and the Arab League) threw the first punch back in 1948, and they (Hamas) threw the first punch on October 7th of last year. It takes 2 to tango. Both sides of this fight have been complicit in doing evil shit building up to the conflict we have today. When people say things like "Palestine should be free from the river to the sea", how can you read that as anything other than a call for genocide against Israeli jews? Hamas surrendered any facade of legitimacy when they conducted a terrorist attack on Israel last year (intentionally killing more people in a single day than Israel has been killing in Gaza on average). Hamas has fired something like 10,000 rockets at Israel (and that's not counting the attacks from Iran, Hezbollah, etc.), so how many thousands more people do you think would be dead today if Israel didn't have the capability to defend against those kinds of attacks?

      The only peaceful, non-genocidal solution to this 80 year war is a two-state solution in which Israelis and Palestinians learn to put aside their mutual hatred, dis-empower the extremists who run their societies, and coexist. Neither Hamas nor Netenyahu are capable of delivering this. Hamas will soon pay the ultimate price for their cowardice and terrorism (as they should), and hopefully the Israeli people will see that Netenyahu has failed to protect them and democratically remove him from power.