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  • Look, I know it's not the point, and that is an insane story that should have serious consequences for those responsible...

    ...but "PTO time" is bothering me more than I'd like.

  • 99% of the country votes capitalist every two years, and then everyone clutches their pearls when capitalist things happen. Guys, this is the world you wanted. The ruling parties are not hiding who they are from you.

    • Dunno bout "not hiding" I just read 6 Bloomberg articles that said everything's going great and it must be my gosh darn feelings actin up again

    • Well, 99% of the people who vote. The people who dissent do it by not voting.

      • Can't blame the people not voting when they can't afford to miss work to vote.

        If you're a wage earner, you've watched the last two decades as both Democrats and Republicans have made it explicitly clear that they're comfortable with you being paid poverty wages.