Average day in Ukraine
Average day in Ukraine
Average day in Ukraine
”Why do they keep putting the black sun on their flags?”
Because they're Nazis, it's not that hard to figure out.
We can't see these images they need to be posted as links or embedded into lemmy instead.
With that said I can guess the content. The thing that bothers me most about the way they want them to hide their nazism, as if it's just an aesthetic, is that none of them think about what these nazis are doing out there. I don't mean that in the sense of participating in the fighting but in the sense of the war crimes these nazis are definitely performing. None of them stop to think what kind of horrors the average open nazi in america would get up to given the wartime conditions where they can get away with it. These people are reaping unspeakable horrors upon the civilians they come across.
That's right, if they're fighting fascist Russia then they better start showing Hammer and Sickle flags because, you know... the USSR and Communism kinda played a huge role in obliterating nazism back in the day.
100% pure NIMBY. "I support these fascist wholeheartedly, but I wish they had more decorum about it so I didn't have to worry."
Oops! All Nazis!
The worst prizes of all the cereal boxes
That's way worse than just getting all ball bearings.
those are historical pagan symbols sweaty
This is true, it's part of Ukrainian culture to display Nazi symbolism.
the pagan religion being nazi satanism and the history being from the 1930s but those are just details
This is literaly that homer meme again lol.
Captured [random village here], a huge day, a great victory!
Thousands and thousands of dead, more mobilizations including women.
dozens of precious "indestructible" western tanks lost,
took so long it is now the rain season so they can't advance anymore
the target was supposed to be the land bridge to Crimea and cities like Melitopol.
Don't ask what is going on near and around Kupiansk for the last 2 months.
Don't ask what is the former name for Artemvosk lol.
A lot of the young people fighting/dying in Ukraine right now were radicalized through NED-funded child summer camps that were covered in the international press before 2022. Even the Guardian has a video on youtube about this still.
Oh shit they were NED funded??? 💀
I don't doubt it but I'd love to have some source about the NED funding.
more mobilizations including women
antiwoke tankies saying gender equality in land-mine casualties is bad!
I am bracing myself for "actually you are denying the agency of Ukranian women by..." ect
It probably comes as no surprise that the 3rd Assault Brigade is an Azov spinoff. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/3rd_Assault_Brigade_(Ukraine)
I saw some lib coping on twitter like “we control the village quick go grab the black sun! Come in guys the tankeez are gonna use this to say we’re nazis!” Lol
tankies will say just because you use flags designed by Himmler you're a Nazi. What if they just like him for his work as a chicken farmer
Not only would libs make this joke, they wouldn't wonder at all why these guys were carrying around that flag.
I don't see a village behind that giant nazi symbol they're holding
It looks like there were 5 houses in the village at some point which have been destroyed now.
Heeey remember when Ukraine was building space rockets for USSR? What wonders does Free (tm) Market (tm) bring!
a) Fascist scum b) what village
there's this village that they have been fighting over a the initial stages of their attempt to take the azov sea region. Their original plan relied on them taking this village months ago because they needed to take it in order to safely reach the begining of the Russian defences. So now they have it but it required three divisions and months longer than they planned for
so technically it's a success but the fact it's happening now and the way it happened is indicative of their offensive being dead in the water
We won this bombed out town. This calls for the Black Sun flag
How did they end up like this, anyhow? It's weird to think there isn't more animosity towards the guys who shot at their great-great-granddads or whatever.
My basic understanding of it is if you think both capitalism and communism failed, there is one ideology left to try, and these people have been indoctrinated with "communism bad and doesn't work" for the last 30 years. The collapse of the Soviet Union would be a sign to the uneducated and/or propagandized that communism doesn't work, and the last 30 years of Ukrainian history have made it clear that capitalism doesn't work. Depressed civilians then turn to the last major ideology that is coincidentally being propped up by both national and international interests, and you have the absolute disgrace that is Nazism and fascism in Ukraine today.
Operation Bloodstone, Operation Aerodynamic
There was a non insignificant segment of the Ukrainian population that sided with the Nazis when they invaded (UPA, OUN-B), mostly in the western part of the country). These guys very much enjoyed a good war crime against Poles, Jews or Russians, enough that they were willing to ignore the Germans killing other millions of other Ukrainians, most of whom did heroically defend their homeland alongside the Red Army.
After nazis lost, Stalin annihilated these bandit groups. He and Beria were extremely thorough in laying waste to the collaborators. However in the years since the fall of the Soviet Union the more nationalist/nazi-adjacent side of the Ukrainian government is continuing the tradition of their nazi collaborating ancestors and turning the OUN-B into the patriotic martyrs.
