Americans: Never, EVER question again how Hitler came to power in 1933 Germany
Americans: Never, EVER question again how Hitler came to power in 1933 Germany
Because you now did it to yourself.
Americans: Never, EVER question again how Hitler came to power in 1933 Germany
Because you now did it to yourself.
You dumb, dumb motherfuckers.
Regards, the rest of the world.
American here. Fuuuuc.... Not what most of us wanted here on the West Coast.
We fought hard and carried the team as best we could. We probably won't be eating as much curb as some states, but fucking frustrating as hell that some Americans can't get their shit together for 12 goddamn minutes. It's like half the country forgot how bad 2020 was, not to mention the insane shit that went down day in and day out for years.
I hope, HOPE that we have the privilege of voting in four years, and that by some miracle, the president, Senate and house and SC (all projected to be Republican) somehow forget to fuck with our election system.
I almost wish we could just be our own country. Washington, Oregon, and California are already very much aligned with one another.
Hi, this sentiment from non-americans pisses me off and it's okay, but I feel it's important to explain why so I'm copying another comment I made today.
Goodness knows some of us are trying our best. I mean keep in mind our country is a democracy in name but systemically props up white supremacists in excess of the real popular opinion. And a media disinformation machine keeps the working class divided against itself, with open support from the wealthiest and owners of the most popular social media platforms. Social media platforms that, let's be honest, are super recent inventions we are not yet capable of engaging with safely. It makes it an uphill battle to try to reach out to people whose necks aren't on the line. And the responsibility to do so falls upon the disenfranchised themselves, who are increasingly saddled with economic and health burdens that might just kill us someday.
I get the potshots at Americans, but frankly I don't plan on taking the blame if this goes tits up - many of us did a hell of a lot more than vote to resist fascism. Nothing happened here that isn't happening elsewhere. And I'll fight the notion that citizens at large are the problem. It's a cynical outlook that serves to individualize the responsibility for a systematic disaster. Our country was built to make this possible after all. And I sure as hell know I don't plan on giving up. Kind of morbidly curious about how much of an incompetent clusterfuck Project 2025's implementation will be.
Victory or no, fascists are paper tigers and I plan on sticking around to remind them of that fact however I can.
Fascists are paper tigers... bold statement. Especially if those paper tigers have access to the biggest military budget on the planet and are backed by an out-of-control police force.
Victory or no, fascists are paper tigers and I plan on sticking around to remind them of that fact however I can.
See, this is the issue.
It used to be this way. That until they're actually in power (and I mean have removed the democractic process that could remove them from power again, too), fascists pose big but there's no bite behind the bark.
But Jan 6 and Trump's general antics being excused by his cronies in the SC have clearly shown that this is changing. People are emboldened by the fascist rise in all western countries, on top of the generally aggressive atmosphere worldwide as the older generations, unable to face their own misgivings and the shit they caused to pile up, would rather vote for fascism and "blaming Them™️" than accept that maybe it's high time we accept some really rough times to turn the ship around.
Fully knowing that none of them will live long enough to actually suffer the outcome of their actions.
Even my dad started voting AfD. His reason being "It's time something changes!". He's just unhappy with the status quo, even if you fully tell him that he, personally, is among those suffering under the AfD and they're open about wanting to make things worse for him. It's impossible to reason with these people, as them wanting to be reasoned with would mean they'd have to accept that between climate change and the secondary monumental tasks of trying to handle that which are all inherently global super-issues, too, their generation only had it good in their days because they were living on credit.
But does he truly care? No of course not. He's old. He can be contrarian and vote "against the establishment", and that this fucks everything up more or less permanently isn't a problem for him since he'll be long dead by the time the issues that could have been prevented truly come into force. Much as we're already seeing some issues such as curtailed bodily autonomy for women, increase in violent climes, and of course climate disasters.
Things have changed. People fully do shit now simply because their age and general position in society shields them from the outcome, and they just want to be "against". And they can openly flaunt this, so crime etc is on the rise. Big time.
Keep calm and carry on, mate. We here in Britain finally managed to get rid of the blonde fella who was wrecking our country, you can also do it. The new ones may not be much of an improvement, but I know one thing for sure - a decent citizen of any nation should never accept as their leader such a corrupted and crooked in so many ways person.
Yeah with such a horrendous outcome, blame starts flying (it's the republicans' fault one billion percent more than anybody else's, btw) and sometimes in moments of understandable fury people start saying shit. There are some people who this makes sense to say at, and some who it doesn't, and they're both Americans.
