The community has voted, please now go go !
The community has voted, please now go go !
The community has voted, please now go go !
Sweet. I wonder if I can spam everyone on this list with just one reply.
Fuck off
A pinned post works wonders.
Not this nonsense.
A pinned post can be unnoticed by a large amount of people.
Sorry for the one notification, but at least now we're sure everyone who interacted with this community is aware of the move.
Hey, please not that it's against TOS (and probably against the TOS'es of some other instances) to do this. So if you are planning to do this when moving a community, please don't.
Wait a sec, how is that against the ToS? We did a while ago on and did not get any issue
Fuck is this spam.
Imagine you worked in a big company, and one day eight months ago the marketing team had a meeting where they were playing a new promotional video loud and you stuck your head round the door and watched to the end of the 1-minute ad, stuck your thumbs up, said "good ad" and left. Then this week, you get an email saying they'd gone through the CCTV footage and found that you'd been in a marketing meeting in the past, so because the marketing team had decided to change the branding, and that everyone who contributed in any way to marketing discussions should be on board, you personally should start attending marketing meetings every Thursday morning at 9:15 to help steer the new vision, and vote on new ads every week. You would be pissed off.
Please do not assume that everyone who ever made a drive-by comment on one of your posts that reached the front page is someone who wants to subscribe to your new community, and absolutely don't come in my inbox to instruct me to go to a community based on the authority of some vote I wasn't in. I wasn't the one making your community lively, it was the people creating engaging posts.
You complain that people wouldn't see your pinned post? Well, it doesn't matter to anyone except people who were going to post. You don't move a community by moving the commenters, you move a community by moving the new posts. Put it in the sidebar, put it in a pinned post, put it in the title of the community (like you have), just above the button you have to press to post. If your post creators move to your new community, great, and if they continue to post great stuff that gets random lemmings like me to comment on something interesting, even greater, but it's absolutely not OK to spam everyone to tell them to go subscribe.
You're not in charge of non-subscribers in any way, and the only authority you have to grab my attention is good content that people engage with.
If you build it, they will come. This is not building it, this is just spam.
It's really really hard to resist the urge to go to the new community and block it. In your understandable desire to build the new community, you have incomprehensibly tried to force people to do what you want. You're not my boss. I just commented a couple of times. Look up Aesop's fable about the wind and the sun.
If I were an admin, I would with no hesitation whatsoever be perma-banning the bot account and temp-banning the humans involved in the decision too.
Spam: don't do it. How on earth would you possibly not realise this was spam? What on earth made you think it was OK to spam everyone who ever interacted even slightly? Why do mods think they're in charge of users choices?
The part that kills me is that it's spam from your grandma that uses CC: instead of BCC:
100% agreement.
Having automation that requires real human time to deal with, that's spam. If a human had sent each one of those messages, I wouldn't like it, but it wouldn't be spam. At least there's parity, a human created a message for human. But now we have automation, a bot if you like, creating messages for humans. That's spam. No matter how well-intentioned that spam is, it's still spam
How on earth would you possibly not realise this was spam?
For context, the previous experience was
Feedback there was
thanks, I’m sure I only shitposted one time here about football’s cultural atmosphere or game theory/sportsmanship in general.
Thank you for the heads up folks
As a user myself, I approve of this.
I saw the automod tag everybody, and that’s a really nice solution you’ve come up with
Sorry, we're discussing how to handle this better next time, there's a thread on ! about this.
Please do not assume that everyone who ever made a drive-by comment on one of your posts that reached the front page is someone who wants to subscribe to your new community, and absolutely don’t come in my inbox to instruct me to go to a community based on the authority of some vote I wasn’t in. I wasn’t the one making your community lively, it was the people creating engaging posts.
Unfortunately, the bot or script can't ping by subscribers. So it did the next best thing: comments. It's not telling anyone to do anything.
It's only a one-off notification, dear me.
