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  • this is being handled so childishly by what seems like a good handful of the mods and admins lol. complete shit show. why not just lock the thread and perma everyone criticizing you all at this point, or do you enjoy arguing with us that much? i acknowledge that some users have acted overly hostile and crossed lines which sucks for you all to have to deal with but you all have created this situation (problem was fake to begin with) and gone on to drop the ball on resolving it several times in comical fashion.

    • I went to make dinner and come back to a literal shitstorm. What the actual fuck is going on? Our admin and mod teams need to seriously do some self crit now. This is the most pathetic shit I've seen online in quite a long time, and that's going back to my reddit days.

    • Frfr

      I understand the intentions behind the original proposed change but this is just upsetting now :(

      Gonna go touch grass (maybe, if my irl friend wants to go lol)

      Btw, I missed your reply to me in the first thread before it got locked, no hard feelings ofc

      You're cool and am sorry if I caused any more stress for you, I've never had my decisions torn apart by thousands of replies before :/

  • This post has mentioned chauvinistic, misogynistic, and toxic tendencies three times but provided literally no examples of such - nor did Carcosa's original post. I am not trying to say that these things have never existed or never will exist in posts/comments on my beloved Hexbear nor am I saying that you (or any other admin/mod) should have to provide examples of literally any/everything TC69 - but I am begging you to actually provide some legitimate examples because otherwise this just sounds like the same "we don't want the dunk tank because white cishet male behavior" justification that everyone was like


  • I'm glad to wrt to the slop things and the rules things. I'm surprised there's no mention of any actions wrt to the mods or transparency. Unless that falls under COC somehow, but that's not the vibe I'm getting.

    This strugglesession evolved slowly over time as it became clear the actual reasons for closing the comms were not the reasons given. It gradually became evident a subsection of the mod team have really shitty attitudes about what it is they do and the position they have in the community. They're reddit power mods wishing to rule over ever shrinking digital fiefdoms. If we want to reckon with "chauvinism" then we need to start with those holding the most influential positions, and we need to set in place a system that makes it so this cliquey backdoors ratfuckery shit does not happen again.

    Like the labour shitfuck to your tory fuckshit I applaud your initiative, but I invite you to go further :tory:
    There's a lot that could be done to achieve more transparency. I'll find my old comment for some of the bulletpoints

    edit: Christ I had to scroll thru a lot of dreg to find it. Can't believe you'd literally force me to see all those dumb takes and not even give me the ability to post, truly this is onethousandninehundredeightyfour.
    Anyway, link to long post The relevant bit:

    I don't think this is the last time this situation will erupt, if nothing changes about how moderation is handled and how site changes are handled.
    Keeping the two comms open just leaves a sour taste in my mouth. Not kicking the mods who wrote that shit out is also a bad sign, for the direction this whole thing is headed.

    I would really recommend that mod discussions aren't anonymous anymore. Have the matrix board or whatever it is, but make it so everyone can go and look what is being posted, just like with the modlog. The only time discussions should be anonymous, should be when there is a risk to operational security, and not a vague risk, an actual one. It should also be announced whenever those anonymous discussions take place and explained why they have to be anonymous.

    Early in the site days we went away from displaying which mod took an action in the modlog, and just blaming everything on automod. I think reverting that would go a very long way to bust a lot of this cliquey shit.

    When users notice certain users get special treatment, they get banned for commenting on it, until the situation becomes so egregious that it cannot be hidden anymore. Not allowing the userbase to call out bad mod practice, is also not good. We've closed both userunion and feedback because the mods don't like the "drama" - Getting called out for shitty behaviour. We really need a comm where the userbase is free to voice concerns and grievances. That would also go a long way towards avoiding these situations in the future. And this time mods shouldn't remove posts just because they dislike them, that's pissbaby shit.

    Other good effortposts I found while scrolling thru the dreg

    Finally: For those who are just now tuning in and wondering if all the fuss is about the naming of some comms. It's not. It's about people feeling lied to, talked down to and mistrustful of the mod team due past behaviours and the way this was handled. This comment thread probably gives you the best idea of what was the catalyst for being Very Mad Online. I'm done now, you can dunk on me knowing no more edits will come.

