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  • So. If my PC cannot be upgraded because of your bullshit requirements, can you leave me alone please.

    Also in win 11.. if I have an office subscription activated in the OS can you please not throw ads for office 365 then.

    It's nonsense.

  • got a book on Linux from the library this week, and I've been speaking with a friend who runs Linux full time on his system. looking to make the switch within the next few weeks; absolutely done with windows, personally.

    • I've been on Linux Mint for a few months now, and haven't booted into Windows in like three weeks.

      The transition has been relatively painless.

  • You can't "upgrade" windows, only downgrade it with patches and new versions that make your computer slower and more annoying.

    Plasma 6 comes at the end of the month. Maybe upgrade to that instead. :)

  • My machine can't handle that upgrade and I've not gotten any popups, thankfully.

  • Give me back my vertical side-docked taskbar or STFU.

    No, I don't want to deal with Explorer Patcher.

  • I got the full-screen splash screen depicted on the second screenshot a couple of weeks ago, I screamed "No!" thinking Microsoft upgraded me to W11 without my consent. My partner thought my computer was broken 😂

  • I didn't even get a question, just straight up installed Windows 11 on my Surface with a bunch of cumulative roll ups after using it again for the first time in about 8 months. Couldn't even stop it once the "windows update" started, only option is to allow the reboot and then go through the hassle of rolling back to 10. It's a tertiary device for me and goes long periods without being used and I was probably ok with testing 11 performance on it, but don't appreciate being strong armed. I had to kill modern standby again to prevent battery drain while shut down, which is plaguing my laptop after I tried 11 on it.

    Windows 11 is straight up unusable in multi-monitor configurations though due to the locked down UI customization, so my main rig won't be touching it with a 20ft pole. If Linux had more consistent VR gaming performance and support, I'd probably be jumping ship. As it stands, once 10 hits EOL I'll probably end up there anyway. Microsoft will be killing one of my headsets at the same time anyway by dropping WMR, and I hear there is some great Linux options for the Surface Pro line now too.

  • I'm thankful that I made the Switch to Linux after Windows 10 forced updates got annoying while gaming. I'll deal with whatever trade offs. I only need Windows for my Elgato atm.