If the person saying it was born in a different country and did all the right things, they'd be saying this at themselves. For doing the right thing.
Whatever, precise wording and being super pissed off don't go together. The sentiment that this is all super fucked up is right on the money.
There are always fighters like you which can't be blamed. Nevertheless, most of the American voters are frankly deranged. As a Mexican who has been in the rural areas of the USA, it really fits.
You're right. The sentiment more comes from the power the USA weilds globally vs the massive responsibility the population don't seem to realise they have. If anything, the dumb motherfuckers will be the countries that keep allowing the USA to have this power while clearly the population - and by extension the new president - don't take this responsibility seriously.
I'm lucky. I don't live in Palestine or Ukraine, both of which are all but guaranteed to be fed to the wolves. It's heartbreaking to watch the complacency of a population who think the price of eggs is worth more than thousands of people's lives. But here we are.. and we're angry.
Democrats handed this election to Trump, hold them accountable
Well said. Thank you.
As if the rest of the world wasn't on the same slippery slope...
Things are looking glum all over.
Yeah but Americans not being ~56% the dumb fuckwits they seemingly are would have sent a good positive signal to the rest.
Now the opposite happens and the fascists everywhere will feel strongly encouraged, on top of strong US-support for autocratic Russia and big support for completely depopulating Gaza (after all, Trump is a big fan of Neta "finishing the job" in his own words).
Nah, don't 'what about...' this.
You're being too kind
True, but I love how the first we blame for this outcome are the American people.
I blame Kamala Harris and her botching her campaign. She had amazing momentum at the start, then slowly threw it all away, instead politicking to small businesses and Republicans instead of workers and their own base: Democrats.
I have to say when I watched the debate whilst Kamala herself impressed me, nothing she said felt very inspirational. I thought it was pretty clear what big picture items the base wanted and all she could come up with was a payment to new families and help for small business. This is good and all, but not the larger national and foreign policy announcements people wanted.
You both bear 100% of the blame each.
“Historians have a word for Germans who joined the Nazi party, not because they hated Jews, but out of a hope for restored patriotism, or a sense of economic anxiety, or a hope to preserve their religious values, or dislike of their opponents, or raw political opportunism, or convenience, or ignorance, or greed.
That word is “Nazi.” Nobody cares about their motives any more.
They joined what they joined. They lent their support and their moral approval. And, in so doing, they bound themselves to everything that came after. Who cares any more what particular knot they used in the binding?”
History furnishes us with innumerable instances that prove this law. It shows, with a startling clarity, that whenever Aryans have mingled their blood with that of an inferior race the result has been the downfall of the people who were the standard-bearers of a higher culture. In North America, where the population is prevalently Teutonic, and where those elements intermingled with the inferior race only to a very small degree, we have a quality of mankind and a civilization which are different from those of Central and South America. In these latter countries the immigrants–who mainly belonged to the Latin races–mated with the aborigines, sometimes to a very large extent indeed. In this case we have a clear and decisive example of the effect produced by the mixture of races. But in North America the Teutonic element, which has kept its racial stock pure and did not mix it with any other racial stock, has come to dominate the American Continent and will remain master of it as long as that element does not fall a victim to the habit of adulterating its blood. - Main Kampf
The confederate states and their Jim Crow policies inspired Hitler. and black GIs came home from liberating Europe to be lynched for being "uppity".
Is "Main Kampf" the Frankfurt version of "Mein Kampf"?
Are you kidding? Watching it happen in real time, it makes less sense than it ever did.
I lived in the shithole parts of the country, it made perfect sense.
Many 'Americans' would eat shit if they knew the smell would piss people off.
See but that's just not making sense up close.
And it's official now.
Well the entire multiplatform astroturfing campaign from people who call themselves leftists worked! Democrats stayed home instead of voting.
Now Palestine will be completely flattened with 0 resistance at all, and redoubled support and bombs for Israel! Way to go! You really showed your support for Palestine by helping this happen!
They will probably come back saying "it wasn't our fault, we just pointed out the truth" while they shouted that a vote for Harris was a vote for genocide [so don't vote for harris] from every platform that they used.
So fucking predictable.
Remember when Biden stepped down? Do you remember how unpopular he was and the massive wave of hope and support for Kamala that showed itself? Well, what the fuck did you think was gonna happen when Kamala glued herself to Biden, and tried to appeal to center right voters? They refuse to make compromises with the left, try to appeal to the center-right, and then blame the left for not voting for them; classic center/lib playbook, the same thing happens in Portugal, same thing happened in 2016 USA elections.