    I'll still think Naruto is worse than One Piece though

  • There's something really funny about a bunch of commie admins who want a serious leftist community, but rather than actually committing to anything like democratic centralism by gauging their communities' thoughts on things they instead unironically do the whole undemocratic shadow cabal 1984 meme by dropping half-baked ideas on everyone with zero prior warning or discussion.

    And by "really funny," I of course mean that the admins should take their own advice and go touch grass for a bit, because this is by far the dumbest struggle session this site has had and that's saying something.

  • again, posting here after posting in the other thread because i need to get words out, even if they're not taken up

    one of the founding principles, and one of the most important things that makes this site something I return to often, is the fact that we are willing to take each other in good faith. Absolutely there are times when people are posting dripping in irony, but for the most part I think this is something we've done well, and something we've managed to maintain over the years since this site launched. That said, the jacketing that keeps happening, and especially what took place yesterday in regards to 'cishet white vibes', needs to stop. We can change the rules all we want, we can struggle and struggle over and over again but until the leadership team here internalises this, the issue is never going to go away. It is clear that there is some level of contempt for the userbase, even if it's not framed as such. Even if we meme about it, the underlying culture of the leadership team seems to allow for this contempt to fester, and it's most clear when the team throws aside any nuance and understanding of the users here in favour of casting swathes of us as 'white' or 'cishet', so that sweeping decisions can be made about us. I don't know how you weed this out, I just recognise it as the seed that it is.

    As a trans woman, as a Person of Colour, this is one of the few sane places online. Ultimately, I don't care about the tanks closing, even if I want them around. I don't even really care that we have struggles every now and then, but I admit I say that as a regular user and not a mod or admin. I'm not about to leave this site, I don't have elsewhere to go, but that is precisely why things like this concern me. I understand the effort and everything needed to run a site, let alone a site like this one, so I understand slip ups and miscommunication. I'm not about to call for the abolishment of the system, but some level of self diagnosis of the problem and consequences thereafter feels like the only good way forward here.

  • I gotta say banning everyone for everything all the time was quite a funny bit back in the CTH days when we were still getting lots of recruits from reddit and various other places, but banning everyone for everything now when we're not really growing and not really recruiting is probably a less good idea. Every time someone leaves for good it's unlikely they're being replaced by someone new and that's going to eventually lead to us falling below some critical mass of users required to maintain an active community.

    I mean definitely ban people for good reasons but banning people for jokes or because some feathers got slightly ruffled is a lot less worthwhile these days. To be clear I'm not saying give hate a pass... absolutely do not give hate a pass. But the mod log is public, as you say, and I find myself poking around in there a lot to see what's going on and seeing folks banned for dumb reasons is not a nice time.

    Other than that welcome back. TC69 thought can and should continue to be upheld without perm banning every mildly rude poster.

  • So...

    Just trying to summarize for myself what to make of this.

    In summation:

    • It's over. For now.
    • Adjustments to renaming the mockery forums.
    • Adjustments to code of conduct and new filters to eliminate but not limited to misogynistic/sexist/transphobic slurs.
    • Instead of forcing people to effort post in both forums, they'll be separated to encourage effort post in one and low effort mockery material in another.

    I think there's left over unresolved feelings from this struggle session:

    • anonymous moderators statement in Carcosa's initial announcement was filled with direct and indirect verbal abuse and belligerent hostility to the user base.
    • Unilateral decisions being imposed upon the user base by a clique of moderators who appear to have contempt for their comms.

    Is there anything else?

  • I've stayed out of this mess so far because engaging in these struggle sessions is usually a waste of time but if dunk culture is opposed by the mods the modlog should reflect that. Banning people with no reason given besides some pithy joke is just dunking isn't it? Because looking at the modlog gives no indication for why users like Alaskaball are perma banned besides disagreeing with the decisions being made. From an outside perspective it just looks like a user who engages in effortposting and actively tries to make this site better is being banned for no reason. If we want to make this site better it has to come from both sides.