I think expat communities have something to do with it. I was listening to a podcast about modern reactionaries and nazis the other day, and they did an episode about Slavic Native Faith. The Ukrainian brand was started by a Ukrainian, but took off in the States long before it gained a foothold in the motherland.
specifically since 2014
animosity towards the guys who shot at their great-great-granddads or whatever.
Oh you mean Stalin
watch this .. , this random guy in 1990 explains it like nobody else has mangaged since ..
Not trying to undermine your point, but I wanted to see who the person who posted this was, and god damn it's laughable that she puts these two on the same level. https://twitter.com/NinaByzantina/status/1546173566516768768
Edit: lmao she's married to Richard Spencer
heckin wholesome doggo
It's wolf, so it's logical there would be wolf trap above! And uh, a sun in the back of course, no matter why it's black! Checkmate tankies!
Nono that is actually a cleverly designed logo meaning "national identity", clearly the name of a run-of-the-mill militia, it just happens to look like a Nazi sign.
leftists: there were war crimes being committed in ukraine before 2022, the country has a real nazi problem. please look up the UN reports
liberals: i refuse to do literally any research myself but theres definitely no evidence for that lol ur basically a capitalist
Every country has a Nazi problem. India has a Nazi program. The US has a Nazi problem. Ukraine has a Nazi problem and a Jewish leader, and it's being attacked by Russia, a country with a larger Nazi problem.
No, Ukraine has the most Nazis in power anywhere on Earth. They control the dept of the interior, the intelligence services, the upper brass of the military and are revered as heroes. Nowhere else on Earth has Nazis like Ukraine
If Russia has a bigger nazi problem, why is it Ukrainian soldiers who keep getting caught wearing nazi symbols? If Russia had a bigger nazi problem, I'd expect to see an absolute flood of pics of Russian soldiers wearing black suns, but we don't. Where's the equivalent of former Ukrainian president Poroshenko wearing a nazi patch, or the idolization of Bandera?
not like that Mr. I wanna demonstrate the Central Point !
Oh, wow. Did not know that was a Nazi symbol. TIL.
edit: for anyone else who's interested - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wolfsangel
If a Ukrainian solider is wearing a something and you don't recognize it, its a hate symbol. If you do recognize it, its probably also a hate symbol.
There is another Nazi symbol there, the Sonnenrad.
Wolfsangel & Sonnenrad, nazis giving us 2 for 1 discounts on flag symbols.
Oh, I always thought it was 2 stylised S standing for SS, but I knew it was a nazi symbol
Wolfsangle and the black sun? They're getting bold.
Why shouldn't they? They've been out and out Nazis for 8 years slaughtering communists and russians and have only received praise and money.
Nazis are in Ukraine, and Nazis are bad people that should be stopped.
Russia is using this as an excuse for a shameless land grab.
These are not mutually exclusive statements.
IMO, it really wouldn't be all that different to the US using the cartels as an excuse to invade Mexico and slurp up some new land. And yeah, I'm aware that Republicans are already talking about it, because they just can't stop themselves from any% speedrunning the worst takes possible. To be completely frank, I wonder if Russia would keep giving a shit about the Nazis once they've taken the land. IIRC, like basically everyone else right now, Russia itself has an embarrassingly bad Nazi problem, so maybe Russia will invade Russia next.
I don’t want to put a bunch of preludes and explain myself etc.
But man, you really think Russia invaded because of a “land grab”? Does that make any sense to you?
The Russian Federation, famously short on land
To be somewhat fair, all of Russia's claims in Ukraine (Crimea, the Donbas) would give them unparalleled access to the Sea of Azov and the northern banks of the Black Sea. Yes, I know they control a significant portion of the Black Sea already, but this would allow them to wrap the Sea of Azov nicely.
I know Russia states they're there to kick the Nazis out of the Donbas and protect the Russian language minority in that region, but I also don't believe any nation, especially a very nationalistic, neoliberal government like Russia's, is out doing something out of the goodness of their hearts. Call me a cynic, but I think the expanded Black Sea control is more important to the government.
Nazis are in Ukraine, and Nazis are bad people that should be stopped
Russia is using this as an excuse for a shameless land grab.
It's much more complex than this. One must understand the civil war, NATO expansion, as well as the cultural difference between Lviv, and Donbass/Luhask. With Kyiv kind of caught in the middle politically between them. Most importantly one must understand All of the things NATO could have done to prevent this.