I thought that Democrats would win DESPITE the absolute dog shit campaign, given everything about Trump, but it was still an absolute dog shit campaign by people who claimed this was the most important election of people's lives, but then dug their hills in ideologically and refused to compromise with people on their left.
If the situation wasn't so dire, it would be hilarious to see the double think by Dem voters in this thread:
Well, what the fuck did you think was gonna happen when Kamala glued herself to Biden, and tried to appeal to center right voters? They refuse to make compromises with the left, try to appeal to the center-right, and then blame the left for not voting for them; classic center/lib playbook, the same thing happens in Portugal, same thing happened in 2016 USA elections.
The thing is, I strongly agree with you AND the person you replied to because although I've been agape at watching Kamala sprint away from the left from essentially the moment her candidacy was announced, and I think Democrat leadership is FAR too in the pocket of corporate interests, and far too welcoming of Republicans, she's still so very obviously a better choice than Trump that I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around this. I'd have thought that women alone would have pushed Kamala over the top due to the whole Roe v. Wade thing.
In summary - all my grumpiness at the DNC and Kamala for ignoring the left again was still miles short of what would have propelled me to vote for Trump or enable a Trump win.
Thank you for pointing out how Democrats are cannibalizing their allies, the Left, when we were the only sound ones calling out inadequacies with Kamala's campaign.
Democrats truly will never learn.
Ask yourself what do you think is going to happen next election? Answer: The Dems are going to go hard center. If the left doesn't show up after Biden did green energy, IRA, student debt relief, non-compete clauses being banned via FTC, etc, AND to prevent a literal Hitler quoting fascist getting in, then the left either will literally never show up, or doesn't exist. The left is done. No one is going to run a left platform for fucking decades. Because the left never shows up, or doesn't exist.
You'll probably be permabanned from the instance for saying this but obvious pro trump trolls will get a comment deleted once a day so it all balances out /s
Their instance is, I think they're gucci.
Most of the leftists I know voted for Kamala.
And I love how Democrats' first move after losing is to blame said leftists. We were the only ones calling out the bad moves of Kamala's campaign from the beginning and warning what might happen if she didn't adopt a Walz ticket (or mostly a Walz ticket).
Democrats did this to themselves. It's the reason why they kept supporting a corpse of a candidate with Joe Biden for so long until the first presidential debate, and it's also the reason why Hillary was picked over Bernie in 2016 at the DNC.
Leftists weren't the issue. Democrats' own willingness to ignore what was happening right in front of them was the issue.
The ones over 35 maybe. Young folks believed disinfo. Nobody taught them how to vet information.
Either way, 5 million people is not one vector. People made their choice. It's time to accept that this isn't some gaming of the system or fluke. I know decent people that went from Biden to Trump. I disagree with their logic, but I hear where they're coming from.
We were the only ones calling out the bad moves of Kamala’s campaign from the beginning
What would have happened if you hadn't done that? What would have happened if the average dumbass center left capitalis liberal had heard nothing but praise for Kamala from the left?
She would have won. You had a choice. But you decided to tell the truth even when it cost trans people their lives.
Would you have told the truth to the Gestapo asking if there are Jews in your basement?
Nah Trump won the popular vote too. This has nothing to do with voters staying at home. Trump won on the economy. I went to the gas station before voting yesterday and a redbull was $4 and a small bag of chips $3. I knew at that point there is a good chance that Trump would win.
Well the entire multiplatform astroturfing campaign from people who call themselves leftists worked! Democrats stayed home instead of voting.
Yup. I spent the last month or so tagging them, and I have not seen a single one today.
Yall will never hold the democrats accountable for anything and it's embarrassing
Trump also promised to talk with Russia about solving the Ukraine problem, wanna bet that Russia just keeps going west? :D
I'm not American.
Honest question: Why blame the voters? Why not blame Harris for refusing to do the obviously correct, ethical even moral thing regarding Gaza?
The democrats are so impossibly spineless that they wait for polls and focus groups for their talking points instead of standing up for their principles (if they really exist).
Dems spent the entire campaign trying to compromise with and convince right wingers acting in bad faith instead of just working towards progressive policies. They once and again let the GOP set the tone for every conversation.
The Dem's attitude towards the genocide in Gaza is just a piece of evidence that shows their way of thinking: the dog race and politicking is more important that doing the right thing.
So stop blaming the voters and take a deep look into your own values and principles because the nation being obliterated right now in the middle east and the people who stand for them even at great cost to themselves are definitely not to blame.