  • i realize i haven't posted at all in this strugglesesh which is honestly a good thing because even just reading it all has landed me a massive headache but i'm so serious when i say that i believe that bits should not have a place in these kinds of discussions. people are genuinely upset and i really don't think the confusion that is arising from these bits and inside jokes are helping the matter and are rather spiraling things further out of control.

    • Yeah, seeing the Alaskaball/Sangria bit unfold with people actually very upset at...Alaskaball (Sangria)...on Alaskaball's behalf....because of misgendering which is one of main issues users are upset about feels emotionally manipulative and real icky to me. I'm sure it wasn't intended to turn out like it did but god damn read the room

  • Late to reading up on what was happening till last night/this morning (AEDT; UTC+11:00)

    Perhaps all we want to do is point and laugh, perhaps a baby leftist sees something Not Good TM somewhere else on the internet, and while they do not have all the context or education on the matter to make an effort post of why said thing is Not Good TM, they do have the ability to identify it as Not Good TM and can post it to let other people tear it apart.

    I think this is the point people were making in the other threads, right?

    Getting people to do homework for every post just kills the vibe

  • I’m going to make a megathread for the community to decide the name of our new slop trough.

    Tbh that’s a pretty damn good one right there: /c/slop_trough. I’ll wait for that thread and enter it as a suggestion there is no one else does first.

  • We will be updating the COC in the coming week-ish to explicitly disallow misogynistic and chauvinistic language/sentiments – what will be explicitly said

    this is very cool and good, and as a proud commenter-not-a-poster i appreciate the love

    anyway i think the whole saying ppl who enjoyed it gave off cishet male vibes was like. a real big issue that should probably be addressed somehow

  • We will be updating the COC in the coming week-ish to explicitly disallow misogynistic and chauvinistic language/sentiments – what will be explicitly said, I don’t yet know but I do have some ideas having reviewed the COC for the first time in 3 years last night.

    While you're at it, I hope the admins explicitly disallow all the forms of bigotry that allegedly they have been committed to the whole time, at least since the current code of conduct was allegedly posted 21 June 2023:

    We are committed to providing a friendly, safe and welcoming environment for all, regardless of gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, personal appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, nationality, or other similar characteristic.

  • Edit: I bet y'all would want to know what name I was thinking of, huh? Too bad!

    I know this is still a hot topic, but I think it's good to amend the rules regarding misogyny and chauvanism, while letting us keep our slop. We are all sick fucks anyways, but we want to be as inclusive sick fucks as possible, and I don't see how amending the rules is going to hurt things. Theoretically misogyny and chauvanism should be removed already, but I can't speak for everyone's experiences.

    Users like have made good effortposts on the matter of the mod drama, and I echo the sentiment that I hope this can be an opportunity for us to bounce back stronger and brighter than before. I have seen at least one mod make numerous alt accounts and behave in a highly toxic, unacceptable manner, IMO, and many users have expressed issue with the released mod statements, like the transphobic remarks that erased the real participatory demographics in the comms. I'd like for this to be taken seriously, it's clear that our trans and enby comrades have taken offense to these statements and that shouldn't stand.

    I dunno, maybe I'm annoying and maybe people don't like me, but I like to think the vast majority of us have the best in mind for this site, that's what I genuinely believe.

    Edit: No, I will not stop editing my comment

    We love our trans comrades

    Alright time for me to shut the fuck up again, I keep saying I am going to

    but I keep checking these threads like a piggy for slop and I doubt people give a shit about my takes anyways, I'm always too hopeful and likely annoying about it when it's clear damage has been done and it can seem like I'm minimizing it, I dunno

    People have every right to be upset and I am not trying to minimize that.

  • Somewhat self-important? Maybe (aren't we all tho). But "annoying"? Certainly not.

    After distracting myself and returning to the subject later, I have to step back from the position that closing the tanks was a good thing. The inevitable result is that the pillory content will spill out or disperse into other comms. Much as I'm iffy about what their effect is on our mental health, they really were the best compromise.

    Oh and also, what is the party line on the word "binch" and its derivatives, which came out of the dirtbag left around 2018? Is it good practice to say something like "clarence thomas retire binch"?