First off, there isn't a really bot involved, it's a simple script that collects a list of people that have interacted with the community in the last year as there isn't a way to get the subscription list. Second of all, the tagging only notifies, there isn't any command or authoritative language included in the message. The mods weren't even involved in this instance by the looks of it, I'm not sure by what angle you view the ping as authoritative.
It was also a single ping, not some repeating message that spammed you multiple times.
Spam is unsolicited messages sent to large numbers of users who didn't sign up to receive the messages. You get a lot of it only because a lot of people think their message is more important than your subscription preferences. That's exactly what you did here, and you pasted thousands of user addresses to achieve it.
Another reason that you have a lot of spam is that the people who know how to spam offer their skills to people that want to spam. That's you. A third reason that you have a lot of spam is that spammers who think their message is more important than other people's preferences, and that's you as well: here you are, arguing with people who didn't like your spam.
Everyone involved in this mass spam is completely unrepentant and you all sound like you'd do it again in a heartbeat if you had another important message you wanted to share.
There IS a facility on Lemmy for Important messages that all community members should read - it's called pinned posts. There ISN'T a facility for mods to put stuff in the inboxes of thousands of users, subscribed or not (which is why you had to scrape data and paste it), and the reason is that there isn't is that mods SHOULDN'T be able to message everyone who interacted with their community - their community is the correct place for that.
Frankly, when you next find yourself pasting thousands of usernames to send a mass message in the future, I want you to think "This is spam. I should not spam. Spamming thousands of people makes people cross. I should not annoy thousands of people, even slightly, even if I think it's important. I should not spam thousands or even hundreds of users. This is not the way to get my message accepted. This pisses people off. I should respect these people more than this. I should put a notice up where people can read it if they care and I should not try to force people to care by spamming them."
Did you ever have someone email hundreds of people at your organisation with something that was important to them but wasn't to most people? And then someone presses reply-all and says "I don't want to be on this list". That's the world of behavior you're in. Stop it.
wtf is this bullshit
I recommend that you change the display name to "[Dormant] Movies and TV Shows", to make it obvious in search results.
Good point, on it
What the fuck.
Order corn
You misspelled porn.
The automated migration notification is interesting, I assume it's everyone that was subscribed to the old one. How does it work?
Not very well, given that I'm not subscribed and have no idea why I was notified.
I was never subscribed
You probably commented at some point
I wasn't subscribed!
It scraped comments, not subscribers. You commented here before.
You commented here:
Hey, how's it going?
Is the new comm no longer about movies?
"I'll take 'Piss Off Every Lemmy User' for 1000, Alex.".
To be fair, on the other side people always complain when community migration is mentioned that "you lose people in the process"
! pinned post is similar, people were quite okay to be notified there
Correct. There's movies for that. It's split into movies and television.
Goodbye 👋
If the community has voted, you should lock this community to new posts.
It is locked, isn't it?
Oh, so it is. For some reason, it doesn't have a "locked" icon like ! does. Perhaps it's just my app or my instance which hasn't federated yet.
Automated migration notification:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Why are you @ing me?
Migration to !
What is this and why was I notified of it?
I wish I didn't get removed just so I can see what it said
Why the fuck did you tag us? Go fuck yourself with this spam bullshit
Hey. At least they told exactly where not to go now.
I understand the intent, but I think your net was too wide. If there is no way to just get a list of subcribers or some other shorter list of people who will actually care or notice it moved, that might be the better plan in the future. But I think just a message in the community without tagging people already does that, really. Just not quite as quickly.
this is spam, please never include me in a message like this again.
Did you tag every subscriber or something? Wtf? How did you accomplish this?
I’m not a subscriber, but I probably have commented in the community before. This feels gross and spammy.
Have a look at !
Everyone that's mad deserves to be tagged again. lol
Do it. , could you please use your script to ping people here ?
Sorry for the delay, the bot has posted now
Not cool.
Amazing, thanks!