Why blame the voters?
Cause they voted. Or didn't. Ultimately the choice is with them and a large majority of people decided that they'll vote for rapist, racist, authoritarian fuckwit or sit the fuck home because it doesn't matter who is running the government.
You can talk strategies and blame Democratic party till cows come home but at the end of the day, the people have to choose the least bad option.
I think you are overshooting how much average American citizens think about or even give a shit about Gaza.
This had nothing to do with Gaza. This election shows Gaza doesn't matter one iota. Ukraine didn't matter one bit. Not even your own human rights mattered. This was inflation, housing, and (further on the right) xenophobia. Clinton was right, "it's the economy stupid" (even though Dems are better for the economy).
In general I agree, because their campaign definitely could've been better and it should've been better. But on the other hand this election wasn't genocide or no genocide, without a significant shift in either political party that would happen regardless. If you really wanted to twist it into "genocide or no genocide" then that vote was "completely support genocide" or "begrudgingly support genocide".
But really this election was between "full steam straight into fascism" and "chance to not go into fascism". It's obvious that if you don't vote for the latter you either want fascism or don't care that you're getting fascism. That is on the voters. They could've voted to pass the fascism buck to the next election, but they didn't. Now America is getting fascism.
They literally voted for it. You can't say don't blame the people who chose it. Blame both.
Honest question: Why blame the voters? Why not blame Harris for refusing to do the obviously correct, ethical even moral thing regarding Gaza?
Because it's only one issue out of many that need to be addressed (I didn't say fixed because IMHO the IDF are doing pretty good work eradicating Hamas, all things considered).
You guys need to take care of your housing, healthcare, gerrymandering, public transport, student loans, separation of religion and government and a truckload of other things that I don't think Trump has any interest in improving. And you can bet your bottom dollar that Trump won't be any "better" in regards to the situation in Gaza and the rest of the middle east.
So the voters that didn't vote Harris purely because of the Gaza issue are to blame for their short sightedness.
You are right. We can't keep blaming other citizens like ourselves.
There is one group of people that led us to this point: Democrats themselves. And by Democrats, I mean those in power, delegates, podcast hosts, and the ones supposedly "leading" the party. Not the electorate.
They are the ones that wished Biden would be able to make it to a second term, when the first presidential debate clearly showed otherwise. They are the ones that pushed un-Democratic policies in hopes of winning over a base they've never captured: Republicans. They are the ones that dropped the ball on one of the greatest feats of Kamala's campaign that could have sent her over the finish line: Tim Walz and a progressive agenda.
DNC relies on Zionist/Israel first funding, even as most of it went to Trump. Every other oligarch/lobby group allies with Zionism because failure to do so would hurt their interests, if it upset the Zionists who overspend relative to usual Israel aid amounts given each year. Zionism is integral to oil geopolitics by dividing the middle east, and providing war spending opportunities. Do you think tech, farmers or manufacturing can oppose that trifecta of power?
Fuck, this his hard. As a father of a gay child, and a trans child, our immediate plans are passports.
*Visa. Passport won't be enough to travel to the EU and select other countries in 2025.
EITAS isn't a visa, and you can do it without travel plans and it lasts 3 years, tied to your passport.
As you know, we're in a similar boat. Thankfully, we can get to Britain and stay (in theory) but the prospect of telling my elderly mother and my wife's family goodbye for the last time, finding the money, finding new jobs with my health issues, just downsizing so that we can move...
But we are doing it.
I hope you and your family find safety and my best wishes to all of you.
Get out before January if you can
Jeez that's sad to read. I wish you all good luck on the voyage to a less a hostile country
Imagine being Latino in a red state.
They've already done it to gay and trans people. Last time the Muslim ban was foiled by the courts. Now that the Republicans control the presidency, the SC, the house and Senate, little stands in their way. Project 2025's Schedule F will see to that.
Some states did an amazing self-own tonight, and unfortunately both teams are going to endure some severe beatings. I feel absolutely sick right now. Poor us. Poor Ukraine. Poor middle east. Taiwan is so fucking boned.
Imagine being Latino and trans in a red state. Those people definitely exist. I am very scared for them.
I am so fucking sorry you are in this shit and I wish you and your children good luck going forward. Sadly it seems like you will need it.
So, place your bets! What's going to be that one announcement that suddenly makes your neighbours go all quiet?
Yes, some of these are fearmongering but he's made all sorts of promises and debts are due! The sky is the limit!