Lviv was part of Poland. It became part of Ukraine when Germany/USSR both invaded Poland in 1939. It was historically Polish. Today Lviv is actually a hotbed of nazi apologia. Most of the monuments to nazi collaborators like Bandera and Stetsko are in Lviv. Many of the right wing militias are active in Lviv. Donbass Luhask was historically part of Russia, not part of Ukraine. During the early soviet period Lenin incorporated Donbass/Luhask into the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic (rather than making it part of the Russian part of the USSR). During the soviet period this was fine, but after the Soviet union collapsed, and Ukraine SSR became Ukraine, the white supremacists and nazis (Groups like C14, Right Sektor, Azov Battalion, and their predecessors like the Social-National Party of Ukraine) began to push for policies against Roma, Jews, and ethnic Russians. This meant a lot of ethnic tensions with Donbass/Luhask which has a lot of people who speak Russian, as well as Roma and Jews. This led to separatist movements in Donbass/Luhask/Crimea. People in those regions who speak Russian and identify as Russian, and before Lenin, were part of the Russia rather than Ukraine, felt like they would be safer with their own Republics, or in Russia, than they would be in Ukraine. Crimea held a referendum to become part of Russia in 2014. This received over 90% support. NATO/Ukraine media said it was a rigged vote. Russian media said it wasn't. Russia then occupied Crimea to nominally enforce the referendum. This was called a land grab by NATO, it was called democratic support of a referendum by Russia. This kicked off separatist movements in Donbass/Luhask. The Ukrainian government then started a civil war against Donbass/Luhask to keep these territories as part of Ukraine. Donbass declared their own republic and so did Luhask. The Ukrainian Armed Forces committed a massacre in a trade union hall in Odessa 2014, burning a lot of separatists alive. They also began shelling separatist regions. There were a lot of civilian deaths, and Ukrainian right began to further radicalize, while receiving money/weapons/training through the NED (a CIA front) The civil war went on for 8 years.
In 2014, you also had what many believed to be a US-backed coup that put Petro Poroshenko into power. Petro Poroshenko rehabilitated a lot of the nazi collaborators from WW2, granting them hero status, and allowing more monuments to be built to them. He also cozied up with the radical right wing militias and incorporated them into the regular armed forces. He also advocated Ukraine joining NATO. Ukraine joining NATO was always Russia's "red line" since Ukraine shares a border close to Moscow, and NATO membership means the USA can build military bases in your country, train your troops, put nuclear weapons in your country, etc. Russia doesn't want American nukes right on the doorestep of its capital, and so finally, after 30 years of eastward NATO expansion, resolved to intervene in the Ukrainian civil war, to make weaken Ukraine, and make it more of a burden for NATO. This is why NATO hasn't allowed Ukraine to become a member.
There's also the matter of NATO expansion in general. Informal promises were made to Gorbachev in 1991 (which were declassified by the British much later) that NATO wouldn't expand eastward if he dissolved the USSR and the Warsaw pact. He did so. But NATO kept expanding anyway. Russia tried to join NATO in 2002 but were rejected, which could have prevented the perception, on the part of the Russian government, that Moscow is being encircled by NATO. Since they aren't allowed to be part of the collective security apparatus of the North Atlantic alliance, but the North Atlantic alliance keeps expanding to surround their borders, it was only a matter of time before they started to see this as a war-worthy provocation. Also the USSR tried to join NATO back in 1954, at the beginning of the Khrushchev thaw, but were also rejected, leading to the formation of the Warsaw pact in 1955, which was the Soviet answer to NATO. So there were a lot of changes to prevent this flare up of regional tensions. But I believe the USA never wanted to prevent tensions from flaring up. I believe the USA saw this as another war they could profit from by selling weapons, since it takes place far from their borders.
I blame Capitalism first, NATO/USA second, Russia third, Ukraine last. The nazi problem in Ukraine is (mostly) a byproduct of CIA-backed radicalization efforts in my opinion. Every country has right wing psychos, but only some of them come to power by getting money, weapons, and training clandestinely from the USA. I also view this as a European repeat of operation cyclone, which is where the USA gave money/training/weapons to Jihadists in Afghanistan to destroy the soviet-allied government there and bait the soviets into a costly occupation. I also view this as an extension of the cold war into the 21st century, except it's now an economic conflict between the imperial core and the rising 2nd world (China/Russia) rather than a conflict between Capitalism and Communism. USA was also motivated to get rid of Nordstream 2. America wants to sell its liquid natural gas to europe at exorbitant prices, but europe is getting it for much cheaper through the Russians. Even with the sanctions, Europe is still buying Russian gas through the backdoor of India.
invade Mexico and slurp up some new land.
lol wait until you find out how Texas became a US state
This is all fair and I can't dispute it, but have you considered that all of it is Russian propaganda?