If you think any or all of these is going to finally get a Trump supporter to lose faith, then you failed to learn the lesson that 2016 should've taught you, and yesterday should've reminded you of - they will never lose faith. He could tell them to literally kill their own kids and they'd just say "Oh, like what God told Abraham! I'll get right on it, my Lord!"
Play along at home!
None of these things will change the minds of the people who support Trump. Humans, sadly, have an aversion to anything that threatens their beliefs. We have a law that says a convicted felon can't vote in an election, and yet, no law to prevent that same felon from running for, and winning political office. The founding fathers, likely, never imagined a convicted felon would run for office, and even moreso that the people of this county would vote for him.
My bets are...
Police protections
Tax Burden shift
Media control/persecution
New protection for discrimination on 1st amendment grounds for hiring/business
NOAA collapse (more like privatization)
Democrat imprisonments
Removal of carbon output caps.
Also missing, he is going to dismiss all the court cases against himself, and use the military to lock up anyone who filed or testified against him.
Oh and Joe Biden is going to sit on his thumbs for the next 2 months instead of taking the wrapper off those new tyrant powers and drone-striking his ass.
The most important and serious one not on the list is that democracy no longer exists in the US. I would be very surprised if people are allowed to vote in 2026.
He will be a dictator day one (actual quote), and dictators don't typically stop dictating once they feel the power.
I honestly think he's going to be worse than Hitler. A lot can change over the next 10 years.
None of these will be announcements. They will probably happen, but quietly.
Military has already been send to lebanon. America isn't planning a ground invasion, its planning a genocide ans carpet bombing does the job.
By 'military sent to Ukraine' you don't mean to help them fight Russia do you?
They don't care about any of that shit as long as petrol is 2c cheaper.
I was going to actually pick one but I honestly don't think any of these are beyond the pale for his followers. And while he is an idiot, he has plenty of not stupid people around him that will ensure these don't happen all at once or at some critical moment - we are going to be frogs boiling. People are going to have to worry about getting food on the table and won't be able to fight back.
Reduction in the minimum wage
How optimistic that you think it'll exist at all. Why pay little wage when no wage do trick?
Repeal of the 19th amendment
The majority of white women voted for Trump. It's the POCs that tilted against him
As a European, I'm happy not to know what most of those mean.
Women: he told you he's taking your rights away and is already letting you die in hospital waiting rooms
Tradesman: he told you overtime and unions are gone
Veterans: he told you he hates you, pissed all over the sanctity of Arlington and is gutting the VA
Hispanics: he told you you and yours are getting deported and doesn't care if you're legal or not
Those on social security, Medicare, Medicaid or ACA: he told you he's cutting/gutting these
Anyone with ties to Palestine: he told you he's going to help Israel finish the job
Pour one out for America and Ukraine, and the Middle East in general. And Taiwan.
Europe and Asia, you guys better get your shit together, we might be out of this one permanently. Or we might have a very long recovery time spanning decades. Such fucking bullshit.
I know Americans get upset when I say this to them but honestly, I think it's the time the United States broke up, it's too big, it's too powerful, and as soon as someone like him gets in charge everything goes to shit.
If the United States was smaller it wouldn't matter as much if a random dictator got in charge of a small bit of it.
That's more practical than just reforming the election system, apparently. Ugh.
Oldschool Republicans may have a point here too, perhaps less federal power is better.
Europe and Asia, you guys better get your shit together
Yes, it's now or never.
Who am I kidding, we won't do anything, of course. Everyone will huddle in his corner.
In Europe particularly the big problem will be Turkey and Italy as usual.
For the sake of my mental health I'm currently trying to gaslight myself into thinking that Trump being president isn't bad. But the truth is there is no realistic way the country is coming back from this. Not in my lifetime at least.
The only hope is that he's so far gone mentally already that he ends up mostly doddering around the oval office. The problem is he's already surrounded himself with the most vile people who will have no problem doing terrible things in his name.
Maybe he'll die and JD Vance will magically regain a conscience.
Yeah, no. Our European society is in decline.
Recently we had some floodings on Valencia. We are aiming for 300 dead... In a modern society 300 dead because of a flooding, the same dead tool as in 1957 when the same area flooded. Our society is definitely failing.
Just read an article in the guardian by a climate scientist lamenting how many times he and his colleagues presented flood risk data to city officials in Valencia but time and time again they ignored them. Very sad.
Recovery time? Getting our shit together? Europe and Asia won't survive the climate collapse either. I don't know why you people talk like this.
Yeah, there is no coming back from this one
Indeed. This election was won by Vladimir Putin.
Europe [..] you guys better get your shit together
LMAO my guy we're sandwiched between the US their thousands of nuclear warheads and Russia their thousands of nuclear warheads, what do you want me to do?
And Taiwan.
If there's one thing Ds and Rs agree on, it's the need to start a war with China
Well, I for one will question it, because I don't understand what I'm seeing. How the flying fuck is this happening?
(...if slightly ableist)
White women, Hispanics, and black men all came out in droves voting for Trump.
Inflation, housing, and further on the right xenophobia. Clinton was right, "it's the economy, stupid".
Baffling. We already rejected this guy once when he had less baggage. His first term was objectively terrible.
So, I guess America has kings now, because Trump will never see another day in court for his crimes, and he's not going to prison.
I just don't have the strength anymore. I'm teetering on the brink of agreeing with the accelerationists and just letting it happen. The faster Trump ruins the country, the sooner we can rebuild it while we still have time to enjoy it.
First they came for the illegal immigrants and I did not speak out because I was a legal citizen.
Then they came for the LGBTQ members and I did not speak out because I am straight.
Then they came for the non-whites and I did not speak out because I am white.
Then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak for me.
Listen to any random Trump speech, replace "migrants" with "jews" and you have a Hitler speech.
Meh, Hitler prepared his speeches thoroughly and actually knew how to hold a convincing speech
I don't understand why you people only kill your good presidents.
"John Kennedy, murdered. Gandhi, murdered. Martin Luther King, murdered. Jesus, murdered. Reagan, wounded.” - Bill Hicks
Because the good presidents were the ones who stood up against the evil Southern states.
At least 2 people decided to try this time
I mean... McKinley was only so/so.
Novikov self-consistency principle.
Seems to have worked for Jesus. Maybe they're trying to bring about his second coming? Althought it thought it was the other side that was into that kind of stuff.
I guess I underestimated just how many americans have a problem with a PoC + Woman candidate, perhaps it was an error from the dems to not run a white guy at this moment.
It wouldn't have mattered.
The numbers showed turnout on the left was pathetic compared to 2020, while turnout on the right was basically the same.
The monsters always win in the long run because they're fanatics and don't stop to think.
Eh. This was one of the chief concerns for those of us that resisted Biden stepping down that late in the race. No time for a primary, so Harris had to be the candidate. I was pleasantly surprised at the great reception she enjoyed for the first month, but the hype obviously didn't reach far beyond the solidly blue base.
The only reason there was not enough time was because Biden took his time abdicating. We had more than enough time for primaries had Biden stepped down earlier.
White women, latino men, etc. It's just sad to see.
Don't play dumb, she was unpopular with the left and did nothing to help with it. "Eat it up because otherwise it's trump" doesn't get you votes.
You can blame religion for trump. A rapist con man who never goes to church is their new jesus. What a fucking cult.
Don't think it won't happen to you. When the incoming wave of Ukrainian refugees hits Europe, the populists that have already been growing in popularity will make their move. With the U.S. fallen, a lot of money and attention has been freed up to destabilize other countries.
It's happening in Italy. It's happening in the Netherlands. It's happening in France. If you think you are ready for it, remember that we thought the same.
My one takeaway from this is that primaries are important. Republicans held a primary, nominated an incomprehensibly stupid candidate, and managed to win. Dems held no primary, Biden strong armed his way into the de-facto nomination for a second term, and was replaced by his VP when he imploded on the campaign trail. At no point did Dem voters ever get to have a say in their candidate this year. Not that Kamala or Joe are bad candidates, but clearly, they're lacking something if Trump was able to win again after changing nothing from 2020.
So, the DNC fucked us again and we got Trump a second time in exactly the same way.
I mean it's quite different. Hitler wasn't elected (at least not prior to seizing power and effectively banning all opposition). Instead the Nazis got a plurality of just 33% in the Reichstag election, which led to failure to form a government. Then Hitler somehow convinced the center right President to grant him powers which he promptly started abusing and the rest is history.
In other words, 1930s Germany can kind of defend itself in ways the US can't.
As an American, our bell was tolling long ago and so few of us cared to listen. (This is a quote from Carl Sagan's book from nearly 20 years ago).
“I have a foreboding of an America in my children's or grandchildren's time -- when the United States is a service and information economy; when nearly all the manufacturing industries have slipped away to other countries; when awesome technological powers are in the hands of a very few, and no one representing the public interest can even grasp the issues; when the people have lost the ability to set their own agendas or knowledgeably question those in authority; when, clutching our crystals and nervously consulting our horoscopes, our critical faculties in decline, unable to distinguish between what feels good and what's true, we slide, almost without noticing, back into superstition and darkness...