Ok. But if NATO is gonna continue to arm nazis in Ukraine I think the people of Russia can have a buffer between them.
IMO, it really wouldn't be all that different to the US using the cartels as an excuse to invade Mexico and slurp up some new land.
that would depend on if the mexican govt had been bombing the shit out of northern Mexico for 10 years. Then your example would be accurate. Cartels arent the mexican govt though. And i don't think the cartels are launching missiles into populated cities.
Would also require the Mexican government to be playing footsie with a hostile (to the U.S.) military alliance that would just love to station missiles pointed at Washington.
also, why do lib mayos always equate gangs with wignat identitarians?
is it because violent identitarianism is basically only a phenomenon in white countries and exceptionally poor countries?
The cartels are not trying to remove people of certain % Spanish DNA. They're basically just another gang like the mafia, crips, etc This is very different from going out of your way to kill Romani and Russian people with no reward other than their deaths
Nazis are in Ukraine, and Nazis are bad people that should be stopped.
This is an official regiment of the Ukrainian army.
Not just "nazis are in ukraine".
Lol 3 Nazi symbols on their flag. They couldn’t fit anymore?
This narrative falls apart when you consider the fact russia was wanting peace around the start of march, and part of this peace deal was that Ukraine wouldn't join NATO, but all the occupied land (excluding Crimea for you shitlibs there who think it is part of ukraine.) But Ukraine rejected it, since they want a regime change in russia, and control of crimea.
The narrative that the capitalists of russia would give up their most lucrative money making scheme (selling oil to the guzzling westerners) for a brutal war just to gain bombed out cities its completely devoid of historical materialist analysis, the capitalist would never chose an option which would hurt their profits if it didn't force them to.
Honestly seeing leftists repeat this propaganda is disappointing, and I'm going to repeat this. You can criticise Russia, without having to use liberal-imperialist propaganda like "warm water-ports" or "occupying ukraine" or even a simple name like putler. The fact is, ukraine was conducting an extremely brutal war on separatist countries all because they seek their simple right for self-determination after their autonomy was rejected. This war came about because the west are paranoid imperialists who want to salt the earth.
And the de-Nazification comes from more of a cultural standpoint rather than an actual struggle against fascism itself, this part is true. But seriously they have more of nazi problem than ukraine? Which literally has an ex-president who's an open Nazi and wears Nazi Imagery? I find this extremely hard to believe.
Russia is using this as an excuse for a shameless land grab.
This literally just ignores the entire history of the Minsk agreements and Russian-Ukraine relations between 1991-2014, also the fact there's been a brutal civil war on Russia's border for the last 8 years
IMO, it really wouldn't be all that different to the US using the cartels as an excuse to invade Mexico and slurp up some new land.
There’s no need to make up scenarios. The US already did this with Cuba, Africa, and the Middle East. Mr. Putler is just inspired by American policies like his predecessor Hitler
Honestly not a bad take compared to many others I've seen regarding this shit show. Russia doesn't really give a shit about Nazism in Ukraine and is using this war to secure it's strategic assets around the region that had been in under Russian/Soviet control for centuries before the breakup of the USSR. 2014's coup threatened any sort of cooperation in Crimea and hence Russia proceeded to annex it.
Or NATO was going to install nuclear launch sites next door to Russia. But if you gloss over that fact then yes, Russia bad.
Analogy: Mexico lets a US adversary install nuclear launch sites just south of the USA border. How do we think that would go? Mexico would be the pawn.
What's happening in Ukraine is a result of USA/EU actions, and Ukraine not being smart enough to pick up a history book and see how the USA uses poor countries as fodder. They must be shoveling mass money and cocaine at Zelensky. It's all literally a case of "well well, the consequences of our actions." The USA just wants resources and nuclear launch sites.
Russia doesn't really give a shit about Nazism in Ukraine
they certainly do. But America has trouble relating because we were all cushy and safe over here while Russia was ratfucked by Nazi Germany. Russians still know the songs about the Great Patriotic War.
I think they do care a little bit in that for the last 8 years those nazis have been engaged in a civil war right next to the Russian border and believe that ethnic Russians are inferior. Russia doesn't need to be ruled by saints to be annoyed at that turn of events
Wtf, that's literally this meme in rl, about AFU recapturing shithole through the loss of half of the personnel