The dumbing down of American is most evident in the slow decay of substantive content in the enormously influential media, the 30 second sound bites (now down to 10 seconds or less), lowest common denominator programming, credulous presentations on pseudoscience and superstition, but especially a kind of celebration of ignorance”
America is likely now doomed. We'll balkanize into minor states that join either the axis or allies of WWIII until we mostly dissolve altogether and the next wave of history and death and rolls through. Though seeing the rise of fascism on the world scale, I think we're generally just doomed, all of us. Perhaps we're just an avenue for AGI to wipe us out and go fight other AGIs on some intergalactic scale not much different from our own inability to get along and work together. Perhaps I've been drinking myself to stupor now that I see what has happened.
"Now is not the time for unity" is plastered on Fox news, in case you had any doubts of what's to come.
Well of the day comes that fascism once against rules my country, then I will not back down. I'd rather die fighting and struggling against them my head held high than to bend my back and obey them. Fuck that, I'd rather not be remembered at all than to be remembered as a collaborator or neutral party.
I'm half way through this book "demon haunted world" It's wild how history repeats itself and people cling to 'magic' when life gets hard
Everyone is charging their crystals or praying to Jesus to feel like they are in control. People are losing grasp of reality on purpose
Yup. A big issue is the system has been rigged against us for so long. Wages haven’t increased as rent, houses, groceries, transportation, education and everything else have gone up in price. So as Sagan said, people want to “feel good” by believing a “down to earth guy” who isn’t formal, doesn’t look like the establishment will fix it.
Trump and his cronies have made themselves out to be the good guys, that will tear down the systems that are causing hardship, when they are the exact elites that has built this system and want to further it. Fascism works best with an unseen and/or misdirected enemy and uneducated population, and it’s clear. It’s the gays/independent women/migrants/minorities. It’s those who are “different.”
They’re part of that unseen enemy that keeps making things worse. And for the idiots it feels good for them to drink beers together and complain about grocery store prices and say “fuck Biden.” Instead of “have you guys seen congressional proposals to limit increases to grocery prices?”
Yeah, but it was never between Hitler and a woman! Yanks hate nothing more than women, so what did you expect?
Don't play dumb, she was unpopular with the left and did nothing to help with it. "Eat it up because otherwise it's trump" doesn't get you votes.
To be honest I'd called a Trump victory early on, but how the fuck is he winning this hard? Hell he didn't even need Michigan.
The biggest swing towards Trump was Latino men by 31 pts. Make your own conclusions.
We have always known why Hitler rose to power, and we know why Trump was reelected. When people are economically depressed and a man comes to you and tells you “This isn’t your fault, I will persecute those who are responsible and personally make things better for you.” It’s human nature, out of fear, frustration, or desperation to grasp that hand. We as a people are not ready to trust the guy who says “This is our fault, and it will be hard, but we have to fix this together”. Take everything you know about Hitler and Trump and OUR world out of it, take out your reasoning and tap into your monkey brain for a second and simply ruminate on those two propositions. Which one would you rather be true? You can’t honestly tell me the latter. You may know the latter is true, but it would be so much easier on you if the first was true.
Like it or not, we aren’t as evolved as we like to think, and those of us who consider ourselves enlightened are vulnerable to our lizard brains at one point or another.
Don't worry guys. We'll run another centrist in 2028 too. But this time it'll work.
Being a centrist is not Harris' problem. Harris' problem was being non-white and a woman in a nation of fickle uninformed voters.
Sure, that didn't help, but she also was a "more of the same" candidate (she's rhe current VP!)
As much as I wanted her to win, she was always a stupid choice in at a time where voters can essentially all agree on one thing: they want change.
Status quo politics is dead, the dems just haven't realized it yet. As braindead as Trump and a most of his policies are, people like that he doesn't give a shit about disrupting things to achieve his goals.
LOL. Voting in the USA is over. There will be no future elections. And I hope you like church.
it's sarcasm mate but yeah I hope they like it too
Oh, you think Trump won't break the barriers and sit for life?
statistically, if he wins, he's likely to sit for life even if he doesn't cancel future elections (or however he plans to suppress democracy), because, you see, he is very old and likely to die soon (but probably not soon enough for my taste).
Look at the guy. He's going to die before the end of the term and Vance will take over. That's when the real fun begins.
Based on how he did with his speech to his supporters, I don't think that'll be for very long...
I hope in the last leg of their campaign they dig up Nixon's bones and get a endorsement from him to try and draw in conservatives that don't care one bit about Nixon, and alternate and demotivate their actual base of voters!
Irrelevant. The people who tried to stop it already know how Hitler came to power, and the ones who should ask how it happened — the ones you should address your post to — either don’t care or actively want another Hitler.
But hey, at least you slammed the people who tried their hardest, rather than actually address conservatives themselves, which would have required you actually confronting them. Glad you feel better, though.
I'm watching it happen in real time and STILL questioning how it happened. Humans are some stupid motherfuckers. America burned its hand on Trump, and now a disturbing number of Americans are reaching for him again with the same hand, still blistered from the first time.
He literally killed more Americans than all previous wars after WWII combined, and no one gives a fuck. Truly indescribably baffling.
We need a solution to this, because honestly the US just lost its democracy.
It's 1933.
Any ideas on ways out of this?
Community for further discussion: !
The next question now is. Will your neighbors/friends/relatives cooperate with the new SS (ICE)
Yes absolutely
They are already training them up.
I fucking hate our country right now. This country is the dumbest it’s ever been. There are no word as to how stupid this shithole is...
And it's just going to get dumber. Messing with the department of education is going to be a shit show, but Republicans do love uneducated voters.
Let's not forget who the new director of HHS is going to be.
Dr. Brainworms
I'm still going to question it. We're literally living through it and I don't understand it.
Well you see... Kamala had no substantial policy positions that help the working class of america, she refused to challenge the status quo, mocked her supporters, and ran towards people who love trump more than life.
And then individuals instead of recognizing these facts demanded people vote for the lesser evil like it was a blessing to be able to do so besides a cross to carry and wonder why people didnt show up.
Tell me where was harris during the boeing strike?
absolutely no one acted like voting blue was a blessing and claiming that is so incredibly disingenuous. every single debate I saw here was very clear about how it is always a lesser of evils so don't dare pretend like it wasn't.
it's also incredibly pathetic to claim she is status quo when douchebag deluxe has already been president once and did fuck all to help anyone but himself.
you gas bags never argue in good faith and have the memory of a broken stick.
I would be more concerned if he were less stupid. Going by his last presidency he'll spend half his time golfing and the rest driving through ineffective "red meat" policies to get attention from his base. Ultimately he's just a pathetic man who craves attention.
What concerns me more is that his destruction of political norms means that someone who is similarly evil - but actually capable - might be able to use him as a template to take power in the future and make America into a dictatorship. Someone like Xi Jinping as opposed to an aging B-list celebrity.
During the Trump presidency, I read a book entitled "They Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933-45". In it, a journalist gives an account of his interviews with people who had been rank-and-file members of the Nazi Party in Nazi Germany. It really is remarkable what similarities there are.
There are some things that I think will keep the US safe, at least for now. One is that Trump himself is old and will slow down soon. The other thing is that Hitler came to power against democratic institutions that were much, much weaker and younger than what the US has. The Weimar Republic had been established just 15 years prior, whereas the US has had a continuous government for nearly 250 years.
Trump or anyone trying to follow in his stead simply has a lot more in their way. Of course, that's no reason for complacency.
I'm worried about whoever comes after Trump less than Trump.
Trump is interested in himself, and only himself. But someone may take better advantage of the hole he has punched, and he's proven that American's really don't care about scandal and straight up failures and crimes.
But I don't think the leopard will eat my face!
I'm just afraid the rest of the world will follow. Just heard Farage giggling on live tv
In Germany Hitler only got around a third of the vote. Trump is winning the popular vote.
Mussolini won in a landslide, and had the popular vote.
It would still be nearly as bad if it was one of the Republican EC-only victories, but to see him so far ahead in the popular vote is really saddening.
Best of luck, mates.
Where this country is going, we don't need luck. We need a fucking meteor to hit us, to put us out of our misery.
I guess I'll be last seen being dragged into one of the detaining camps because I'm getting several T-shirts made, "Don't blame me. I didn't vote for the orange shitbag douche!" Now we don't have to wonder why there's not a shit load of advanced life in the universe. We just experienced one of the bottlenecks of civilizations advancing.
Because of different countries voting for right wing governments recently and tonight, I've lost hope for this country and the planet.
Later add on: I have no clue why my post keep showing up as f'ed up text. If anyone know, please advise.
Looking at your text, I believe that the system is parsing it as formatting. The four spaces " " mess with it
So your text comes out
like this
Ok. Thank you.